// A very simple 16 bar bossanova created to demo aria tracks. // No melody in mind, but it doesn't sound half bad! Tempo 110 KeySig C // no effect SeqSize 4 // important since we're setting up 4 bars for the aria Begin Aria Voice JazzGuitar // For the melody Volume fff f // make it loud/not quite so loud Articulate 95 // Nearly full time for each note Harmony Open+8Below // Add harmony notes about and below Octave 5 Range 1.5 // Limit melody to one and a half octave Direction rrr 1 rr -1 2 4 r // Set our change pattern. Note related to seqsize!!! ScaleType Chord // change to Chromatic or Scale for other effects // This is the sequence. Note that there are sets, one for each 'seqsize' Sequence {1 4. 90; 2.5 8 60; 3 2 70} {1 1 90 * 8} {1 2 100;2 2 90; 3 4 88} {1 1 80 * 2} SeqRnd On // Select sequence to use randomly Rskip 10 // Skip 10% of all melody notes (including harmony) Rvolume 20 // Make the volume a bit varied Rtime 10 // Don't start notes right on the beat End Repeat Groove BossaNova Cresc mp m 4 Cm7 / F7 Cm7 / F7 Bb6 / BbM7 Cm7 / F7 Groove BossaNovaSus Aria Mallet Rate=8 Decay=-2 // just for fun Swell m mf 4 Dm7 / G7 Dm7 / G7 C6 / CM7 Dm7 / G7 Aria Mallet Rate=None // turn off repeating notes Groove BossaNova Aria ScaleType Scale // use scales for next 2 bars Decresc mp 4 G Gm Aria ScaleType Chord // back to chords for 1 bar Groove BossaNova1Sus Aria Riff 1 1 100 * 6 // change pattern to quarter note triplets Gdim Aria ScaleType Chromatic // now try a chromatic scaletype F Aria ScaleType Chord // and back to chords Groove BossaNova G G7 Cm7 / F7 Groove BossaNovaFill Cm7 / C RepeatEnd Groove BossaNovaEnd Decresc ppp 2 Tempo *.8 2 Aria Riff 1 1 80 * 6 C / F Aria Riff 1 1 70 * 2 C / z!