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2006-11-10 08:07:56 +00:00
// lightttango
Begin Doc
A light version of our tango.
Author Bob van der Poel
Time 4
Timesig 4 4
Include stdpats
//// Additional patterns
Begin Bass Define
Btang 1 4 1 90; 2.5 8 1 90; 3 8 5 90; 4 8 3 90;
Bp1 3.5 8 3 90; 4 8 5 90; 4.5 8 1 90;
Bp2 1 2 1 90
Bp3 2 2 1 90
Bp4 2.5 2 5 90
SeqSize 4
Begin Drum-Kick
Tone KickDrum1
Sequence D1234
Accent 1 30
Volume mp
Rtime 5
Rvolume 5
Begin Drum-Snare
Tone SnareDrum1
Sequence D1234 {D1234; D4 Shift .75}
Accent 1 30
Volume mp
Rtime 5
Rvolume 5
Begin Drum-PHH
Tone PedalHiHat
Sequence D1234
Volume mp
Rtime 5
Rvolume 5
Begin Drum-Tam
Tone Tambourine
Sequence {D14; D3 shift .5}
Rskip 10
Volume mp
Rtime 5
Rvolume 5
Begin Drum-Clave
Tone Claves
Sequence {D3 Shift .5; D4} z
Volume mp
Rtime 5
Rvolume 5
Begin Chord-Accordion
Voice Accordion
Voicing Mode=Optimal
Sequence C1234 { C1234; C3 Shift .5 } \
C1234 { C1234; C13 Shift .5 }
Articulate 30
Accent 1 20 3 10
Volume ppp
Octave 6
Begin Chord-Guitar
Voice NylonGuitar
Voicing Mode=Optimal
Sequence C1234 { C1234; C4 Shift .5 } \
C1234 { C1234; C24 Shift .5 }
Articulate 50
Accent 1 20 3 10
Volume mp
Octave 6
Begin Bass-Piano
Voice Piano1
Sequence Bp1 Bp2 Bp3 Bp4
Volume mp
Harmony - - 3Above /
Articulate 100
Octave 5
Begin Bass
Voice AcousticBass
Sequence Btang
Volume mf
Articulate 80
Accent 1 20
Octave 3
DefGroove LightTango A light Tango, more Spanish.
Begin Chord-Sus
Sequence { 1 1 90 0 80 0 * 2} // Root and fifth notes only.
Voicing mode=optimal
Volume p
Voice TremoloStrings
Octave 5
Articulate 100
Unify On
DefGroove LightTangoSus Add a sustained tone to the tango.
// change out accordion for piano
Groove LightTango
Chord-Accordion Sequence -
Begin Chord-Piano
Voice Piano1
Voicing Mode=Optimal
Sequence C1234 { C1234; C3 Shift .5 } \
C1234 { C1234; C13 Shift .5 }
Articulate 70
Accent 1 20 3 10
Volume pp
Octave 6
DefGroove LightTango1 Change out the accordion for a piano.
Chord-Sus Groove LightTangoSus
DefGroove LightTango1Sus Add a sustained tone to the piano variant.
2007-04-29 06:47:40 +00:00
//// Fill
Groove LightTango
Seqsize 1
// Drum-Kick
Drum-Snare Sequence D1234
// Drum-PHH
Drum-Tam Sequence -
Drum-Clave Sequence D1234
Chord-Accordion Sequence L2
Chord-Guitar Sequence C8
Bass-Piano Sequence B13
Bass Sequence B13
DefGroove LightTangoFill A one bar fill pattern.
2006-11-10 08:07:56 +00:00
/// Introduction
Groove LightTango
AllTracks SeqRnd Off
2009-05-17 22:34:44 +00:00
Drum-Kick Sequence * * * D1
Drum-Snare Sequence * * D8 D12
Drum-PHH Sequence * * * D13
Drum-Tam Sequence * * * D13
Drum-Clave Sequence * * * D1
2006-11-10 08:07:56 +00:00
2009-05-17 22:34:44 +00:00
Chord-Accordion Sequence * * * L1
Chord-Guitar Sequence * * * C1
Bass-Piano Sequence Bp1 Bp2 Bp3 B1
Bass Sequence * * * B1
2006-11-10 08:07:56 +00:00
DefGroove LightTangoIntro Simple introduction.
2009-05-17 22:34:44 +00:00
Groove LightTangoIntro
Begin Chord-Sus
Groove LightTangoSus
Sequence * * * L2
Drum-Snare Sequence * * D1 D12
Bass-Piano Sequence -
Chord-Accordion Sequence -
DefGroove LightTangoIntro1 Smoother version of basic introduction.
2006-11-10 08:07:56 +00:00
////////////// Ending
Groove LightTango
SeqSize 1
Bass Sequence B11
Bass-Piano Sequence -
Chord-Accordion Sequence C13
Chord-Guitar Sequence C13
Drum-Clave Sequence -
Drum-Kick Sequence D13
Drum-PHH Sequence {D123; D12 Shift .5}
Drum-Snare Sequence D1
Drum-Tam Sequence -
DefGroove LightTangoEnd A fast single bar ending.
2009-05-17 22:34:44 +00:00
Groove LightTangoSus
Bass Sequence Btang B13 Btang B11
Bass-Piano Sequence -
Chord-Accordion Sequence * * C13 /
Chord-Guitar Sequence * * C13 /
Drum-Clave Sequence * * D13 -
Drum-Kick Sequence * D13 * D1
Drum-PHH Sequence * * {D123; D12 Shift .5} /
Drum-Snare Sequence * D13 D1 /
Drum-Tam Sequence * * - /
Chord-Sus Volume p pp ppp pppp
DefGroove LightTango4End Smoother 4 bar ending.
2006-11-10 08:07:56 +00:00