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327 lines
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// VLSheetViewNotes.mm
// Vocalese
// Created by Matthias Neeracher on 1/4/06.
// Copyright 2006 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
#import "VLSheetView.h"
#import "VLSheetViewNotes.h"
#import "VLSheetViewInternal.h"
#import "VLSoundOut.h"
#include <algorithm>
@implementation VLSheetView (Notes)
static int sSemiToPitch[] = {
53, // F
55, 57, // A
59, 60, // Middle C
62, 64, // E
65, 67, // G
69, 71, // B
72, 74, // D
76, 77, // F
79, 81, // A
83, 84, // C
86, 88 // E
- (void) mouseMoved:(NSEvent *)event
if ([event modifierFlags] & NSAlphaShiftKeyMask)
return; // Keyboard mode, ignore mouse
const VLProperties & prop = [self song]->fProperties.front();
NSPoint loc = [event locationInWindow];
loc = [self convertPoint:loc fromView:nil];
loc.x -= noteRect.origin.x;
int measure = static_cast<int>(loc.x / measureW)+firstMeasure;
loc.x -= (measure-firstMeasure)*measureW;
int group = static_cast<int>(loc.x / ((divPerGroup+1)*kNoteW));
loc.x -= group*(divPerGroup+1)*kNoteW;
int div = static_cast<int>(roundf(loc.x / kNoteW))-1;
div = std::min(std::max(div, 0), divPerGroup-1);
VLFraction at(div+group*divPerGroup, 4*prop.fDivisions);
loc.y -= noteRect.origin.y;
int semi = static_cast<int>(roundf(loc.y / (0.5f*kLineH)));
int pitch = sSemiToPitch[semi];
[self setNoteCursorMeasure:measure at:at pitch:pitch];
- (void) addNoteAtCursor:(BOOL)isRest
if (noteCursorMeasure > -1) {
VLNote newNote(1, !isRest ? noteCursorPitch : VLNote::kNoPitch);
[self song]->AddNote(newNote, noteCursorMeasure, noteCursorAt);
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
- (void) mouseDown:(NSEvent *)event
[self mouseMoved:event];
[self addNoteAtCursor: ([event modifierFlags] & NSShiftKeyMask) != 0];
- (void) mouseEntered:(NSEvent *)event
[[self window] setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES];
[self mouseMoved:event];
- (void) mouseExited:(NSEvent *)event
[[self window] setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:NO];
if (!([event modifierFlags] & NSAlphaShiftKeyMask))
[self hideNoteCursor];
- (void) startKeyboardCursor
if (noteCursorMeasure < 0) {
noteCursorMeasure = firstMeasure;
noteCursorPitch = VLNote::kMiddleC;
noteCursorAt = VLFraction(0);
- (void) keyDown:(NSEvent *)event
NSString * k = [event charactersIgnoringModifiers];
switch ([k characterAtIndex:0]) {
case '\r':
[self startKeyboardCursor];
[self addNoteAtCursor];
case ' ':
[self startKeyboardCursor];
VLSoundOut::Instance()->PlayNote(VLNote(1, noteCursorPitch));
- (void) hideNoteCursor
noteCursorMeasure = -1;
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
- (void) drawNoteCursor
NSPoint note =
NSMakePoint([self noteXInMeasure:noteCursorMeasure at:noteCursorAt],
[self noteYWithPitch:noteCursorPitch]);
NSRect noteCursorRect =
NSMakeRect(note.x-kNoteX, note.y-kNoteY, 2.0f*kNoteX, 2.0f*kNoteY);
[[self musicElement:kMusicNoteCursor]
compositeToPoint:NSMakePoint(note.x-kNoteX, note.y-kNoteY)
operation: NSCompositeSourceOver];
- (void) drawNote:(VLFraction)dur at:(NSPoint)p tied:(BOOL)tied
NSPoint s = p;
NSPoint c = p;
p.x -= kNoteX;
p.y -= kNoteY;
s.x += kNoteX+kStemX;
s.y += kStemY;
// Draw note head
NSImage * head;
switch (dur.fDenom) {
case 1:
head = [self musicElement:kMusicWholeNote];
case 2:
head = [self musicElement:kMusicHalfNote];
s.x -= 1.0f;
head = [self musicElement:kMusicNote];
s.x -= 2.0f;
[head compositeToPoint:p
operation: NSCompositePlusDarker];
// Draw stem
