Print A demo which shows all possible builtin macros. Print Print NOTE: This should be updated as new system macros are added. Print NOTE: Bob--don't forget! Print Groove Rhumba // Push a nice little string onto the Stack for later StackValue This message was pushed onto the stack. Print We've loaded in the Rhumba Groove so we have stuff to display. Print Print First, the global (non-track) settings: Print Keysig: $_Keysig Print Time: $_TIME Print Tempo: $_Tempo Print Volume: $_Volume Print VolumeRatio: $_VolumeRatio Print LastVolume: $_LastVolume Print Groove: $_Groove Print LastGroove: $_LastGroove Print SeqRnd: $_SeqRnd Print SeqSize: $_SeqSize Print SwingMode: $_SwingMode Print Transpose: $_Transpose Print Debug: $_Debug Print LastDebug: $_LastDebug Print VExpand: $_Vexpand Print MIDISplit: $_MIDISplit Print SeqRndWeight: $_SeqRndWeight Print AutoLibPath: $_AutoLibPath Print LibPath: $_LibPath Print IncPath: $_IncPath Print VoiceTr: $_VoiceTr Print ToneTr: $_ToneTr Print OutPath: $_OutPath Print BarNum: $_BarNum Print LineNum: $_LineNum Print Lyric: $_Lyric Print Print Now the setting for the Chord Track: print Accent: $_Chord_Accent print Articulate: $_Chord_Articulate print Compress: $_Chord_Compress Print Direction: $_Chord_direction Print DupRoot: $_Chord_DupRoot Print Harmony: $_Chord_Harmony Print HarmonyVolume: $_Chord_HarmonyVolume Print Invert: $_CHord_Invert Print Limit: $_Chord_Limit Print Octave: $_Chord_Octave Print Range: $_Chord_Range Print RSkip: $_Chord_Rskip Print RTime: $_Chord_Rtime Print RVolume: $_Chord_RVolume Print SeqRnd: $_Chord_SeqRnd Print SeqRndWeight: $_Chord_SeqRndWeight Print Span: $_Chord_Span Print Strum: $_Chord_Strum Print Unify: $_Chord_Unify Print Voice: $_Chord_Voice Print Voicing: $_Chord_Voicing Print Volume: $_CHord_Volume Print Print TONE only applies in Drum tracks: Print Drum-HH-TONE: $_Drum-HH_Tone Print Print Mallet only applies to Solo Tracks: Begin Solo Mallet Rate=8 Decay=-15 End Print Mallet: $_Solo_Mallet Print Print We pushed a message onto the stack earlier... $_StackValue print