///// Yamaha sty to MMA conversion by ys2mma.py ///// This file is a machine translation of a binary style file and ///// should be usable by MMA. However, it does not use all of the ///// features of MMA ... or those of a Yamaha synth. It should be hand ///// optimized for best results. ///// Created: Tue May 27 18:39:11 2008 Begin Doc Original file: salsa2.sty ... insert your comments here! End Author YOUR NAME HERE Time 4 TimeSig 4 4 ////////////////////// /////// Main-A SeqClear SeqSize 4 Begin Drum-CowBell Tone CowBell Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.5 0 115; 2.25 0 115; 3 0 111; 3.75 0 113; 4.25 0 105; 4.75 0 117 } \ {1.5 0 115; 2.25 0 115; 3 0 111; 3.75 0 113; 4.25 0 105; 4.75 0 117 } \ {1.5 0 115; 2.25 0 115; 3 0 111; 3.75 0 113; 4.25 0 105; 4.75 0 117 } \ {1.5 0 115; 2.25 0 115; 3 0 111; 3.75 0 113; 4.25 0 105; 4.75 0 117 } End Begin Drum-HighBongo Tone HighBongo Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.01 0 73; 1.5 0 127; 2.04 0 82; 2.3 0 77; 3.25 0 102; 3.5 0 90; 3.72 0 96; 4 0 127; 4.25 0 96; 4.5 0 127 } \ {1.51 0 127; 2.33 0 78; 3.25 0 103; 3.95 0 110; 4.51 0 127; 4.79 0 109 } \ {1.55 0 69; 2.29 0 90; 2.51 0 108; 2.76 0 127; 3.91 0 73; 4.26 0 108; 4.79 0 117 } \ {1.51 0 127; 2.33 0 78; 3.25 0 103; 3.95 0 110; 4.51 0 127; 4.79 0 109 } End Begin Drum-MuteHighConga Tone MuteHighConga Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.51 0 127; 3.5 0 127 } \ {1.51 0 127; 3.5 0 127 } \ {1.51 0 127; 3.5 0 127 } \ {1.51 0 127; 3.5 0 127 } End Begin Drum-OpenHighConga Tone OpenHighConga Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {2.51 0 127; 2.75 0 122; 4.5 0 127; 4.75 0 112 } \ {2.51 0 127; 2.75 0 122; 4.5 0 127; 4.75 0 112 } \ {2.51 0 127; 2.75 0 122; 4.5 0 127; 4.75 0 112 } \ {2.51 0 127; 2.75 0 122; 4.5 0 127; 4.75 0 112 } End Begin Drum-LowAgogo Tone LowAgogo Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.01 0 116; 2 0 127; 2.76 0 110; 3.75 0 104; 4 0 110 } \ {1 0 114; 2 0 120; 2.76 0 114; 3.72 0 100; 4 0 112 } \ {1 0 118; 2.01 0 114; 2.97 0 116; 4 0 124 } \ {1 0 114; 2 0 120; 2.76 0 114; 3.72 0 100; 4 0 112 } End Begin Drum-Maracas Tone Maracas Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1 0 107; 1.25 0 55; 1.5 0 88; 1.75 0 69; 2 0 53; 2.25 0 100; 2.5 0 66; 2.75 0 84; 3 0 100; 3.25 0 35; 3.5 0 57; 3.75 0 96; 4 0 66; 4.25 0 106; 4.5 0 56; 4.75 0 104 } \ {1 0 107; 1.25 0 55; 1.5 0 88; 1.75 0 69; 2 0 53; 2.25 0 100; 2.5 0 66; 2.75 0 84; 3 0 100; 3.25 0 35; 3.5 0 57; 3.75 0 96; 4 0 66; 4.25 0 106; 4.5 0 56; 4.75 0 104 } \ {1 0 107; 1.25 0 55; 1.5 0 88; 1.75 0 69; 2 0 53; 2.25 0 100; 2.5 0 66; 2.75 0 84; 3 0 100; 3.25 0 35; 3.5 0 57; 3.75 0 96; 4 0 66; 4.25 0 106; 4.5 0 56; 4.75 0 104 } \ {1 0 107; 1.25 0 55; 1.5 0 88; 1.75 0 69; 2 0 53; 2.25 0 100; 2.5 0 66; 2.75 0 84; 3 0 100; 3.25 0 35; 3.5 0 57; 3.75 0 96; 4 0 66; 4.25 0 106; 4.5 0 56; 4.75 0 104 } End Begin Drum-HighWoodBlock Tone HighWoodBlock Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.51 0 123; 2.01 0 110; 3.01 0 125; 3.76 0 125; 4.54 0 127 } \ {1.51 0 123; 2.01 0 110; 3.01 0 125; 3.76 0 125; 4.54 0 127 } \ {1.51 0 123; 2.01 0 110; 3.01 0 125; 3.76 0 125; 4.54 0 127 } \ {1.51 0 123; 2.01 0 110; 3.01 0 125; 3.76 0 125; 4.54 0 127 } End Begin Bass-11 Voice AcousticBass Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume MP Octave 3 Sequence {1 8. 1 100; 1.75 8 5 90; 2.5 4 1 94; 3.75 32 5 94; 4.25 8. 1 98 } \ {1 8. 1 100; 1.75 8 5 90; 2.5 4 1 94; 3.75 32 5 94; 4.25 8. 1 98 } \ {1 8. 1 100; 1.75 8 5 90; 2.5 4 1 94; 3.75 32 5 94; 4.25 8. 1 98 } \ {1 8. 1 100; 1.75 8 5 90; 2.5 4 1 94; 3.75 32 5 94; 4.25 8. 