if (dur.fDenom > 1) {
NSBezierPath * bz = [NSBezierPath bezierPath];
NSPoint s1 = NSMakePoint(s.x, s.y+kStemH);
NSImage * flag = nil;
switch (dur.fDenom) {
case 8:
flag = [self musicElement:kMusicEighthFlag];
case 16:
flag = [self musicElement:kMusicSixteenthFlag];
s1.y += 5.0f;
case 32:
flag = [self musicElement:kMusicThirtysecondthFlag];
s1.y += 13.0f;
[[NSColor blackColor] set];
[bz setLineWidth:2.0f];
[bz moveToPoint:s];
[bz lineToPoint:s1];
[bz stroke];
if (flag)
[flag compositeToPoint:s
operation: NSCompositePlusDarker];
// Draw tie
if (tied) {
NSPoint mid =
NSPoint dir = NSMakePoint(c.y-mid.y, c.x-mid.x);
float n = dir.x*dir.x+dir.y*dir.y;
float r = (kTieDepth*kTieDepth+n) / (2.0f*kTieDepth);
float l = (r-kTieDepth) / sqrtf(n);
mid.x += dir.x*l;
mid.y += dir.y*l;
float a1 = atan2(lastNoteCenter.y-mid.y, lastNoteCenter.x-mid.x);
float a2 = atan2(c.y-mid.y, c.x-mid.x);
NSBezierPath * bz = [NSBezierPath bezierPath];
[bz appendBezierPathWithArcWithCenter:mid radius:r
startAngle:a1*180.0f/M_PI endAngle:a2*180.0f/M_PI];
[bz stroke];
lastNoteCenter = c;
- (void) drawRest:(VLFraction)dur at:(NSPoint)p
// Draw rest
NSImage * head = nil;
switch (dur.fDenom) {
case 1:
head = [self musicElement:kMusicWholeRest];
p.y += kWholeRestY;
case 2:
head = [self musicElement:kMusicHalfRest];
p.y += kHalfRestY;
case 4:
head = [self musicElement:kMusicQuarterRest];
p.x -= kNoteX;
case 8:
head = [self musicElement:kMusicEighthRest];
p.x -= kNoteX;
case 16:
head = [self musicElement:kMusicSixteenthRest];
p.x -= kNoteX;
case 32:
head = [self musicElement:kMusicThirtysecondthRest];
p.x -= kNoteX;
[head compositeToPoint:p
operation: NSCompositeSourceOver];
- (void) drawNotes
const VLSong * song = [self song];
const VLProperties & prop = song->fProperties.front();
BOOL swing= !(prop.fDivisions % 3); // In swing mode?
VLFraction swung(3, prop.fDivisions*8, true); // Which notes to swing
VLFraction swingGrid(2*swung); // Alignment of swing notes
for (int m = 0; m<visibleMeasures; ++m) {
int measIdx = m+firstMeasure;
const VLMeasure measure = song->fMeasures[measIdx];
const VLNoteList & melody = measure.fMelody;
VLFraction at(0);
for (VLNoteList::const_iterator note = melody.begin();
note != melody.end();
) {
VLFraction dur = note->fDuration;
BOOL first = !m || !note->fTied;
int pitch = note->fPitch;
while (dur > 0) {
VLFraction partialDur; // Actual value of note drawn
measure.fProperties->PartialNote(at, dur, &partialDur);
BOOL triplet = !(partialDur.fDenom % 3);
VLFraction noteDur(1); // Visual value of note
if (triplet) {
if (swing) { // Swing 8ths / 16ths are written as straight 8ths
if (partialDur == 4*swung/3 && (at % swingGrid) == 0) {
noteDur = swung;
triplet = NO;
} else if (partialDur == 2*swung/3 && ((at+partialDur) % swingGrid) == 0) {
noteDur = swung;
triplet = NO;
} else {
noteDur = 4*partialDur/3;
} else {
noteDur = 4*partialDur/3;
} else {
noteDur = partialDur;
if (pitch != VLNote::kNoPitch)
[self drawNote:noteDur
at: NSMakePoint(
[self noteXInMeasure:measIdx at:at],
[self noteYWithPitch:pitch])
[self drawRest:noteDur
at: NSMakePoint(
[self noteXInMeasure:measIdx at:at],
[self noteYWithPitch:65])];
dur -= partialDur;
at += partialDur;
first = NO;
if (noteCursorMeasure > -1)
[self drawNoteCursor];
- (void) setNoteCursorMeasure:(int)measure at:(VLFraction)at pitch:(int)pitch
if (measure != noteCursorMeasure || at != noteCursorAt
|| pitch != noteCursorPitch
) {
noteCursorMeasure = measure;
noteCursorAt = at;
noteCursorPitch = pitch;
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];