///// Created: Wed Oct 11 16:55:34 2006 Begin Doc Style : twi.mma A nice twist style End Author Kara Music Production Time 4 TimeSig 4 4 ////////////////////// /////// Main A SeqClear SeqSize 2 Begin Drum-Sticks Tone Sticks Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {1 0 58; 1.51 0 54; 2.52 0 56; 3 0 58; 3.51 0 55; 4.52 0 57 } \ {1 0 59; 1.52 0 55; 2.51 0 54; 3 0 58; 3.51 0 57; 4.52 0 57 } End Begin Drum-KickDrum1 Tone KickDrum1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {1 0 76; 2.52 0 71; 3 0 77 } \ {1 0 80; 2.51 0 65; 3 0 76 } End Begin Drum-SnareDrum2 Tone SnareDrum2 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {2 0 86; 4 0 84 } \ {2 0 76; 4 0 81 } End Begin Bass-2 Voice SteelGuitar Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Octave 4 Sequence {1 8 1 75; 1 8 5 66; 1.51 8 1 77; 1.51 8 5 67; 2 8 1 84; 2 8 6 73; 2.52 8 1 84; 2.52 8 5 61; 3 8 1 77; 3 8 5 72; 3.51 8 1 80; 3.51 8 5 72; 4 8 1 77; 4 8 6 67; 4.52 8 1 76; 4.52 8 5 58 } \ {1 8 1 80; 1 8 5 72; 1.52 8 1 79; 1.52 8 5 67; 2 8 1 79; 2 8 6 68; 2.51 8 1 76; 2.51 8 5 67; 3 8 1 77; 3 8 5 70; 3.51 8 1 76; 3.51 8 5 68; 4 8 1 84; 4 8 6 74; 4.52 8 1 77; 4.52 8 5 72 } End Begin Bass-11 Voice PickedBass Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Octave 3 Sequence {1 4 1 87; 2 4 3 93; 3 4 5 83; 4 8 6 86; 4.52 8 5 80 } \ {1 4 1 87; 2 4 3 93; 3 4 5 87; 4 8 6 83; 4.52 8 5 83 } End Begin Bass-15 Voice TenorSax Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Octave 4 Sequence {1.06 16 1 99; 2.58 4. 3 96; 4.06 8 5 98 } \ {1.06 16 1 94; 2.57 4. 3 104; 4.06 8 5 102 } End DefGroove Main-A Bass, Steel Guitar, Tenor Sax & Drums ////////////////////// /////// Fill In AA SeqClear SeqSize 1 Begin Drum-Sticks Tone Sticks Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {1.51 0 48; 2.52 0 62; 3 0 70; 3.51 0 77; 4.52 0 57 } End Begin Drum-KickDrum1 Tone KickDrum1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {1 0 75; 2.52 0 30; 3 0 75 } End Begin Drum-SnareDrum2 Tone SnareDrum2 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {2 0 62; 4 0 72 } End Begin Drum-CrashCymbal1 Tone CrashCymbal1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {1 0 88; 4.99 0 75 } End Begin Bass-2 Voice SteelGuitar Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Octave 4 Sequence {1.51 8 1 50; 1.51 8 5 50; 2 8 1 57; 2 8 5 58; 2.52 8 1 66; 2.52 8 5 66; 3 8 1 73; 3 8 5 74; 3.51 8 1 80; 3.51 8 5 81; 4 8 1 84; 4 8 5 84; 4.52 8 1 90; 4.52 8 5 90 } End Begin Bass-11 Voice PickedBass Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Octave 3 Sequence {1 8 1 87; 1.5 8 1 87; 2 8 3 93; 2.5 8 3 93; 3 8 5 83; 3.5 8 5 83; 4 8 6 86; 4.52 8 5 80 } End Begin Bass-15 Voice TenorSax Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Octave 4 Sequence {1.55 8 1 98; 2.07 8 3 105; 3.07 8 5 105; 4.07 8 6 98; 4.57 8 5 98 } End DefGroove Fill-In-AA Fill for Main A style ////////////////////// /////// Fill In AB SeqClear SeqSize 1 Begin Drum-Sticks Tone Sticks Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {1 0 58; 1.5 0 54; 3 0 58; 3.5 0 55; 4.25 0 57 } End