1 98 } End Begin Chord-12 Voice Piano1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume P Voicing Mode=Optimal Articulate 100 Octave 5 Sequence {1.01 8 72; 1.47 16 65; 1.5 32 71; 1.72 16 66; 1.75 16 70; 2.26 16 75; 2.79 16 69; 2.8 8 70; 3.26 0 66; 3.29 16 65; 3.79 32 69; 4.04 8 71; 4.5 16 60 } \ {1.01 8 72; 1.47 16 65; 1.5 32 71; 1.72 16 66; 1.75 16 70; 2.26 16 75; 2.79 16 69; 2.8 8 70; 3.26 16 66; 3.29 16 65; 3.79 32 69; 4.04 8 71; 4.5 16 60 } \ {1.01 8 72; 1.47 16 65; 1.5 32 71; 1.72 16 66; 1.75 16 70; 2.26 16 75; 2.79 16 69; 2.8 8 70; 3.26 0 66; 3.29 16 65; 3.79 32 69; 4.04 8 71; 4.5 16 60 } \ {1.01 8 72; 1.47 16 65; 1.5 32 71; 1.72 16 66; 1.75 16 70; 2.26 16 75; 2.79 16 69; 2.8 8 70; 3.26 0 66; 3.29 16 65; 3.79 32 69; 4.04 8 71; 4.5 16 60 } End Begin Bass-14 Voice BrassSection Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume PP Octave 6 Sequence {1 16 1 104; 1 16 5 104; 1 16 3 104; 1 16 1 104; 1.29 32 1 104; 1.29 32 3 104; 1.29 32 1 104; 1.29 32 5 104 } z z z End DefGroove Salsa2MainA Auto-generated 'Main A' salsa2.sty ////////////////////// /////// Intro-A SeqClear SeqSize 4 Begin Drum-CowBell Tone CowBell Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1 0 90; 2 0 78; 3 0 114; 3.97 0 104 } \ {1.01 0 102; 2.05 0 98; 3 0 96; 3.97 0 98; 4.97 0 86 } \ {1 0 86; 2.01 0 94; 3.01 0 100; 4 0 102 } \ {1.01 0 114; 2.04 0 110; 3.01 0 117; 3.97 0 120 } End Begin Drum-HighBongo Tone HighBongo Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence z {3.3 0 59; 3.68 0 61; 4 0 69 } \ {1.3 0 58; 1.68 0 62; 2 0 56; 2.3 0 65; 2.68 0 86; 3 0 89; 3.3 0 76; 3.68 0 85; 4 0 80; 4.3 0 79; 4.68 0 67 } \ {2.25 0 60; 2.75 0 75; 3.25 0 48 } End Begin Drum-LowBongo Tone LowBongo Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence z {1.33 0 30; 1.45 0 60; 1.58 0 80; 1.7 0 90; 1.97 0 110; 2.26 0 98; 2.68 0 96; 3 0 77; 4.3 0 114; 4.68 0 100 } \ {1 0 96 } \ {1 0 82; 1.5 0 90; 1.75 0 64; 3.75 0 69; 4 0 96; 4.5 0 104; 4.75 0 72 } End Begin Drum-OpenHighConga Tone OpenHighConga Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.75 0 92; 2 0 77; 3.75 0 81; 4 0 77 } \ {1.75 0 90; 2 0 69; 3.75 0 96; 4 0 81 } \ {1.75 0 94; 2 0 92; 3.75 0 78; 4 0 98 } \ {1.75 0 90; 2 0 69; 3.75 0 96; 4 0 81 } End Begin Drum-LowConga Tone LowConga Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1 0 92; 2.75 0 82; 3 0 82; 4.75 0 75 } \ {1 0 80; 2.75 0 87; 3 0 86; 4.75 0 80 } \ {1 0 68; 2.75 0 74; 3 0 87; 4.75 0 74 } \ {1 0 80; 2.75 0 87; 3 0 86; 4.75 0 80 } End Begin Drum-ShortHiWhistle Tone ShortHiWhistle Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {4.5 0 81 } \ {4.5 0 74 } \ {4.5 0 74 } z End Begin Drum-LongLowWhistle Tone LongLowWhistle Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence z {1 0 66 } \ {1 0 66 } \ {1 0 66 } End Begin Drum-ShortGuiro Tone ShortGuiro Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {2.25 0 36; 2.75 0 53; 4.25 0 53; 4.75 0 94 } \ {2.25 0 54; 2.75 0 67; 4.25 0 55; 4.75 0 90 } \ {2.25 0 36; 2.75 0 53; 4.25 0 53; 4.75 0 94 } \ {2.25 0 54; 2.75 0 67; 4.25 0 55; 4.75 0 90 } End Begin Drum-LongGuiro Tone LongGuiro Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1 0 50; 3 0 49 } \ {1 0 60; 3 0 52 } \ {1 0 50; 3 0 49 } \ {1 0 60; 3 0 52 } End Begin Drum-MuteCuica Tone MuteCuica Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {3.5 0 97; 3.75 0 52 } \ {3.5 0 97; 3.75 0 65 } \ {3.5 0 100; 3.75 0 66 } \ {3.5 0 97; 3.75 0 65 } End Begin Drum-OpenCuica Tone OpenCuica Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {4.5 0 87; 4.75 0 72 } \ {4.5 0 59; 4.75 0 54 } \ {1 0 54; 4.5 0 80; 4.75 0 47 } \ {4.5 0 59; 4.75 0 54 } End Begin Bass-8 Voice SynthBass2 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume MP Octave 3 Sequence z z z {3 4. 1 100 } End Begin Bass-9 Voice SlowStrings Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume P Octave 6 Sequence z z {1 1 1 40; 3 4. 1 45 } \ {1 1 1 40; 1 1 1 45; 1 1 5 50; 3 4. 3 55 } End Begin Chord-13 Voice NylonGuitar Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume MP Voicing Mode=Optimal Articulate 100 Octave 4 Sequence z z z {2.91 4. 60; 2.95 4. 70; 3 4. 80; 3.04 4. 