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# midi.py
This module is an integeral part of the program
MMA - Musical Midi Accompaniment.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Bob van der Poel <bvdp@xplornet.com>
import gbl
from MMA.common import *
from MMA.midiM import intToWord, intTo3Byte, intToLong, intToVarNumber
import MMA.midiC
splitChannels = []
def setSplitChannels(ln):
""" Parser routine, sets up list of track to split. Overwrites existing. """
global splitChannels
splitChannels = []
for a in ln:
c = stoi(a)
if c < 1 or c >16:
error("SplitChannels: Expecting value 1 to 16, not %s." % c)
if gbl.debug:
print "SplitChannels: ",
def writeTracks(out):
""" Write the accumulated MIDI tracks to file. """
""" For type 0 MIDI files all data is contained in 1 track.
We take all our tracks and copy them to track 0, then
set up keys[] so that only track 0 remains.
if gbl.midiFileType == 0:
for n in keys[1:]:
for k,v in trk.items():
if k in trk0:
# Write header
tcount = len(keys)
out.write( mkHeader(tcount, gbl.BperQ, gbl.midiFileType) )
# Write data chunks for each track
for n in keys:
if len(gbl.mtrks[n].miditrk):
if gbl.debug:
print "Writing <%s> ch=%s;" % \
(gbl.mtrks[n].trackname, n),
if n in splitChannels and gbl.midiFileType:
tcount += writeSplitTrack(n, out)
""" We have increased the track count! So, we need to
fix the file header. This is offset 10/11 which contains
the number of tracks. The counter tcount has been
tracking this, so just seek, replace and seek back.
if tcount != len(keys):
out.write( mkHeader(tcount, gbl.BperQ, gbl.midiFileType) )
out.seek(0, 2) # return to eof
def writeSplitTrack(channel, out):
""" Split a drum track into a separate track for the non-note
stuff and then a track for each note.
tr = gbl.mtrks[channel].miditrk # track to split
""" A dict to store the split midi tracks. We'll end out with
a track for each pitch which appears in the track and
a track (labeled -1) to store every other than note on data.
onEvent = 0x90 + (channel-1)
offEvent = 0x80 + (channel-1)
for offset in tr.keys():
for x in range(len(tr[offset])-1, -1, -1):
ev = tr[offset][x]
if len(ev) == 3 and ( ord(ev[0]) in (onEvent, offEvent)):
n = ord(ev[1])
n = -1 # special value for non-note on events
if not notes.has_key(n): # create a new mtrk if needed
if offset in notes[n].miditrk: # copy event to new track
if gbl.debug:
print " Data has been split into %s tracks." % len(notes)
# Insert a channel name in all the new tracks.
for a in notes.keys():
if a == -1:
if channel == 10:
m = "%s" % MMA.midiC.valueToDrum(a)
m= "%s-%s" % (gbl.mtrks[channel].trackname, a)
notes[a].addTrkName(0, m)
for a in sorted(notes.keys()):
""" The split tracks have been written. Return the number of additional tracks
so that the caller can properly update the midi file header. Note that
len(notes)-1 IS CORRECT ... we've already figured on writing 1 track.
return len(notes)-1
def mkHeader(count, tempo, Mtype):
return "MThd" + intToLong(6) + intToWord(Mtype) + \
intToWord(count) + intToWord(tempo)
""" Midi track class. All the midi creation is done here.
We create a class instance for each track. mtrks{}.
class Mtrk:
def __init__(self, channel):
self.channel = channel-1
self.trackname = ''
self.lastEvent = [None] * 129
def delDup(self, offset, cmd):
"""Delete a duplicate event. Used by timesig, etc. """
if tr.has_key(offset):
for i,a in enumerate(tr[offset]):
if a[0:lg] == cmd:
del tr[offset][i]
def addTimeSig(self, offset, nn, dd, cc, bb):
""" Create a midi time signature.
delta - midi delta offset
nn = sig numerator, beats per measure
dd - sig denominator, 2=quarter note, 3=eighth,
cc - midi clocks/tick
bb - # of 32nd notes in quarter (normally 8)
This is only called by timeSig.set(). Don't
call this directly since the timeSig.set() checks for
duplicate settings.
