// rock128

Begin Doc

 Doo-Wop rock from the 50s. These songs are mostly written 
 in 12/8 time, but this file assumes 4/4. So, when figuring 
 tempo use a dotted quarter for the beat count. We use this 
 for the song "Sea Of Love". 


Author Bob van der Poel 

Time 4
Timesig 4 4
Include stdpats

/////// Basic groove

SeqSize 4
Begin Bass
	Sequence B11
	Octave 3
	Voice FretlessBass
	Articulate 70
	Volume f

Begin Chord
	Sequence {C1234 * 3 } / / C1234
	Voice Piano2
	Voicing   Mode=Optimal
	Accent 1 90 2 10 3 90 4 10
	Articulate 70
	Volume pp
	Octave 5
	Rtime 4
	Rvolume 10

Begin Drum-Kick
	Tone KickDrum1
	Sequence D1234 
	Volume mp
	Rvolume 5
	Rtime 5

Begin Drum-Clap
	Tone HandClap
	Sequence D24
	Volume p
	Rvolume 5
	Rtime 5

Begin Drum-HH
	Tone OpenHiHat
	Sequence D1234  {D1234 * 3}
	Volume pp
	Accent 1 90 2 10 3 90 4 10
	Rvolume 5
	Rtime 5

DefGroove Rock128           Basic 12/8 beat with the piano \
                            doing most of the work.

//////// Add in sustained strings

Begin Chord-Sus
	Voice TremoloStrings
	Sequence  { 1 1 90 0 * 2 }
	Voicing Mode=Optimal
	Articulate 100
	Unify On
	Volume mp
	Octave 5

Begin Chord-SusHarmony
	Voice ChoirAAHs
	Voicing Mode=Optimal
	Sequence { 1 1 0 0 70 * 2 }
	Volume p
	Octave 5
	Articulate 100
	Unify On

DefGroove Rock128Sus      Add in sustained strings and voices.

// Intro

Groove Rock128

Bass         Sequence   B11           /     /   { 1 4 1 90; 2 4 3 90; 3 2 1 90 }
Chord        Sequence   {C1234 * 3 }  /     /   L1
Drum-Kick    Sequence   D1234         /     /   D12
Drum-Clap    Sequence   D1234         /     /   D1
Drum-HH      Sequence   D1234    {D1234 * 3}  D1234  D12

DefGroove Rock128Intro   A 4 bar introduction.

// Ending

Groove Rock128
Seqsize 2

Bass         Sequence   B11           { 1 2 1 90 } 
Chord        Sequence   {C1234 * 3 }  { 1 2 90 }
Drum-Kick    Sequence   D1234         D1
Drum-Clap    Sequence   D1234         D1
Drum-HH      Sequence   {D1234 * 3}   D1

DefGroove Rock128End           Simple ending.