90 } End DefGroove Salsa2IntroA Auto-generated 'Intro A' salsa2.sty ////////////////////// /////// Fill-AA SeqClear SeqSize 1 Begin Drum-SplashCymbal Tone SplashCymbal Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {4.5 0 127 } End Begin Drum-CowBell Tone CowBell Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.5 0 115; 3 0 111; 4.75 0 117 } End Begin Drum-HighBongo Tone HighBongo Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.97 0 104; 2.97 0 104; 3.97 0 107 } End Begin Drum-MuteHighConga Tone MuteHighConga Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.51 0 127; 3.5 0 127 } End Begin Drum-OpenHighConga Tone OpenHighConga Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {2.51 0 127; 2.75 0 122; 4.12 0 83; 4.25 0 122; 4.5 0 121; 4.62 0 117; 4.75 0 119; 4.87 0 127 } End Begin Drum-HighTimbale Tone HighTimbale Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {2 0 109; 2.25 0 109; 2.75 0 109; 3.75 0 115; 4.25 0 105 } End Begin Drum-Maracas Tone Maracas Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1 0 107; 1.25 0 55; 1.5 0 88; 1.75 0 69; 2 0 53; 2.25 0 100; 2.5 0 66; 2.75 0 84; 3 0 100; 3.25 0 35; 3.5 0 57; 3.75 0 96; 4 0 66; 4.25 0 106; 4.75 0 104 } End Begin Drum-HighWoodBlock Tone HighWoodBlock Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.51 0 123; 2.01 0 110; 3.01 0 125; 3.76 0 125; 4.54 0 127 } End Begin Bass-11 Voice AcousticBass Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume MP Octave 3 Sequence {1 8. 1 100; 1.75 8 5 90; 2.5 4 1 94; 3.75 32 5 94; 4.25 8. 1 98 } End Begin Chord-12 Voice Piano1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume P Voicing Mode=Optimal Articulate 100 Octave 5 Sequence {1.01 8 72; 1.47 16 65; 1.5 32 71; 1.72 16 66; 1.75 16 70; 2.26 16 75; 2.79 16 69; 2.8 8 70; 3.26 16 66; 3.29 16 65; 3.79 32 69; 4.04 8 71; 4.5 16 60 } End DefGroove Salsa2FillAA Auto-generated 'Fill In AA' salsa2.sty ////////////////////// /////// Fill-AB SeqClear SeqSize 1 Begin Drum-KickDrum2 Tone KickDrum2 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1 0 119; 2.5 0 79; 3 0 111 } End Begin Drum-SnareDrum2 Tone SnareDrum2 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {2 0 127; 3.75 0 127; 4.75 0 119 } End Begin Drum-ClosedHiHat Tone ClosedHiHat Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.5 0 71; 1.75 0 87; 2.5 0 79; 2.75 0 87; 3.25 0 79; 3.75 0 71; 4 0 87 } End Begin Drum-OpenHiHat Tone OpenHiHat Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {4.5 0 79 } End Begin Drum-RideCymbal2 Tone RideCymbal2 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.5 0 79; 2.5 0 95; 3.5 0 79; 4.5 0 95 } End Begin Drum-HighBongo Tone HighBongo Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.75 0 87; 2.75 0 71; 3.75 0 71 } End Begin Drum-LowBongo Tone LowBongo Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {4.25 0 39; 4.5 0 79 } End Begin Drum-MuteHighConga Tone MuteHighConga Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.25 0 87; 2.25 0 63; 3 0 111; 3.25 0 79 } End Begin Drum-OpenHighConga Tone OpenHighConga Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.5 0 123; 3.5 0 116; 4.25 0 71 } End Begin Drum-LowConga Tone LowConga Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {2.5 0 114; 2.75 0 108; 4.5 0 115; 4.75 0 114 } End Begin Drum-Cabasa Tone Cabasa Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1 0 71; 1.25 0 47; 1.5 0 39; 1.75 0 55; 2 0 71; 2.25 0 47; 2.5 0 39; 2.75 0 55; 3 0 71; 3.25 0 47; 3.5 0 39; 3.75 0 55; 4 0 71; 4.25 0 47; 4.5 0 39; 4.75 0 55 } End Begin Bass-11 Voice AcousticBass Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume MP Octave 3 Sequence {1 8. 1 105; 1.75 16 5 105; 2 8. 5 97; 2.75 16 1 97; 3 8. 