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// countryblues
Doc I use this on some country tunes like "I Fall To Pieces".
Author Bob van der Poel
Time 4 // All these patterns are 4/4
Timesig 4 4
Include stdpats
/// Pattern definitions
Begin Bass Define
B134 1 4 1 90; 3 8+16 3 80; 4 4 5 85
SeqSize 4
Begin Drum-Snare
Sequence D8
Tone SnareDrum1
Rskip 10
Rtime 2
Volume pp
Begin Drum-HH
Sequence { D8 Shift .5 }
Tone OpenHiHat
Rskip 40
Rtime 2
Volume ppp
Begin Drum-Clap
Sequence D24
Tone HandClap
Volume mp
Rvolume 10
RSkip 50
// Piano chords on beats 1, 2, 3 and 4
Begin Chord
Voice Piano3
Sequence C1234
Voicing Mode=Optimal
RVolume 5
Octave 5
Volume mf
Articulate 99
// Push notes just before beats 2 and 4. Same piano as CHORD, but
// different volume, articulation, and octave.
Begin Chord-1
Voice $_Chord_Voice
Octave 6
RVolume 5
Sequence {C13 Shift .666}
Articulate 80
Volume mp
// Simple enough bass pattern:
// bar 1 & 3 - root on 1, 3rd on 3 and 5th on 4
// bar 2 - root on 1, 5th on 3
// bar 4 - 1/4 note walk
Begin Bass
Voice FretlessBass
Sequence B134 B13 B134 z
Octave 3
Volume mp
Articulate 80
Begin Walk
Voice $_Bass_Voice
Octave $_Bass_Octave
Sequence z z z W1234
Volume $_Bass_Volume
Articulate $_Bass_Articulate
DefGroove CountryBlues Somewhat lamentive blues.
Begin Chord-Sus
Sequence { 1 1 90 0 80 0 * 2} // Root and fifth notes only.
Voicing mode=optimal
Volume mp
Voice SlowStrings
Octave 5
Articulate 100
Unify On
DefGroove CountryBluesSus Adds sustained strings.
/// Full walking bass
Groove CountryBlues
Bass Sequence -
Walk Sequence W1234
DefGroove CountryBluesWalk Walking bass version.
Chord-Sus Groove CountryBluesSus
DefGroove CountryBluesWalkSus Walking bass and sustained strings.
// CountryBlues1
// Change chord for a random Triplet/Triplet/Chord/Chord
Groove CountryBlues
Begin Chord
Sequence C1234 { C1234 * 3 }
Volume mp p
Chord-1 Sequence {C13 Shift .66} C13
DefGroove CountryBlues1 Add piano triplets every 4 bars.
Chord-Sus Groove CountryBluesSus
DefGroove CountryBlues1Sus Sustained version.
Groove CountryBlues1
Bass Sequence -
Walk Sequence W1234
DefGroove CountryBlues1Walk Triplet version with walking bass.
Chord-Sus Groove CountryBluesSus
DefGroove CountryBlues1WalkSus Triplet version with walking bass and strings.
/// Fiddle fill versions
Groove CountryBlues
Begin Arpeggio
Voice Violin
Sequence A4 / A8 A6
RSkip 10
Articulate 99
Unify on
Direction Random
SeqRnd On
Range 2
Volume p
Octave 5
DefGroove CountryBluesFill Adds a bad fiddler (use sparingly!).
Groove CountryBluesWalk
Arpeggio Groove CountryBluesFill
DefGroove CountryBluesWalkFill Walking bass with fiddler.
Groove CountryBlues1
Arpeggio Groove CountryBluesFill
DefGroove CountryBlues1Fill Piano triplets and fiddle.
Groove CountryBlues1Walk
Arpeggio Groove CountryBluesFill
DefGroove CountryBlues1WalkFill Piano triplets, walking bass and fiddle.
/// Endings
Groove CountryBlues
Drum-Snare Sequence D13
Drum-HH Sequence D13
Begin Drum-Clap
Sequence D24
RSkip 0
Chord Sequence C1234
CHord-1 Sequence -
Bass Sequence B11
Walk Sequence -
Defgroove CountryBluesEnd Simple ending.