// calypso Begin Doc Again, I'm no expert! I did this one to play with the Sonny Rollins song "St. Thomas". End Author Bob van der Poel SeqClear Time 4 Timesig 4 4 Include stdpats /////////////////////////// // Define patterns Begin Chord Define C12'3 C14 ; 2.5 16 80 C12'34 C12'3 ; C4 End Begin Drum Define D13+ D13 ; D13 Shift .5 D2'4 2.5 0 90; 4 0 90 End Begin Walk Define W1'3 W13; 2.5 16 80 W13' W13; 4.5 16 80 End ///////////////// // Calypso SeqSize 4 Begin Chord Sequence C12'3 / / C12'34 Voice JazzGuitar Volume mp Voicing Mode=Optimal Rmove=10 Octave 6 DupRoot -1 Articulate 90 Rvolume 5 Rtime 2 Rskip 5 Strum 6 End Begin Drum-LowBongo Sequence D13 D13+ Tone LowBongo Rvolume 20 Rtime 5 End Begin Drum-LowConga Sequence D2'4 Tone LowConga Rvolume 20 RTime 4 End Begin Drum-Cym Sequence D1234 Tone CrashCymbal1 Volume ppp Rtime 20 Rvolume 20 Rskip 90 End Begin Walk Sequence W13 / W1'3 W13' Accent 1 10 SeqRnd On Octave 3 Voice AcousticBass Articulate 90 Volume f Rvolume 4 Rtime 5 End DefGroove Calypso A nice, simple Calypos beat with lots of tom-drums. Begin Chord-Sus Voice SynthVox Sequence { 1 1 90 0 80 0 * 2} // Root and fifth notes only. Voicing mode=optimal Volume mp Octave 5 Articulate 100 Unify On End DefGroove CalypsoSus A synth voice sustained under the beat. ////////////// // Alternate with a 4 to the bar walk Groove Calypso Begin Walk Sequence W1234 Direction Down Octave 3 Articulate 70 End DefGroove Calypso1 Walking Bass changed to 4-in-a-bar. Chord-Sus Groove CalypsoSus DefGroove Calypso1Sus 4-in-a-bar bass with sustained, artifical voices. //////////////// // A 1 bar ending. This uses all the same instruments // but puts everything on the beat. Groove Calypso SeqSize 1 Alltracks Rskip 0 Drum-LowBongo Sequence D1234 Drum-LowConga Sequence D1234 Drum-Cym Sequence D12 Walk Sequence W1234 Chord Sequence C1234 DefGroove CalypsoEnd A very simple, finalized ending. All \ the same instruments as Calypso, but \ all are on beats 1,2,3 and 4.