1 105; 3.75 32 5 105; 4.25 16 5 105; 4.5 16 1 97 } End Begin Chord-12 Voice Piano1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume P Voicing Mode=Optimal Articulate 100 Octave 6 Sequence {1 16 84; 1.5 32 80; 1.75 32 87; 2.25 32 84; 2.75 32 86; 3.25 32 82; 3.75 32 84; 4 16 82; 4.5 16 90 } End Begin Chord-13 Voice NylonGuitar Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume MP Voicing Mode=Optimal Articulate 100 Octave 4 Sequence {2.5 32 82; 2.75 32 81; 3.25 32 80; 3.75 0 81; 4.5 32 83; 4.75 32 86 } End DefGroove Salsa2FillAB Auto-generated 'Fill In AB' salsa2.sty ////////////////////// /////// Ending-A SeqClear SeqSize 2 Begin Drum-KickDrum1 Tone KickDrum1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1 0 106 } \ {1 0 106; 2.75 0 120 } End Begin Drum-LowTom2 Tone LowTom2 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence z {1 0 106; 1.5 0 78; 1.75 0 92; 2.25 0 106; 2.75 0 120 } End Begin Drum-CrashCymbal1 Tone CrashCymbal1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1 0 106 } \ {1 0 106; 2.75 0 126 } End Begin Drum-HighBongo Tone HighBongo Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.3 0 84; 1.33 0 110; 1.75 0 103; 2.05 0 95; 2.35 0 92; 2.66 0 99; 3.01 0 95; 3.33 0 95; 3.7 0 103; 4.04 0 90; 4.37 0 99; 4.68 0 86 } \ {1.01 0 109; 1.47 0 107; 1.76 0 98; 2.29 0 125; 2.72 0 118 } End Begin Drum-HighTimbale Tone HighTimbale Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.25 0 30; 1.41 0 92; 1.7 0 99; 2 0 100; 2.29 0 84; 2.7 0 98; 3 0 100; 3.29 0 107; 3.7 0 96; 4 0 95; 4.29 0 103; 4.7 0 123 } \ {1 0 123; 1.5 0 123; 1.75 0 123; 2.25 0 123; 2.75 0 123 } End Begin Drum-HighAgogo Tone HighAgogo Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence z {1 0 103; 1.5 0 103; 1.75 0 103; 2.25 0 103; 2.75 0 103 } End Begin Bass-8 Voice SynthBass2 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume MP Octave 2 Sequence {1 8 1 100 } \ {1 8 1 100; 1.5 16 1 100; 1.75 16 1 100; 2.25 16 7- 100; 2.75 16 1 100 } End Begin Bass-14 Voice BrassSection Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume PP Octave 6 Sequence {1 8 1 127; 1 8 1 127; 1 0 5 126; 1.01 16 5 114; 1.04 0 7- 100; 1.39 32 5 36; 1.45 0 5 76; 1.51 32 4 71; 1.58 0 3 93; 1.64 0 3 93; 1.68 0 2 105; 1.72 0 1 96; 1.76 0 1 96; 1.8 0 7- 93; 1.85 0 7- 103; 1.89 0 6 98; 1.93 0 5 98; 1.97 0 5 100; 2.01 0 4 105; 2.05 0 3 92; 2.1 0 3 99; 2.14 0 2 107; 2.18 0 1 103 } \ {1 16 1 113; 1.05 16 5 113; 1.05 16 1 90; 1.55 32 5 99; 1.55 16 1 105; 1.55 32 1 100; 1.8 16 5 92; 1.8 16 1 82; 1.8 16 1 81; 2.3 16 7- 117; 2.3 16 4 103; 2.3 16 7- 123; 2.8 16 5 107; 2.8 16 1 127; 2.8 16 1 125 } End Begin Chord-15 Voice Piano2 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume P Voicing Mode=Optimal Articulate 100 Octave 6 Sequence z {1 16 90; 1.5 16 90; 1.75 16 90; 2.25 16 90; 2.75 16 90 } End DefGroove Salsa2EndingA Auto-generated 'Ending A' salsa2.sty ////////////////////// /////// Main-B SeqClear SeqSize 4 Begin Drum-KickDrum2 Tone KickDrum2 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1 0 119; 3 0 111 } \ {1 0 119; 3 0 111 } \ {1 0 119; 3 0 111 } \ {1 0 119; 3 0 111 } End Begin Drum-SideKick Tone SideKick Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.75 0 111; 2 0 79 } \ {1.75 0 111; 2 0 79 } \ {1.75 0 111; 2 0 79 } \ {1.75 0 111; 2 0 79 } End Begin Drum-ClosedHiHat Tone ClosedHiHat Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.5 0 63; 1.75 0 71; 2.5 0 95; 3.5 0 63; 3.75 0 71 } \ {1.5 0 63; 1.75 0 71; 2.5 0 95; 3.5 0 63; 3.75 0 71 } \ {1.5 0 63; 1.75 0 71; 2.5 0 95; 3.5 0 63; 3.75 0 71; 4.5 0 95 } \ {1.5 0 63; 1.75 0 71; 2.5 0 95; 3.5 0 63; 3.75 0 71 } End Begin Drum-LowTom1 Tone LowTom1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {2.5 0 119 } z {2.5 0 119 } z End Begin Drum-PedalHiHat Tone PedalHiHat Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {2.25 0 87; 4.25 0 87 } \ {2.25 0 87; 4.25 0 87 } \ {2.25 0 87; 4.25 0 87 } \ {2.25 0 87; 4.25 0 87 } End Begin Drum-MidTom1 Tone MidTom1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {4.5 0 95 } z {4.5 0 95 } z End Begin Drum-SplashCymbal Tone