cmd = chr(0xff) + chr(0x58)
self.delDup(offset, cmd) # NEEDED???
self.addToTrack(offset, cmd + chr(0x04) + \
chr(nn) + chr(dd) + chr(cc) + chr(bb) )
def addKeySig(self, offset, n, mi):
""" Set the midi key signature. """
cmd = chr(0xff) + chr(0x59)
self.delDup(offset, cmd)
self.addToTrack(offset, cmd + chr(0x02) + chr(n) + chr(mi) )
def addMarker(self, offset, msg):
""" Create a midi MARKER event."""
self.addToTrack(offset, chr(0xff) + chr(0x06) + intToVarNumber(len(msg)) + msg )
def addText(self, offset, msg):
""" Create a midi TextEvent."""
self.addToTrack( offset, chr(0xff) + chr(0x01) + intToVarNumber(len(msg)) + msg )
def addLyric(self, offset, msg):
""" Create a midi lyric event. """
self.addToTrack( offset,
chr(0xff) + chr(0x05) + intToVarNumber(len(msg)) + msg )
def addTrkName(self, offset, msg):
""" Creates a midi track name event. """
offset = 0 # ignore user offset, always put this at 0
self.trackname = msg
cmd = chr(0xff) + chr(0x03)
self.delDup(offset, cmd)
self.addToTrack(offset, cmd + intToVarNumber(len(msg)) + msg )
def addProgChange( self, offset, program):
""" Create a midi program change.
program - midi program
Returns - packed string
chr(0xc0 | self.channel) + chr(program) )
def addGlis(self, offset, v):
""" Set the portamento. LowLevel MIDI.
This does 2 things:
1. turns portamento on/off,
2. sets the LSN rate.
if v == 0:
chr(0xb0 | self.channel) + chr(0x41) + chr(0x00) )
chr(0xb0 | self.channel) + chr(0x41) + chr(0x7f) )
chr(0xb0 | self.channel) + chr(0x05) + chr(v) )
def addPan(self, offset, v):
""" Set the lsb of the pan setting."""
chr(0xb0 | self.channel) + chr(0x0a) + chr(v) )
def addCtl(self, offset, l):
""" Add arbitary control sequence to track."""
self.addToTrack(offset, chr(0xb0 | self.channel) + l)
def addNoteOff(self, offset):
""" Insert a "All Note Off" into the midi stream.
Called from the cutTrack() function.
chr(0xb0 | self.channel) + chr(0x7b) + chr(0) )
def addChannelVol(self, offset, v):
""" Set the midi channel volume."""
chr(0xb0 | self.channel) + chr(0x07) + chr(v) )
def addTempo(self, offset, beats):
""" Create a midi tempo meta event.
beats - beats per second
Return - packed midi string
cmd = chr(0xff) + chr(0x51)
self.delDup(offset, cmd)
self.addToTrack( offset, cmd + chr(0x03) + intTo3Byte(60000000/beats) )
def writeMidiTrack(self, out):
""" Create/write the MIDI track.
We convert timing offsets to midi-deltas.
if gbl.debug:
ttl = 0
for t in tr:
if a > lg:
lg = a
ttl += a
print "Unique ts: %s; Ttl events %s; Average ev/ts %.2f" % \
(len(tr), ttl, float(ttl)/len(tr) )
last = 0
# Convert all events to MIDI deltas and store in
# the track array/list
tdata=[] # empty track container
lastSts=None # Running status tracker
for a in sorted(tr.keys()):
delta = a-last
for d in tr[a]:
""" Running status check. For each packet compare
the first byte with the first byte of the previous
packet. If it is can be converted to running status
we strip out byte 0. Note that valid running status
byte are 0x80..0xef. 0xfx are system messages
and are note suitable for running status.
