<HTML> <HEAD> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-language" CONTENT="en-US"> <META NAME="author" CONTENT="Bob van der Poel"> <TITLE> MMA Reference Manual </TITLE> </HEAD> <H2> <CENTER> <P><B><FONT SIZE=+10"> Musical MIDI Accompaniment <BR> <IMG SRC="logo.png" ALT="MMA"><BR> </FONT></B> </CENTER> </H2> <CENTER> <P><H2> Reference Index Page </H2><BR> </CENTER> <DL> <LI><A HREF="ref/mma.html"> <BIG><B> The Main Reference Manual </B></BIG> </A> -- the definitive source for all your questions. </LI> <LI><A HREF="lib/index.html"> <BIG><B> The Standard Library Reference </B></BIG> </A> -- overview of the grooves supplied with MMA </LI> <LI><A HREF="tut/mma-tutorial.html"> <BIG><B> The MMA Tutorial </B></BIG> </A> -- a gentle introduction for those new to MMA. </LI> </DL> <P> The Main Reference and Tutorial are maintained in Latex files converted to PDF. These are additionally translated by Latex2HTML and may not completely reflect all the details in the originals. <P>The library documentation is extracted directly from the library files. The HTML version is created with mklibdoc.py, supplied with the binary distribution. <P>This page and all the other MMA materials are the responsibility of <A HREF="mailto:bob@mellowood.ca"> Bob van der Poel </A>. </HTML>