SplashCymbal Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1 0 127 } z z z End Begin Drum-CowBell Tone CowBell Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1 0 79; 2 0 79; 3 0 79; 4 0 79 } \ {1 0 79; 2 0 79; 3 0 79; 4 0 79 } \ {1 0 79; 2 0 79; 3 0 79; 4 0 79 } \ {1 0 79; 2 0 79; 3 0 79; 4 0 79 } End Begin Drum-MuteHighConga Tone MuteHighConga Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1 0 95; 3 0 95 } \ {1 0 95; 3 0 95 } \ {1 0 95; 3 0 95 } \ {1 0 95; 3 0 95 } End Begin Drum-OpenHighConga Tone OpenHighConga Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {2 0 127; 2.5 0 127; 4 0 127; 4.5 0 127 } \ {2 0 127; 2.5 0 119; 4 0 127; 4.5 0 127 } \ {2 0 127; 2.5 0 127; 4 0 127; 4.5 0 127 } \ {2 0 127; 2.5 0 119; 4 0 127; 4.5 0 127 } End Begin Drum-LowConga Tone LowConga Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.75 0 127; 3.25 0 63; 3.5 0 103; 3.75 0 119 } \ {1.75 0 111; 3.25 0 87; 3.5 0 111; 3.75 0 119 } \ {1.75 0 127; 3.25 0 63; 3.5 0 103; 3.75 0 119 } \ {1.75 0 111; 3.25 0 87; 3.5 0 111; 3.75 0 119 } End Begin Drum-HighTimbale Tone HighTimbale Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence z {3.25 0 47; 3.75 0 55; 4 0 95; 4.5 0 71; 4.75 0 87 } z {3.25 0 47; 3.75 0 55; 4 0 95; 4.5 0 71; 4.75 0 87 } End Begin Drum-HighAgogo Tone HighAgogo Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.5 0 71; 2.25 0 63; 3 0 63; 3.75 0 71; 4.5 0 63 } \ {1.5 0 63; 2 0 71; 2.25 0 63; 3 0 63; 3.75 0 71; 4.5 0 63 } \ {1.25 0 71; 2 0 71; 2.75 0 63; 3.5 0 63; 4.25 0 71 } \ {1.5 0 63; 2 0 71; 2.25 0 63; 3 0 63; 3.75 0 71; 4.5 0 63 } End Begin Drum-Cabasa Tone Cabasa Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.5 0 79; 2.5 0 79; 3.5 0 79; 4.5 0 79 } \ {1.5 0 79; 2.5 0 79; 3.5 0 79; 4.5 0 79 } \ {1.5 0 79; 2.5 0 79; 3.5 0 79; 4.5 0 79 } \ {1.5 0 79; 2.5 0 79; 3.5 0 79; 4.5 0 79 } End Begin Drum-Maracas Tone Maracas Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {2.25 0 79; 4.25 0 79 } \ {1.25 0 79; 2.25 0 79; 4.25 0 79 } \ {1.25 0 79; 2.25 0 79; 3.25 0 79; 4.25 0 79 } \ {1.25 0 79; 2.25 0 79; 4.25 0 79 } End Begin Drum-ShortGuiro Tone ShortGuiro Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.25 0 79 } z z z End Begin Drum-LongGuiro Tone LongGuiro Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence z z {1.25 0 79 } z End Begin Drum-MuteTriangle Tone MuteTriangle Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.5 0 103; 1.75 0 87; 2.5 0 103; 2.75 0 87; 3.5 0 103; 3.75 0 87; 4.5 0 103; 4.75 0 87 } \ {1.5 0 103; 1.75 0 87; 2.5 0 103; 2.75 0 87; 3.5 0 103; 3.75 0 87; 4.5 0 103; 4.75 0 87 } \ {1.5 0 103; 1.75 0 87; 2.5 0 103; 2.75 0 87; 3.5 0 103; 3.75 0 87; 4.5 0 103; 4.75 0 87 } \ {1.5 0 103; 1.75 0 87; 2.5 0 103; 2.75 0 87; 3.5 0 103; 3.75 0 87; 4.5 0 103; 4.75 0 87 } End Begin Drum-Shaker Tone Shaker Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {2 0 71; 3 0 71; 4 0 71 } \ {1 0 71; 2 0 71; 3 0 71; 4 0 71 } \ {1 0 71; 2 0 71; 3 0 71; 4 0 71 } \ {1 0 71; 2 0 71; 3 0 71; 4 0 71 } End Begin Bass-14 Voice BrassSection Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume PP Octave 5 Sequence {2.5 32 3 109; 2.5 0 1 93; 2.5 32 5 109; 2.5 0 1 101; 2.75 0 1 93; 2.75 0 1 85; 2.75 32 5 93; 2.75 32 3 93; 4.5 16 1 85; 4.5 16 3 101; 4.5 32 5 85 } \ {1.75 8 3 101; 1.75 8 3 93; 1.75 8 5 101; 1.75 8 1 85; 2.25 32 3 101; 2.25 32 5 101; 2.25 32 1 101 } \ {1.25 16 5 101; 1.25 8 3 101; 1.25 0 1 85; 1.25 0 1 101; 2.5 8 1 101; 2.5 8 5 101; 2.5 8 1 85; 2.5 8 3 101 } \ {1.75 8 1 85; 1.75 8 3 93; 1.75 8 3 101; 1.75 8 5 101; 2.25 32 5 101; 2.25 32 1 101; 2.25 32 3 101 } End Begin Chord-15 Voice Piano2 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume P Voicing Mode=Optimal Articulate 100 Octave 5 Sequence {1 0 93; 1.5 16 77; 1.75 0 71; 2.25 16 89; 2.75 16 93; 3.25 32 69; 3.5 32 74; 3.75 16 66; 4 8 74; 4.5 32 77 } \ {1 4 101; 1.5 16 87; 1.75 8 77; 2.25 32 90; 2.5 32 61; 2.75 32 93; 3 32 69; 3.25 16 93; 3.5 32 93; 3.75 32 101; 4 4 93; 4.25 8. 