# harmony.py """ This module is an integeral part of the program MMA - Musical Midi Accompaniment. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Bob van der Poel """ from MMA.common import * def harmonize(hmode, note, chord): """ Get harmony note(s) for given chord. """ hnotes = [] for tp in hmode.split('+'): if tp in ('2', '2BELOW'): hnotes.append( gethnote(note, chord) ) elif tp == '28Below': hnotes.append( gethnote(note, chord)-12) elif tp == '2ABOVE': hnotes.append( gethnote(note, chord)+12 ) elif tp == '28ABOVE': hnotes.append( gethnote(note, chord)+24 ) elif tp in ( '3', '3BELOW'): a = gethnote(note, chord) b = gethnote(a, chord) hnotes.extend( [a, b] ) elif tp == '38BELOW': a = gethnote(note, chord) b = gethnote(a, chord) hnotes.extend( [a-12, b-12] ) elif tp == '3ABOVE': a = gethnote(note, chord) b = gethnote(a, chord) hnotes.extend( [a+12, b+12] ) elif tp == '38ABOVE': a = gethnote(note, chord) b = gethnote(a, chord) hnotes.extend( [a+24, b+24] ) elif tp in ('OPEN', "OPENBELOW"): a=gethnote(note, chord) hnotes.append( gethnote(a, chord)) elif tp == 'OPEN8BELOW': a = gethnote(note, chord) hnotes.append( gethnote(a-12, chord)) elif tp == 'OPENABOVE': a=gethnote(note, chord) hnotes.append( gethnote(a, chord) + 12 ) elif tp == 'OPEN8ABOVE': a=gethnote(note, chord) hnotes.append( gethnote(a, chord) + 24 ) elif tp in ('8', '8BELOW'): hnotes.append( note - 12 ) elif tp == '8ABOVE': hnotes.append( note + 12 ) elif tp in ('16', '16BELOW'): hnotes.append( note - (2 * 12) ) elif tp == '16ABOVE': hnotes.append( note + (2 * 12) ) elif tp in ('24', '24BELOW'): hnotes.append( note - (3 * 12) ) elif tp == '24ABOVE': hnotes.append( note + (3 * 12) ) else: error("Unknown harmony type '%s'" % tp) """ Strip out duplicate notes from harmony list. Cute trick here ... using set(). """ return list(set(hnotes)) def gethnote(note, chord): """ Determine harmony notes for a note based on the chord. note - midi value of the note chord - list of midi values for the chord This routine works by creating a chord list with all its notes having a value less than the note (remember, this is all MIDI values). We then grab notes from the end of the chord until one is found which is less than the original note. """ wm="No harmony note found since no chord, using note " + \ "0 which will sound bad" if not chord: # should never happen! warning(wm) return 0 ch = list(chord) # copy chord and sort ch.sort() # ensure that the note is in the chord while ch[-1] < note: for i,n in enumerate(ch): ch[i]+=12 while ch[0] >= note: for i,v in enumerate(ch): ch[i]-=12 # get one lower than the note while 1: if not ch: # this probably can't happen warning(wm) return 0 h=ch.pop() if h