Compiling and Running Sketches

Once you've written your code, it's time to get to the fun part—actually running it on your hardware.

Selecting Your Execution Target

First, you have to let know what hardware you want to target. You do this with three popup buttons in the window toolbar:

Compiling and Uploading Your Program

If all the necessary target information is selected (and the selected port exists), the Upload button in the toolbar becomes active. Clicking the button will compile your program (and, if necessary, the selected Arduino core and libraries) and then upload it to your board.

If you need more (or less) information for your upload, you can adjust the verbosity in the Preferences dialog.

Serial Communication With Your Program

In typical Arduino boards, the running program conducts its serial communication on the same port used for uploading the program. To interact with the serial port, click the Connect button in the toolbar.

However, also supports connecting to arbitrary serial ports (and an unlimited number of them) through the SketchSerial Monitor submenu.

Disassembling Your Program

If you would like to see what machine instructions are produced for your program, click the Disasm toolbar button. The Disassembly window will then show an assembler listing of the machine code, interspersed with your original source code (If you prefer, you can turn off the source code display in the Preferences dialog.