90 } \ {1 16 85; 1.25 16 85; 1.75 8 82; 2 8 85; 2.5 16 82; 3 16 75; 3.5 16 77; 3.75 32 75; 4.25 16 81; 4.75 32 77 } \ {1.25 8 103; 1.75 32 89; 2.25 32 93; 3 16 93; 3.5 32 77; 3.75 32 90; 4 8 90; 4.5 0 91 } End Begin Bass-16 Voice SlapBass1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume MP Octave 3 Sequence {1 8 1 119; 1.75 8 5 127; 2.5 8 1 111; 3 8 1 119; 3.75 8 5 127; 4.5 8 5 111 } \ {1 8 1 119; 1.75 8 5 127; 2.5 8 1 111; 3 8 1 119; 3.75 8 5 127; 4.5 8 5 111 } \ {1 8 1 119; 1.75 8 5 127; 2.5 8 1 111; 3 8 1 119; 3.75 8 5 127; 4.5 8 5 111 } \ {1 16 1 119; 1.75 8 5 127; 2.5 16 1 111; 3.25 8 1 111; 3.75 32 1 111; 4.25 8 1 121; 4.75 32 1 127 } End DefGroove Salsa2MainB Auto-generated 'Main B' salsa2.sty ////////////////////// /////// Intro-B SeqClear SeqSize 4 Begin Drum-KickDrum1 Tone KickDrum1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence z z z {1 0 120; 3 0 120 } End Begin Drum-SnareDrum1 Tone SnareDrum1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence z z z {4 0 36; 4.25 0 64; 4.5 0 92; 4.75 0 120 } End Begin Drum-LowTom2 Tone LowTom2 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence z z z {3.25 0 120 } End Begin Drum-LowTom1 Tone LowTom1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence z z z {2.5 0 127 } End Begin Drum-MidTom1 Tone MidTom1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence z z z {1.75 0 127 } End Begin Drum-CrashCymbal1 Tone CrashCymbal1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence z z z {1 0 106 } End Begin Drum-HighTom1 Tone HighTom1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence z z z {1 0 127 } End Begin Drum-HighTimbale Tone HighTimbale Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence z z {1.25 0 40; 1.33 0 70; 1.41 0 95; 1.7 0 83; 2 0 92; 2.29 0 94; 2.7 0 97; 3 0 108 } z End Begin Drum-LowTimbale Tone LowTimbale Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence z z {3.29 0 108; 3.7 0 114; 4 0 110; 4.29 0 104; 4.7 0 104 } \ {1 0 120 } End Begin Drum-HighAgogo Tone HighAgogo Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence z {1 0 43; 1.5 0 59; 2.75 0 45; 3.25 0 46; 3.75 0 40 } \ {1 0 56; 1.5 0 44; 2.75 0 48; 3.25 0 51; 3.75 0 51 } \ {1 0 52; 1.5 0 57; 2.75 0 51; 3.25 0 63; 3.75 0 49 } End Begin Drum-LowAgogo Tone LowAgogo Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence z {2 0 64; 2.25 0 50; 4 0 53; 4.5 0 68 } \ {2 0 55; 2.25 0 36; 4 0 65; 4.5 0 76; 4.75 0 59 } \ {2 0 65; 2.25 0 52; 4 0 63; 4.5 0 65 } End Begin Drum-Maracas Tone Maracas Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1 0 102; 1.75 0 102; 2 0 81; 3 0 114; 3.75 0 120; 4 0 63 } \ {1 0 94; 1.75 0 100; 2 0 73; 3 0 100; 3.75 0 98; 4 0 64 } \ {1 0 104; 1.75 0 96; 2 0 64; 3 0 108; 3.75 0 102; 4 0 64 } \ {1 0 96; 1.75 0 106; 2 0 63; 3 0 98; 3.75 0 104; 4 0 66 } End Begin Drum-Claves Tone Claves Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.5 0 58; 2.25 0 61; 2.75 0 69 } \ {1.5 0 52; 2.25 0 63; 2.75 0 81 } \ {1.5 0 76; 2.25 0 60; 2.75 0 96 } \ {1.5 0 69; 2.25 0 37; 2.75 0 86 } End Begin Drum-MuteTriangle Tone MuteTriangle Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence z z {1 0 74; 1.25 0 56; 2 0 84; 2.25 0 58; 3 0 84; 3.25 0 74; 4 0 82; 4.25 0 72 } \ {1 0 88; 1.25 0 69; 2 0 81; 2.25 0 61; 3 0 84; 3.25 0 63; 4 0 80; 4.25 0 47 } End Begin Drum-OpenTriangle Tone OpenTriangle Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence z z {1.5 0 86; 2.5 0 82; 3.5 0 75; 4.5 0 67 } \ {1.5 0 79; 2.5 0 90; 3.5 0 89; 4.5 0 87 } End Begin Bass-8 Voice SynthBass2 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume MP Octave 3 Sequence z z z {1 1 1 120 } End Begin Chord-12 Voice Piano1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume P Voicing Mode=Optimal Articulate 100 Octave 4 Sequence z z z {1 1 90 } End Begin Bass-14 Voice