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// softrock
Begin Doc
Seems to work nicely for relatively fast
(ie. not "slow dance"), older rock tunes.
I use the SoftRock1 for "Blame It On The Bossa Nova".
Author Bob van der Poel
Time 4
Timesig 4 4
Include stdpats
////// Additional Patterns
Begin Drum Define
D12+34 D134 ; 2.5 0 90
Begin Chord Define
C1+34 C134; C2 Shift 2.5
////// SoftRock
SeqSize 4
Begin Drum-Snare
Sequence D12+34
Tone SnareDrum1 SnareDrum2
SeqRnd On
Volume p
Rvolume 10
Begin Drum-HH
Sequence D8
Tone ClosedHiHat
Volume mf
Rvolume 10
Rtime 10
Begin Drum-Tri
Sequence D12 / / z
Tone OpenTriangle
Rskip 50
Volume pp
Rvolume 10
RTime 20
Begin Chord
Sequence C1+34 C13 C1+34 C134
Voicing Mode=Optimal
SeqRnd On
Voice Piano3
Volume mf
Octave 5
Articulate 90
Begin Bass
Voice FretlessBass
Sequence B13 z B13 z
Octave 3
Volume mp
Articulate 80
Begin Walk
Voice $_Bass_Voice
Octave $_Bass_Octave
Sequence z W13 z {1 4 90 ; 2.5 8 70 ; 3 8 90 ; 3.5 8 70 ; 4 8 70 }
Volume mp
Articulate 80
DefGroove SoftRock Basic Soft-rock for 60's tunes.
Begin Chord-sus
Sequence { 1 1 90 0 50 0 * 4 } { 1 1 50 0 90 0 * 4 }
SeqRnd On
Voicing Mode=Optimal
Rvolume 10
Voice TremoloStrings
Articulate 100
Unify On
Volume pp
Octave 5
DefGroove SoftRockSus Strings with the rock.
//// SoftRock1 Add in a latiny sounding arp
Groove SoftRock // Start with the basic
Begin Arpeggio
Voice Flute
Sequence A8 A8 A4 {A1 * 6}
SeqRnd On
RSkip 25
Rvolume 15
Rtime 6
Range 3
Accent 1 10 3 10
Articulate 80
Volume p
Octave 6
DefGroove SoftRock1 Adds a latin-pop touch by using flute arpeggios.
Chord-Sus Groove SoftRockSus
DefGroove SoftRock1Sus Latin-pop with sustained strings.
/// Intro
Groove SoftRock
Alltracks SeqRnd Off
Drum-Snare Sequence D12+34 / / D1234
Drum-HH Sequence D8 / / D13
Begin Drum-Tri
Sequence D12 / / z
Tone OpenTriangle
Rskip 0
Chord Sequence C1+34 C13 C1+34 C13
Bass Sequence B13 B11 B13 {1 2 5 100; 3 2 1 120}
Walk Sequence -
DefGroove SoftRockIntro Basic introduction.
Begin Chord-Sus
Groove SoftRockSus
SeqRnd Off
Sequence { 1 1 90 0 50 * 4 } / / {1 2 90 0 50 }
Volume mp p pp ppp
Octave 5
DefGroove SoftRockSusIntro Basic introduction with added strings.
/// SoftRockEnd Change to straight 4s
Groove SoftRock
Chord Sequence C1234
Drum-Snare Sequence D1234
Walk Sequence -
Bass Sequence B11
DefGroove SoftRockEnd Simple 4 beats to the bar ending.