// lullaby

Doc Gentle, soft lullaby in 4. Written for "Good Night". 
Author Bob van der Poel

Begin DocVar
	  ChordVoice  Voice used in Chord tracks (defaults to JazzGuitar).
	  ChordOctave Octave for Chord track (default 4)

NewSet ChordVoice JazzGuitar
NewSet ChordOctave 4

Time 4
Timesig 4 4
Include stdpats

///////// Additional Patterns

////////// Ballad

SeqSize 1

Begin Chord
	  Voice $ChordVoice
	  Volume m
	  Octave $ChordOctave
	  Voicing Mode=Optimal
	  Articulate 110
	  Rtime 3
	  Rvolume 3
	  Sequence {1 4 90 0; 2 4 0 90 0; 3 4 0 0 90 0; 4 4 0 90 0}
	  Accent 1 20 3 10

DefGroove Lullaby    Just a solo guitar in 4.

Begin Bass
	  Voice JazzGuitar
	  Volume mp
	  Octave 2
	  Rtime 2
	  Rvolume 3
	  Articulate 90
	  Sequence B13

DefGroove  Lullaby1   Adds in a bit of bass.

Groove Lullaby

Begin Walk
	  Voice JazzGuitar
	  Volume mp
	  Octave 3
	  Rtime 2
	  Rvolume 3
	  Articulate 110
	  Direction Up
	  Sequence W8
	  Rskip 40

DefGroove LullabyWalk   Adds an 8th note walking bass line.

//// Sustained

Groove Lullaby

Begin Chord-Sus
	  Voice SlowStrings
	  Octave 5
	  Volume p
	  Voicing Mode=Optimal
	  Articulate 100
	  Unify On
	  Sequence {1 1 90 0 90 0 * 2}

DefGroove LullabySus   Add some sustained strings to our guitar.

Groove LullabySus
Bass Groove Lullaby1
DefGroove Lullaby1Sus   A bit of bass with the strings.

Groove LullabySus
Walk Groove LullabyWalk
DefGroove LullabyWalkSus  Strings and walking bass.

//// Intro

Groove Lullaby1Sus

SeqSize 4

Begin Chord
	  Volume -30
	  Sequence  * * * {1 1 90 0}

Begin Bass
	  Volume +20
	  Sequence  * * * B1

Begin Chord-Sus 
	  Volume +40

DefGroove LullabyIntro

//// Ending

Groove Lullaby

Chord Sequence  {1 1 90 0 * 2}

DefGroove LullabyEnd    Two half notes on the guitar.