if len(d) > 1:
if d[0] == lastSts:
lastSts = d[0]
if s < 0x80 or s > 0xef or not gbl.runningStatus:
lastSts = None
tdata.extend( [ intToVarNumber(delta) , d ] )
delta = 0
last = a
# Add an EOF to the track (included in total track size)
tdata.append( intToVarNumber(0))
tdata.append( chr(0xff) + chr(0x2f) + chr(0x00) )
tdata = ''.join(tdata)
totsize = len(tdata)
out.write( tdata )
def addPairToTrack(self, boffset, startRnd, duration, note, v, unify):
""" Add a note on/off pair to a track.
boffset - offset into current bar
startRnd - rand val start adjustment
duration - note len
note - midi value of note
v - midi velocity
unify - if set attempt to unify/compress on/offs
This function tries its best to handle overlapping events.
Easy to show effect with a table of note ON/OFF pairs. Both
events are for the same note pitch.
Offsets | 200 | 300 | 320 | 420
Pair1 | on | | off |
Pair2 | | on | | off
The logic here will delete the OFF event at 320 and
insert a new OFF at 300. Result is that when playing
Pair1 will turn off at 300 followed by the same note
in Pair2 beginning sounded right after. Why the on/off?
Remember: Velocities may be different!
However, if the unify flag is set we should end up with:
Offsets | 200 | 300 | 320 | 420
Pair1 | on | | |
Pair2 | | | | off
# Start/end offsets
onOffset = getOffset( boffset, startRnd)
offOffset = onOffset + duration
# ON/OFF events
onEvent = chr(0x90 | self.channel) + chr(note) + chr(v)
offEvent = onEvent[:-1] + chr(0)
""" Check for overlap on last event set for this track and
do some ugly trickry.
- The noOnFlag is set if we don't want to have the main
routine add in the ON event. This is set when UNIFY is
set and we have an overlap.
- We set F to the stored event time for this note and,
if it's in the same event range as the current event
we loop though the saved events for this track. We are
looking for a NOTE OFF event.
- If we get a matching event we then delete it from the
track. This requires 2 statements: one for an event
list with only 1 event, a 2nd for multiple events.
- If UNIFY is NOT set we insert a NOTE OFF at the current
on time. This replaces the OFF we just deleted.
- If UNIFY is SET we skip the above step, and we set the
noOnFlag so that the ON event isn't set.
noOnFlag = None
if f >= onOffset and f <= offOffset:
for i in range(len(tr[f])):
if tr[f][i] == offEvent:
if len(tr[f]) == 1:
if not unify:
self.addToTrack(onOffset, offEvent)
if not noOnFlag:
self.addToTrack(onOffset, onEvent )
self.addToTrack(offOffset, offEvent )
# Save the NOTE OFF time for the next loop.
self.lastEvent[note] = offOffset
def zapRangeTrack(self, start, end):
""" Clear NoteOn events from track in range: start ... end.
This is called from the fermata function.
We delete the entire event list (3 bytes) from the buffer. This
can result in empty directory enteries, but that isn't a problem.
for a in trk:
if a>=start and a<=end:
for i in range(len(trk[a])-1, -1, -1):
e = trk[a][i]
if len(e)==3 and ord(e[0]) & 0xF0 == 0x90 and ord(e[2]):
del trk[a][i]
def addToTrack(self, offset, event):
""" Add an event to a track.
MIDI data is saved as created in track structures.
Each track has a miditrk dictionary entry which used
the time offsets and keys and has the various events
as data. Each event is packed string of bytes and
the events are stored as a list in the order they are
created. Our storage looks like:
miditrk[123] = [event1, event2, ...]
if offset<0:
if offset in tr:
class TimeSig:
""" Track and set the current time signature.
Timesigs are completely optional and are inserted into
the MIDI file by addTimeSig(). MMA routines ignore timesig
def __init__(self):
""" Initialze to null value, user will never set to this."""
self.lastsig = (None,None)
def set(self, nn, dd):
""" Set timesig. If no change from last value, ignore. """
if self.lastsig != (nn, dd):
gbl.mtrks[0].addTimeSig(gbl.tickOffset, nn, dd, 48, 8)
self.lastsig = (nn, dd)
def get(self):
""" Return existing timesig. """
return self.lastsig
timeSig = TimeSig()