// Example file showing some different scales // This file doesn't use grooves! Tempo 100 // Set a moderate tempo Seqsize 4 // 4 bar sequence // Set up a straight 4 to the bar chording Begin Chord Begin Define C1 1 1 90 C4 C1 * 4 End Voice Piano1 Sequence C4 End // Bass on 1 and 3 Begin Bass Begin Define B13 1 4 1 90; 3 4 5 90 End Voice FretlessBass Sequence B13 End Begin Scale Begin Define S1 1 1 90 S4 S1 * 4 S8 S1 * 8 S16 S1 * 16 End Voice Piano1 Sequence S4 S8 S8 S16 End // 4 bars of scales over a C major chord C * 4 // Add in Harmony to the scale. The harmony uses // 2, 3, Open and OpenAbove Scale Harmony 2 3 Open OpenAbove C * 4 // Use both the piano and the trumpet for the scale. // The first eg plays the piano and trp in unison. Scale Harmony - // turn off the harmony for the piano Begin Scale-Trp Sequence S4 S8 S8 S16 Octave 5 Voice Trumpet End C * 4 // Enable a harmony for the trumpet and have only the // harmony play. In addition to the piano. For fun // we change the scale direction from AUTO to UP Scale Direction Up Begin Scale-Trp Direction Up HarmonyOnly 2 End C * 4