// slowblues

Begin Doc

	A variation of "blues.mma" for slower tempos.


Author Bob van der Poel

Time 4
Timesig 4 4
Include stdpats

/// Pattern definitions

Begin Walk Define
	W1+34   1 4 80; 2.5 8 70; 3 4 80; 4 4 80 

/// SlowBlues

SeqSize 4

Begin Chord
	Voice JazzGuitar
	Sequence	  C1234  {C124; 3.5 8 70 }  C1234  {C13 ; 3.5 8 70; 4 4 80}
	Voicing    Mode=Optimal
	RVolume 10
	Volume mp 
	Octave 5
	Strum          5           0                5        0
	Articulate    80
	Accent 1 20 3 10

Begin Bass
	Voice AcousticBass
	Sequence     B13  B11  B13  z
	Octave 3
	Volume mp
	Articulate 70

Begin Walk
	Voice $_Bass_Voice
	Octave $_Bass_Octave
	Sequence     z  z  z  W1+34
	Volume mp
	Articulate 70

Begin Drum-OHH
	Sequence     D8
	Rvolume 5
	RSKip  30
	Tone ClosedHiHat
	Volume pp

Begin Drum-Side
	Tone SideKick
	Sequence     D1
	Volume pp
	Rtime 5
	Rvolume 10

Begin Drum-PHH
	Sequence     D24
	Tone PedalHiHat
	Volume mp

DefGroove SlowBlues    Simple guitar chords.

////////////// A fill groove

Groove SlowBlues

Walk Sequence -
Begin Bass
	Sequence B11
	Volume f
	Articulate 100

Begin Chord
	Sequence {1 1 90}
	Volume p

Begin Arpeggio
	Voice JazzGuitar
	Sequence  { 1 1 90 * 4; 3.666 2 90 * 4 }
	RVolume 20
	Volume p
	Octave 5
	Harmony Open
	Articulate  100
	Rskip 10

DefGroove SlowBluesFill  Full chord plus argeggio for fills.
Arpeggio Sequence A8
DefGroove SlowBluesFill1 Same as fill1 but with straight 8ths.

Groove SlowBluesFill
Arpeggio Sequence -

Begin Scale
	Voice JazzGuitar
	Sequence  { 1 1 90 * 4; 3.666 2 90 * 4 }
	Direction Up
	RVolume 20
	Volume p
	Octave 5
	Articulate  100
	Rskip 10

Bass Sequence -
Begin Walk 
	Sequence W1234
	Volume f
	Articulate 90
DefGroove SlowBluesFill2 Full chord plus scale for fills.
Scale Sequence Scale8
DefGroove SlowBluesFill3 Same as fill2 but with straight 8ths.

////////////// Sustain

Groove SlowBlues

Begin Chord-Sus
	Sequence  { 1 1 90 0 80 0 * 2}  // Root and fifth notes only.
	Voicing mode=optimal
	Volume ppp
	Voice ChoirAahs
	Octave 5
	Articulate 100
	Unify On

DefGroove SlowBluesSus  Our simple blues with the choir added.

////  4 to the bar walking bassline

Groove SlowBlues

Bass Sequence -

Begin Walk
	Sequence  W1234  / / W1+34 
	Articulate 65

DefGroove SlowBluesWalk4	Same as SlowBlues but with \
                            a strong quarter note walking bass.
Chord-Sus Groove SlowBluesSus

DefGroove SlowBluesWalk4Sus  Choir added to Walk4.

///////  8 to bar walk

Groove SlowBlues

Begin Chord
	Articulate 80
	Volume p

Begin Walk
  Sequence  W8 / / W1234
  Articulate 60
  Volume mp

DefGroove SlowBluesWalk8	Same as SlowBlues but with a strong eight \
                            note walking bass. This works nicely with \
                            SlowBluesWalk4 in an A-A-B-A selection with \
                            the B section using this groove and the A \
                            using SlowBLuesWalk4.

Chord-Sus Groove SlowBLuesWalk4Sus

DefGroove SlowBluesWalk8Sus  Choir added to Walk8.

/// Intro

Groove SlowBlues

Chord     Sequence  *  *  *  L1
Bass      Sequence  *  *  *  {1 4 5 90; 2 4 4 90; 3 4 3 90; 4 4 2 90}
Walk      Sequence -
Drum-OHH  Sequence  *  *  * D1234

DefGroove SlowBluesIntro  Standard 4 bar introduction with walking bass on 4th bar.

/// Ending

Groove SlowBlues

Begin Drum-OHH
   Sequence  D16  D8 D1234 D13
   RSkip 0

Drum-PHH  Sequence  D13
Chord     Sequence  C1234 / C13 {1 2 80}
Begin Chord-Sus
	Groove SlowBluesSus
	Sequence  {1 1 80 0 * 2} /  / {1 2 70 0}
Bass      Sequence  B11
Walk      Sequence  -

DefGroove SlowBluesEnd  Quite a dull  ending. The High Hats play 16 \
                        notes on the first bar, 8 on the second, \
                        4 on the third and 2 on the fourth. Set the \
                        SEQ point appropiately for your ending.