BrassSection Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume PP Octave 5 Sequence z z z {1 1 1 90; 1 1 5 90; 1 1 1 90; 1 1 3 90 } End DefGroove Salsa2IntroB Auto-generated 'Intro B' salsa2.sty ////////////////////// /////// Fill-BB SeqClear SeqSize 1 Begin Drum-KickDrum2 Tone KickDrum2 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1 0 119; 3 0 111 } End Begin Drum-SideKick Tone SideKick Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.75 0 111; 2 0 79 } End Begin Drum-ClosedHiHat Tone ClosedHiHat Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.5 0 63; 1.75 0 71; 2.5 0 95; 3.5 0 63; 3.75 0 71 } End Begin Drum-PedalHiHat Tone PedalHiHat Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {2.25 0 87; 4.25 0 87 } End Begin Drum-CowBell Tone CowBell Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1 0 79; 2 0 79; 3 0 79; 4 0 79 } End Begin Drum-MuteHighConga Tone MuteHighConga Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1 0 95; 3 0 95 } End Begin Drum-OpenHighConga Tone OpenHighConga Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {2 0 127; 2.5 0 119; 4 0 127; 4.5 0 127 } End Begin Drum-LowConga Tone LowConga Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.75 0 111; 3.25 0 87; 3.5 0 111; 3.75 0 119 } End Begin Drum-HighTimbale Tone HighTimbale Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {2.75 0 55; 3 0 71; 3.75 0 87; 4.25 0 71; 4.75 0 103 } End Begin Drum-LowTimbale Tone LowTimbale Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {4.5 0 87 } End Begin Drum-HighAgogo Tone HighAgogo Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.5 0 71; 2.25 0 63; 3 0 71; 3.75 0 63; 4.25 0 63; 4.5 0 71 } End Begin Drum-Cabasa Tone Cabasa Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.5 0 79; 2.5 0 79; 3.5 0 79; 4.5 0 79 } End Begin Drum-Maracas Tone Maracas Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {2.25 0 79; 4.25 0 79 } End Begin Drum-ShortGuiro Tone ShortGuiro Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.25 0 79 } End Begin Drum-MuteTriangle Tone MuteTriangle Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.5 0 103; 1.75 0 87; 2.5 0 103; 2.75 0 87; 3.5 0 103; 3.75 0 87; 4.5 0 103; 4.75 0 87 } End Begin Drum-Shaker Tone Shaker Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1 0 71; 2 0 71; 3 0 71; 4 0 71 } End Begin Bass-14 Voice BrassSection Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume PP Octave 6 Sequence {1 32 5 117; 1 16 3 117; 1.29 16 3 109; 1.29 32 5 117; 1.75 32 5 117; 1.79 32 3 117; 4.5 0 1 117; 4.5 16 5 117; 4.5 0 1 117 } End Begin Chord-15 Voice Piano2 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume P Voicing Mode=Optimal Articulate 100 Octave 5 Sequence {1.25 8 103; 1.75 32 89; 2.25 32 93; 3 16 93; 3.5 32 77; 3.75 32 90; 4 8 90; 4.5 0 91 } End Begin Bass-16 Voice SlapBass1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume MP Octave 3 Sequence {1 16 1 119; 1.75 8 5 127; 2.5 16 1 111; 3.25 8 1 111; 3.75 32 1 111; 4.25 8 1 121; 4.75 32 1 127 } End DefGroove Salsa2FillBB Auto-generated 'Fill In BB' salsa2.sty ////////////////////// /////// Fill-BA SeqClear SeqSize 1 Begin Drum-KickDrum2 Tone KickDrum2 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1 0 119; 2.5 0 79; 3 0 111 } End Begin Drum-SnareDrum2 Tone SnareDrum2 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {2 0 127; 3.75 0 127; 4.75 0 119 } End Begin Drum-ClosedHiHat Tone ClosedHiHat Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.5 0 71; 1.75 0 87; 2.5 0 79; 2.75 0 87; 3.25 0 79; 3.75 0 71; 4 0 87 } End Begin Drum-OpenHiHat Tone OpenHiHat Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {4.5 0 79 } End Begin Drum-RideCymbal2 Tone RideCymbal2 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.5 0 79; 2.5 0 95; 3.5 0 79; 4.5 0 95 } End Begin Drum-HighBongo Tone HighBongo Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.75 0 87; 2.75 0 