// slowjazz

Begin Doc

	An easy going jazz rhythm in 4. Mostly piano chords, sort of what
	you'd expect from a piano-bass-drum trio. I use this for
	"As Time Goes By". The SlowJazz2 variations bring in a nice organ.


Author Bob van der Poel

Time 4
Timesig 4 4
Include stdpats

/// Additional patterns

/// Sweet open chords...
///  R1 has root & fifth for dotted 1/2 note, plus a push chord at bar end,
///  R2 has root & fifth half notes on 1/3.

Begin Chord Define
	R1   1 2. 70 0 90 0; 3+81 82 70 80 90
	R2   1 1 70 0 90 0 * 2
	R3   1 2 70 0 90 0 ; 3 4 70 0 90 0
	R4   R2 * 2

Begin Drum Define
	Swing8 1+81 0 90; 2+81 0 90; 3+81 0 90; 4+81 0 9

///// Basic sound

Seqsize 4

Begin Drum-HH
	Tone RideCymbal2
	Sequence  {D1234; Swing8} D1234
	Volume pp
	Rtime 5
	Rvolume 5
	Rskip 5
	Accent 1 10 3 10

Begin Drum-Shake
	Tone Shaker
	Sequence D13
	Rtime 5
	Rvolume 10
	Rskip 10
	Volume p

// Alternate the bass pattern with a 1/3 in bar 1, walk in bar 2
// 1/1 in bar 3 and a full walk in bar 3.

Begin Bass
	Voice AcousticBass
	Volume mp
	Articulate 90
	Accent 1 10
	Rtime 10
	Rvolume 5
	Octave 3
	Sequence   B13  z  B11 z

Begin Walk
	Voice $_Bass_Voice
	Octave $_Bass_Octave
	Volume mf
	Articulate 90
	Accent 1 10
	Rtime 10
	Rvolume 5
	Sequence   z  W13 z W1234
	Direction Down

Begin Arpeggio
	Voice Piano2
	Articulate 99

	// The first pattern is 8ths on 2, 2.3, 3 and 4. This is used
	// in bars 1, 2 and 3. The 4th bar gets  8./16ths as swing notes.

	Sequence {2 8 90; 2+81 8 90; 3 8 90; 4 8 90} / / Swing8
	Octave 4
	Range 2
	Harmony OpenAbove
	Volume mp
	Rskip 5

Begin Chord
	Voice Piano2
	Voicing mode=optimal
	DupRoot -1
	Articulate 100 90
	Octave 5
	Rvolume 10
	Rtime 6
	Volume mp
	Sequence   R1 R2

DefGroove SlowJazz   Slow, basic jazz backup track.

//////// Sustained

Begin Chord-Sus
	Voice TremoloStrings
	Sequence  { 1 1 90 0 80 0 * 2}  // Root and fifth notes only.
	Voicing mode=optimal
	Octave 5
	Articulate 100
	Unify On
	Rvolume 5
	Volume pp

DefGroove SlowJazzSus			Bring in the orchestra.

/// Walking bass version

Groove SlowJazz
Bass Sequence -
Walk Sequence W1234

DefGroove SlowJazzWalk         Change bass to walk on 1/2/3/4.

Chord-Sus Groove SlowJazzSus

DefGroove SlowJazzWalkSus      Sustained version with full walk.

////  Duplicate all the grooves leaving out the push chords. ('1' versions)
////  To add some life we set up some randomness in the chords and aprpeggios.

Groove SlowJazz

Drum-HH Sequence  {D1234; D1234 Shift .5} D1234

Begin Chord
	Sequence R2 / R3 R4
	SeqRnd On

Begin Arpeggio
	Sequence A8 A4 A8 A2
	Range 3
	SeqRnd On
	Rskip    20 5 20 0

DefGroove SlowJazz1        Slow jazz piano with a straight rhythm.

Groove    SlowJazzSus
Chord     Groove SlowJazz1
Arpeggio  Groove SlowJazz1
DefGroove SlowJazz1Sus     Add sustained strings to straight slow jazz.

Groove    SlowJazzWalk
Chord     Groove SlowJazz1
Arpeggio  Groove SlowJazz1
DefGroove SlowJazz1Walk    Slow, straight piano jazz with walking bass.

Groove    SlowJazzWalkSus
Chord     Groove SlowJazz1
Arpeggio  Groove SlowJazz1
DefGroove SlowJazz1WalkSus  Slow, straight walking with strings.

// Jazz guitar version (straight)

Seqsize 4

Begin Drum-Shake
	Tone Shaker
	Sequence D1234
	Rtime 5
	Rvolume 10
	Volume mf

Begin Drum-Snare
	Tone SnareDrum2
	Sequence  D13
	Volume pp
	Rtime 5
	Rvolume 5
	Accent 1 10 3 10

// For the chording we use a jazzguitar. There is a push note defined
// for one of beat 1, 2, 3 or 4. We use seqrnd so that the push is
// always a surprise.

Begin Chord
	Voice JazzGuitar
	Sequence R4 / / R2
	Voicing Mode=Optimal
	Octave 4
	Volume mp
	Articulate 95
	Accent 1 10 3 5
	Rvolume 6

Begin Chord-Fill
	Voice $_Chord_Voice
	Octave $_Chord_Octave
	Volume $_Chord_Volume
	RVolume $_Chord_RVolume
	Voicing $_Chord_Voicing
	Define 	P1 1.75 8 0 70 0; 2 4 0 90 0
	Sequence  {P1} {P1 Shift 1} { P1 Shift 2 } { P1 Shift 3 }
	SeqRnd On

Bass Groove SlowJazz
Walk Groove SlowJazz

DefGroove SlowJazz2     A pretty straight, guitar strum for slow tunes.

Chord		Volume mp
Drum-Snare	Volume pp

Begin Chord-Organ
	Voice Organ3
	Sequence  { 1 1 90 0 80 0 * 2}  // Root and fifth notes only.
	Voicing mode=optimal
	Octave 6
	DupRoot -1
	Articulate 100
	Unify On
	Rvolume 5
	Volume mf

DefGroove SlowJazz2Sus   Straight guitar with sustained Hammond-like organ.

///////////  Intros

Groove SlowJazz

Drum-HH     Sequence  {D1234; Swing8} / / D1
Drum-Shake  Sequence  D13  / /  D1
Bass        Sequence  B13 z B11 z
Walk        Sequence   z  W13 z {1 4 90; 2 4 90; 3 2 90}

Begin Arpeggio
            Sequence {2 81 90; 2+81 82 90; 3 81 90; 4 81 90} / / z
            Range 1
Chord       Sequence   R1 / /  L1

DefGroove SlowJazzIntro  A 4 bar introduction.

Chord     Sequence R2 / / L1
Arpeggio  Sequence {2 8 90; 2.5 8 90; 3 8 90; 4 8 90} / / z

DefGroove SlowJazz1Intro  4 bar intro without push chords.

Groove SlowJazzIntro
Arpeggio  Sequence -
Chord     Sequence -
Begin Chord-Organ
	Groove SlowJazz2Sus
	DupRoot 0
	Octave 6

DefGroove SlowJazz2Intro A 4 bar intro with organ

////// Ending

Groove SlowJazz

SeqSize 2

Walk      Sequence  -
Bass      Sequence  B13 B11
Drum-HH   Sequence  D1234 D13
Arpeggio  Sequence  A4 A2
Chord     Sequence  L2

DefGroove SlowJazzEnd      An easy, 2 bar ending.

Chord Voice Organ3

DefGroove SlowJazz2End     Substitute organ for Piano.