	MusicXML identity.dtd

	Version 1.1 - 20 May 2005
	Copyright © 2004-2005 Recordare LLC.
	This MusicXML work is being provided by the copyright
	holder under the MusicXML Document Type Definition 
	Public License Version 1.02, available from:

	The identify component DTD contains the identification
	element and its children, containing metadata about a

<!-- Elements -->

	Identification contains basic metadata about the score.
	It includes the information in MuseData headers that
	may apply at a score-wide, movement-wide, or part-wide
	level. The creator and rights elements are based on
	Dublin Core.
<!ELEMENT identification (creator*, rights*, encoding?,
	source?, miscellaneous?)>

	Creator is borrowed from Dublin Core. It is the composer
	of the score (the artist field in NIFF). The type
	attribute can be used to distinguish words and music so
	as to represent lyricists and librettists as well as
	composers. Thus, there can be multiple creators in an
	identification. We do not use the creator / contributor
	distinction from Dublin Core.
<!ELEMENT creator (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST creator

	Rights is borrowed from Dublin Core. It contains
	copyright and other intellectual property notices.
	Words, music, and derivatives can have different types,
	so multiple rights tags with different type attributes
	are supported.
<!ELEMENT rights (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST rights

	Encoding contains information about who did the digital
	encoding, when, with what software, and in what aspects.
	The supports element indicates if the encoding supports
	a particular MusicXML element. This is recommended for
	elements like beam, stem, and accidental, where the
	absence of an element is ambiguous if you do not know
	if the encoding supports that element.
<!ELEMENT encoding ((encoding-date | encoder | software |
	encoding-description | supports)*)>
<!ELEMENT encoding-date %yyyy-mm-dd;>
<!ELEMENT encoder (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST encoder
<!ELEMENT software (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT encoding-description (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT supports EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST supports
    type %yes-no; #REQUIRED
    element CDATA #REQUIRED

	The source for the music that is encoded. This is not
	quite the same as the Dublin Core publisher (or source)
	element, so we keep the MuseData terminology.
<!ELEMENT source (#PCDATA)>

	If a program has other metadata not yet supported
	in MusicXML, it can go in the miscellaneous area. 
<!ELEMENT miscellaneous (miscellaneous-field*)>
<!ELEMENT miscellaneous-field (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST miscellaneous-field