71; 3.75 0 71 } End Begin Drum-LowBongo Tone LowBongo Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {4.25 0 39; 4.5 0 79 } End Begin Drum-MuteHighConga Tone MuteHighConga Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.25 0 87; 2.25 0 63; 3 0 111; 3.25 0 79 } End Begin Drum-OpenHighConga Tone OpenHighConga Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.5 0 123; 3.5 0 116; 4.25 0 71 } End Begin Drum-LowConga Tone LowConga Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {2.5 0 114; 2.75 0 108; 4.5 0 115; 4.75 0 114 } End Begin Drum-Cabasa Tone Cabasa Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1 0 71; 1.25 0 47; 1.5 0 39; 1.75 0 55; 2 0 71; 2.25 0 47; 2.5 0 39; 2.75 0 55; 3 0 71; 3.25 0 47; 3.5 0 39; 3.75 0 55; 4 0 71; 4.25 0 47; 4.5 0 39; 4.75 0 55 } End Begin Bass-11 Voice AcousticBass Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume MP Octave 3 Sequence {1 8. 1 105; 1.75 16 5 105; 2 8. 5 97; 2.75 16 1 97; 3 8. 1 105; 3.75 32 5 105; 4.25 16 5 105; 4.5 16 1 97 } End Begin Chord-12 Voice Piano1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume P Voicing Mode=Optimal Articulate 100 Octave 6 Sequence {1 16 84; 1.5 32 80; 1.75 32 87; 2.25 32 84; 2.75 32 86; 3.25 32 82; 3.75 32 84; 4 16 82; 4.5 16 90 } End Begin Chord-13 Voice NylonGuitar Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume MP Voicing Mode=Optimal Articulate 100 Octave 4 Sequence {2.5 32 82; 2.75 32 81; 3.25 32 80; 3.75 0 81; 4.5 32 83; 4.75 32 86 } End DefGroove Salsa2FillBA Auto-generated 'Fill In BA' salsa2.sty ////////////////////// /////// Ending-B SeqClear SeqSize 2 Begin Drum-KickDrum1 Tone KickDrum1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1 0 106 } \ {1 0 106; 2.75 0 120 } End Begin Drum-LowTom2 Tone LowTom2 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence z {1 0 106; 1.5 0 78; 1.75 0 92; 2.25 0 106; 2.75 0 120 } End Begin Drum-CrashCymbal1 Tone CrashCymbal1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1 0 106 } \ {1 0 106; 2.75 0 126 } End Begin Drum-HighBongo Tone HighBongo Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.3 0 84; 1.33 0 110; 1.75 0 103; 2.05 0 95; 2.35 0 92; 2.66 0 99; 3.01 0 95; 3.33 0 95; 3.7 0 103; 4.04 0 90; 4.37 0 99; 4.68 0 86 } \ {1.01 0 109; 1.47 0 107; 1.76 0 98; 2.29 0 125; 2.72 0 118 } End Begin Drum-HighTimbale Tone HighTimbale Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence {1.25 0 30; 1.41 0 92; 1.7 0 99; 2 0 100; 2.29 0 84; 2.7 0 98; 3 0 100; 3.29 0 107; 3.7 0 96; 4 0 95; 4.29 0 103; 4.7 0 123 } \ {1 0 123; 1.5 0 123; 1.75 0 123; 2.25 0 123; 2.75 0 123 } End Begin Drum-HighAgogo Tone HighAgogo Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Articulate 100 Volume P Sequence z {1 0 103; 1.5 0 103; 1.75 0 103; 2.25 0 103; 2.75 0 103 } End Begin Bass-8 Voice SynthBass2 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume MP Octave 2 Sequence {1 8 1 100 } \ {1 8 1 100; 1.5 16 1 100; 1.75 16 1 100; 2.25 16 7- 100; 2.75 16 1 100 } End Begin Bass-14 Voice BrassSection Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume PP Octave 6 Sequence {1 0 5 126; 1 8 1 127; 1 8 1 127; 1.01 16 5 114; 1.04 0 7- 100; 1.39 32 5 36; 1.45 0 5 76; 1.51 32 4 71; 1.58 0 3 93; 1.64 0 3 93; 1.68 0 2 105; 1.72 0 1 96; 1.76 0 1 96; 1.8 0 7- 93; 1.85 0 7- 103; 1.89 0 6 98; 1.93 0 5 98; 1.97 0 5 100; 2.01 0 4 105; 2.05 0 3 92; 2.1 0 3 99; 2.14 0 2 107; 2.18 0 1 103 } \ {1 16 1 113; 1.05 16 1 90; 1.05 16 5 113; 1.55 32 5 99; 1.55 16 1 105; 1.55 32 1 100; 1.8 16 1 81; 1.8 16 1 82; 1.8 16 5 92; 2.3 16 4 103; 2.3 16 7- 123; 2.3 16 7- 117; 2.8 16 1 125; 2.8 16 1 127; 2.8 16 5 107 } End Begin Chord-15 Voice Piano2 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume P Voicing Mode=Optimal Articulate 100 Octave 6 Sequence z {1 16 90; 1.5 16 90; 1.75 16 90; 2.25 16 90; 2.75 16 90 } End DefGroove Salsa2EndingB Auto-generated 'Ending B' salsa2.sty