function distance = word_distance(word1, word2, model) % Shows the L2 distance between word1 and word2 in the word_embedding_weights. % Inputs: % word1: The first word as a string. % word2: The second word as a string. % model: Model returned by the training script. % Example usage: % word_distance('school', 'university', model); word_embedding_weights = model.word_embedding_weights; vocab = model.vocab; id1 = strmatch(word1, vocab, 'exact'); id2 = strmatch(word2, vocab, 'exact'); if ~any(id1) fprintf(1, 'Word ''%s\'' not in vocabulary.\n', word1); return; end if ~any(id2) fprintf(1, 'Word ''%s\'' not in vocabulary.\n', word2); return; end word_rep1 = word_embedding_weights(id1, :); word_rep2 = word_embedding_weights(id2, :); diff = word_rep1 - word_rep2; distance = sqrt(sum(diff .* diff));