// bluegrass Begin Doc Completely out of my league and knowledge base here! But, what the hell, we might as well give the old banjo a go. End Author Bob van der Poel SeqClear Time 4 Timesig 4 4 Include stdpats //////////////////////////////// ///////// Pattern defines Begin Arpeggio Define Arp4 1 2+16 90; 3.66 4+32 80 Arp4 Arp4 * 2 End //////////////////////////////////// /////////////////// Bluegrass SeqSize 4 Begin Chord Voice NylonGuitar Sequence C1234 / / C13 Accent 1 20 3 10 RSkip 10 Voicing Mode=Optimal Octave 5 Strum 2 Articulate 90 End Begin Chord-Banjo Voice Banjo Sequence C8 / / C1234 RSkip 20 SeqRnd On Voicing Mode=Invert Octave 5 Strum 30 Articulate 50 Volume pp End Begin Bass Voice AcousticBass Sequence B13 / / z Accent 1 20 Octave 3 Articulate 80 Volume f End Begin Walk Voice $_Bass_Voice Octave $_Bass_Octave Sequence z z z W1234 Accent 1 20 Articulate 80 Volume f End Begin Drum-HH Sequence D13 / / D1234 Tone OpenHiHat RSkip 20 Volume pp Rvolume 20 Rtime 4 End Begin Drum-Snare Sequence D1234 / / D8 Rskip 10 Tone SnareDrum1 Rvolume 20 Volume pp Rtime 3 End DefGroove BlueGrass A simple BlueGrass sound with a banjo and guitar doing \ the strumming with a doghouse bass and drum holding the beat. // Add in a hand clap Begin Drum-Clap Tone Handclap Sequence D13 / / D1234 Rskip 5 Rtime 10 Rvolume 10 Volume mf End DefGroove BlueGrassClap Bluegrass with added handclaps. /// Add in the good-old bottle section Begin Arpeggio Voice BottleBlow Sequence Arp4 Articulate 50 60 70 80 Octave 5 4 5 4 Volume mf SeqRnd On Rskip 20 30 10 20 Rvolume 30 End DefGroove BlueGrassBottle Adds in a blow-bottle which no blue grass group \ seems to be without. Drum-Clap Groove BlueGrassClap DefGroove BlueGrassBottleClap Bottles and handclaps...where will it stop! /////////////////////////////// // Sustained strings with bluegrass? Sure // Note the sequence used in the sustain. A full half note // on beat 1 and a half note minus 1 midi tick on beat 3. // This, with "Articulate 100" forces same-chords within // the bar to be joined, but a short break at the bar ends. Groove BlueGrass Begin Chord-Sus Sequence { 1 2 90 0 90 0; 3 2-0 90 0 90 0} Octave 5 Voice Accordion Voicing Mode=Optimal Articulate 100 Unify On Volume p End DefGroove BlueGrassSus Add sustained accordion. ////////////////////////////////////////// // Simple ending for the bluegrassers Groove BlueGrass SeqSize 1 Walk Sequence - Drum-Snare Sequence D1234 Drum-HH Sequence D8 Chord Sequence C1234 Begin Bass Sequence B11 Volume ff End Begin Chord-Banjo Sequence C8 Strum 0 Articulate 99 End DefGroove BlueGrassEnd One bar ending.