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// rockwaltz
Begin Doc
This is our basic 3/4 waltz with added guitars and a bit of raunch.
Author Bob van der Poel
Time 3
TimeSig 3 4
Include stdpats34
Begin Arpeggio Define
ARun4 1 4 90;
ARun8 1 8 90; 1.5 8 90;
ARun1 ARun4; ARun8 Shift 1; ARun4 Shift 2
ARun2 ARun4; ARun4 Shift 1; ARun8 Shift 2
///// Basic Rock Waltz
SeqSize 4
Begin Drum-CHH
Tone ClosedHiHat
Sequence D1
Volume mp
Rvolume 10
Rtime 3
Begin Drum-Kick
Sequence z D1 / /
Tone KickDrum1
Volume mp
Rskip 5
Rvolume 10
Rtime 3
Begin Drum-Snare
Sequence D23 / / {D1 Shift .5 ; D23 }
Tone SnareDrum1
Volume pp
Rskip 2
Rvolume 20
Rtime 2
Begin Drum-Tri
Sequence D1 z z z
Tone OpenTriangle
Volume pp
Rvolume 10
Rtime 2
Begin Chord
Sequence C123 {C123; C2 Shift .5} C123 {C123; C23 Shift .5}
Accent 1 30
Voicing Mode=Optimal
Volume p
Voice CleanGuitar
Strum 20
Direction Both
Articulate 90
Octave 5
// Alternate bass on root/five bar to bar
Begin Bass
Voice PickedBass
Sequence B1 B1/5 B1 z
Octave 3
Volume mp
Articulate 90
Begin Walk
Voice $_Bass_Voice
Octave $_Bass_Octave
Sequence z z z W123
Volume $_Bass_Volume
Articulate $_Bass_Articulate
DefGroove RockWaltz Hold tight for this dance.
Begin Chord-Sus
Voice Strings
Sequence { 1 2. 90 0 50 * 3 }
Voicing Mode=Optimal
Articulate 100
Unify On
Volume p
Octave 5
DefGroove RockWaltzSus Add strings to RockWaltz.
// Add interest by alternating scales and apreggios.
Groove RockWaltz
Chord Sequence C13 / / C123
Begin Arpeggio
Sequence z Arun1 / /
Voice CleanGuitar
Octave 5
Range 1.5
Rskip 60
Volume mp
Articulate 90
Begin Scale
Sequence {1 4 90; 2 8 80; 2.5 8 70; 3 4 90} z z z
Voice $_Arpeggio_Voice
Octave $_Arpeggio_Octave
Range $_Arpeggio_Range
Rskip 60
Volume $_Arpeggio_Volume
Articulate $_Arpeggio_Articulate
DefGroove RockWaltz1 Add piano apreggios to the RockWaltz.
Chord-Sus Groove RockWaltzSus
DefGroove RockWaltz1Sus RockWaltz with arpeggios and sustained strings.
/// Walking bass versions
Groove RockWaltz
Bass Sequence -
Begin Walk
Volume -30
Sequence W123
DefGroove RockWaltzWalk Walking bass version of RockWaltz.
Chord-Sus Groove RockWaltzSus
DefGroove RockWaltzWalkSus Walking bass and sustained strings.
Groove RockWaltz1
Bass Sequence -
Walk Sequence W123
DefGroove RockWaltz1Walk Walking bass and arpeggios.
Chord-Sus Groove RockWaltzSus
DefGroove RockWaltz1WalkSus Walking bass, arpeggios and sustained strings.
/// Intro (4 bar)
Groove RockWaltz
Drum-CHH Sequence * * * D123
Drum-Tri Sequence D1 z z D1
Chord Sequence * * * {1 2. 100}
DefGroove RockWaltzIntro RockWaltz intro with guitar chords.
Chord Sequence -
Begin Arpeggio
Sequence ARun1 / Arun2 A3
Voice CleanGuitar
Octave 4
Range 2
Volume p
Articulate 99
DefGroove RockWaltz1Intro RockWaltz intro with arpeggios.
///// Intro (8 bar)
Groove RockWaltz
SeqSize 8
Drum-CHH Sequence * * * * * * * D123
Drum-Tri Sequence D1 z z D1
Chord Sequence * * * * * * * {1 2. 100}
DefGroove RockWaltzIntro8 8 bar RockWaltz intro with guitar chords.
Chord Sequence -
Begin Arpeggio
Sequence Arun1 / / Arun2 Arun1 / / A3
Voice Piano1
Octave 4
Range 2
Volume p
Articulate 99
DefGroove RockWaltz1intro8 8 bar RockWaltz intro with arpeggios.
///// Ending
Groove RockWaltz
Drum-Snare Sequence D123 / D23 D1
Drum-Tri Sequence D1 z D1 z
Drum-CHH Sequence D1
Chord Sequence C123 / C12 C1
Bass Sequence B1 B1/5 B1 B1
Walk Sequence -
DefGroove RockWaltzEnd Simple 4 bar ending.