# common.py """ This module is an integeral part of the program MMA - Musical Midi Accompaniment. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Bob van der Poel These are a collection of miscellaneous routines used in various parts of MMA. It is safe to load the whole works with: from MMA.common import * without side effects (yeah, right). """ from random import randrange import sys import gbl class struct: pass def error(msg): """ Print an error message and exit. If the global line number is >=0 then print the line number as well. """ ln = "" if gbl.lineno >= 0: ln += "" % gbl.lineno if gbl.inpath: ln += "" % gbl.inpath.fname if ln: ln += '\n' print "ERROR:%s %s" % (ln, msg) # Parse though the error message and check for illegal characters. # Report (first only) if any found. for a in msg: a=ord(a) if a<0x20 or a >=0x80: print "Corrupt input file? Illegal character 'x%02x' found." % a break sys.exit(1) def warning(msg): """ Print warning message and return. """ if not gbl.noWarn: ln = "" if gbl.lineno >= 0: ln = "" % gbl.lineno if gbl.inpath: ln += "" % gbl.inpath.fname print "Warning:%s\n %s" % (ln, msg) def getOffset(ticks, ranLow=None, ranHigh=None): """ Calculate a midi offset into a song. ticks == offset into the current bar. ran == random adjustment from RTIME When calculating the random factor the test ensures that a note never starts before the start of the bar. This is important ... voice changes, etc. will be buggered if we put the voice change after the first note-on event. """ p = gbl.tickOffset + int(ticks) # int() cast is important! if ranLow or ranHigh: r = randrange( ranLow, ranHigh+1 ) if ticks == 0 and r < 0: r=0 p+=r return p def stoi(s, errmsg=None): """ string to integer. """ try: return int(s, 0) except: if errmsg: error(errmsg) else: error("Expecting integer value, not %s" % s) def stof(s, errmsg=None): """ String to floating point. """ try: return float(s) except: try: return int(s,0) except: if errmsg: error(errmsg) else: error("Expecting a value, not %s" % s) def printList(l): """ Print each item in a list. Works for numeric and string.""" for a in l: print a, print def pextract(s, open, close, onlyone=None): """ Extract a parenthesized set of substrings. s - original string open - substring start tag \ can be multiple character close - substring end tag / strings (ie. "<<" or "-->") onlyone - optional, if set only the first set is extracted returns ( original sans subs, [subs, ...] ) eg: pextract( "x{123}{666}y", '{', '}' ) Returns: ( 'xy', [ '123', '666' ] ) """ subs =[] while 1: lstart = s.find(open) lend = s.find(close) if lstart>-1 and lstart < lend: subs.append( s[lstart+len(open):lend].strip() ) s = s[:lstart] + s[lend+len(close):] if onlyone: break else: break return s.strip(), subs def seqBump(l): """ Expand/contract an existing sequence list to the current seqSize.""" while len(l) < gbl.seqSize: l += l return l[:gbl.seqSize] def lnExpand(ln, msg): """ Validate and expand a list passed to a set command. """ if len(ln) > gbl.seqSize: warning("%s list truncated to %s patterns" % (msg, gbl.seqSize) ) ln = ln[:gbl.seqSize] last = None for i,n in enumerate(ln): if n == '/': if not last: error ("%s cannot use a '/' as the first item in list." % cmd) else: ln[i] = last else: last = n return ln def opt2pair(ln, toupper=0): """ Parse a list of options. Separate out "=" option pairs. Returns: newln - original list stripped of opts opts - list of options. Each option is a tuple(opt, value) Note: default is to leave case alone, setting toupper converts everything to upper. """ opts = [] newln = [] for a in ln: if toupper: a=a.upper() try: o, v = a.split('=', 1) opts.append( (o,v) ) except: newln.append(a) return newln, opts