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synced 2025-01-05 01:44:00 +00:00
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
MusicXML to10.xsl
Version 1.1 - 20 May 2005
Copyright © 2004-2005 Recordare LLC.
This MusicXML work is being provided by the copyright
holder under the MusicXML Document Type Definition
Public License Version 1.02, available from:
To10.xsl converts from MusicXML 1.1 to 1.0 for
compatibility with older products.
XML output, with a DOCTYPE refering the partwise DTD.
Here we use the full Internet URL.
<xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes" encoding="UTF-8"
omit-xml-declaration="no" standalone="no"
doctype-public="-//Recordare//DTD MusicXML 1.0 Partwise//EN" />
For the root, only look for score-partwise. Anything else
as a root element gets ignored.
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:apply-templates select="./score-partwise"/>
Transformations that remove post-1.0 elements and attributes.
<!-- Additions in note.dtd -->
match="tuplet-number/@* | tuplet-type/@* | tuplet-dot/@* |
tuplet/@line-shape | pluck | tremolo |
tied/@bezier-offset | tied/@bezier-offset2 |
tied/@bezier-x | tied/@bezier-x2 |
tied/@bezier-y | tied/@bezier-y2 |
heel/@substitution | toe/@substitution |
lyric/@justify | lyric/@placement |
lyric/@default-x | lyric/@default-y |
lyric/@relative-x | lyric/@relative-y |
figured-bass/@parentheses | elision/@* | extend/@* |
prefix/@* | figure-number/@* / suffix/@* | figure/extend"/>
Convert parentheses or bracket attributes on accidental
elements into the editorial attribute from MusicXML 1.0.
<xsl:template match="accidental/@parentheses | accidental/@bracket">
<xsl:attribute name="editorial">
<xsl:value-of select="."/>
<!-- Additions in attributes.dtd -->
match="staff-size | key/@number | time/@number |
staff-details/@print-object | staff-details/@print-spacing |
directive/@relative-x | directive/@relative-y |
directive/@default-x | directive/@default-y |
<!-- Additions in barline.dtd -->
match="ending/@relative-x | ending/@relative-y |
ending/@default-x | ending/@default-y |
ending/@end-length | ending/text()"/>
<!-- Additions in common.dtd -->
match="@color | @print-lyric | level/@reference |
fret/@* | string/@* | footnote/@*"/>
<xsl:template match="@size[.='large']"/>
MusicXML 1.1 makes much greater use of font attributes.
The more general rule strips the font attributes from
most elements. The more specific rule, which takes
priority, keeps them for the elements where they were
used in MusicXML 1.0.
match="@font-family | @font-style | @font-size | @font-weight"/>
match="words/@font-family | words/@font-style |
words/@font-size | words/@font-weight |
rehearsal/@font-family | rehearsal/@font-style |
rehearsal/@font-size | rehearsal/@font-weight |
directive/@font-family | directive/@font-style |
directive/@font-size | directive/@font-weight |
text/@font-family | text/@font-style |
text/@font-size | text/@font-weight |
hammer-on/@font-family | hammer-on/@font-style |
hammer-on/@font-size | hammer-on/@font-weight |
pull-off/@font-family | pull-off/@font-style |
pull-off/@font-size | pull-off/@font-weight |
tap/@font-family | tap/@font-style |
tap/@font-size | tap/@font-weight">
<xsl:copy><xsl:apply-templates select="*|@*"/></xsl:copy>
<!-- Additions in layout.dtd -->
match="scaling | page-layout | system-layout |
staff-layout | measure-layout"/>
<!-- Additions in direction.dtd -->
match="barre | pedal[@type='change'] | kind/@* |
frame/@* | harp-pedals | scordatura |
harmony/offset | harmony/staff |
words/@halign | words/@valign | words/@enclosure |
rehearsal/@xml:lang | rehearsal/@enclosure |
<xsl:template match="pedal/@type[.='change']"/>
<!-- Additions in link.dtd -->
match="link/@relative-x | link/@relative-y |
link/@default-x | link/@default-y"/>
<!-- Additions in score.dtd -->
match="defaults | credit | measure/@width |
part-name/@* | part-abbreviation/@* |
group-name/@* | group-abbreviation/@* |
group-symbol/@* | group-barline/@* |
score-partwise/@* | score-timewise/@*"/>
Do not copy text for glissando or slide elements.
<xsl:template match="glissando | slide">
The identity transformation. Used for everything that
stays the same in 1.0.
<xsl:template match="text()">
<xsl:value-of select="." />
Whitespace within an xsl:copy could cause problems with
empty elements.
<xsl:template match="*|@*|comment()|processing-instruction()">