Begin Drum-MetronomeBell Tone MetronomeBell Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {1.5 0 45; 2 0 53; 2.5 0 50; 3 0 49; 3.5 0 49; 4 0 73; 4.5 0 73 } End Begin Drum-KickDrum1 Tone KickDrum1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {1 0 76; 3 0 77 } End Begin Drum-SnareDrum2 Tone SnareDrum2 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {1 0 89; 2 0 87; 2.5 0 89; 3 0 89; 3.5 0 89; 4 0 89; 4.5 0 89 } End Begin Drum-CrashCymbal1 Tone CrashCymbal1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {4.99 0 88 } End Begin Bass-2 Voice SteelGuitar Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Octave 4 Sequence {1 8 1 75; 1 8 5 66; 1.51 8 1 77; 1.51 8 5 67; 2 8 1 84; 2 8 6 73; 2.52 8 1 84; 2.52 8 5 61; 3 8 1 77; 3 8 5 72; 3.51 8 1 80; 3.51 8 5 72; 4 8 1 77; 4 8 6 67; 4.52 8 1 76; 4.52 8 5 58 } End Begin Bass-7 Voice Piano1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Octave 5 Sequence {1.5 8 5 69; 1.5 8 7- 68; 1.5 8 3 77; 2.5 16 5 74; 2.5 16 7- 76; 2.5 16 3 84; 3.5 16 5 72; 3.5 16 7- 72; 3.5 16 3 80; 4.5 16 5 77; 4.5 16 7- 72; 4.5 16 3 87 } End Begin Bass-8 Voice Piano1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Octave 3 Sequence {1 4 1 70; 2 4 6 77; 3 4 5 73; 4 8 6 75; 4.5 8 5 75 } End Begin Bass-11 Voice PickedBass Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Octave 3 Sequence {1 4 1 87; 2 4 6 93; 3 4 5 83; 4 8 6 86; 4.52 8 5 80 } End Begin Bass-15 Voice TenorSax Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Octave 4 Sequence {2.07 8 5 102; 2.57 8 5 102; 3.57 8 5 102; 4.07 8 5 102 } End DefGroove Fill-In-AB Fill In AB, add the piano to prepare the B substyle ////////////////////// /////// Main B SeqClear SeqSize 2 Begin Drum-Sticks Tone Sticks Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {1 0 58; 1.51 0 54; 3 0 58; 3.51 0 55; 4.52 0 57 } \ {1 0 59; 1.52 0 55; 3 0 58; 3.51 0 55; 4.52 0 57 } End Begin Drum-MetronomeBell Tone MetronomeBell Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {2.52 0 62 } \ {2.51 0 58; 3.51 0 44 } End Begin Drum-KickDrum1 Tone KickDrum1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {1 0 76; 3 0 77 } \ {1 0 80; 3 0 76 } End Begin Drum-SnareDrum2 Tone SnareDrum2 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {2 0 86; 2.52 0 84; 4 0 84 } \ {2 0 76; 2.51 0 86; 4 0 86 } End Begin Bass-2 Voice SteelGuitar Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Octave 4 Sequence {1 8 1 75; 1 8 5 66; 1.51 8 1 77; 1.51 8 5 67; 2 8 1 84; 2 8 6 73; 2.52 8 1 84; 2.52 8 5 61; 3 8 1 77; 3 8 5 72; 3.51 8 1 80; 3.51 8 5 72; 4 8 1 77; 4 8 6 67; 4.52 8 1 76; 4.52 8 5 58 } \ {1 8 1 80; 1 8 5 72; 1.52 8 1 79; 1.52 8 5 67; 2 8 1 79; 2 8 6 68; 2.51 8 1 76; 2.51 8 5 67; 3 8 1 77; 3 8 5 70; 3.51 8 1 76; 3.51 8 5 68; 4 8 1 84; 4 8 6 74; 4.52 8 1 77; 4.52 8 5 72 } End Begin Bass-7 Voice Piano1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Octave 5 Sequence {1.5 8 5 69; 1.5 8 7- 68; 1.5 8 3 77; 2.5 16 5 74; 2.5 16 7- 76; 2.5 16 3 84; 3.5 16 5 72; 3.5 16 7- 72; 3.5 16 3 80; 4.5 16 5 77; 4.5 16 7- 72; 4.5 16 3 87 } \ {1.5 16 5 72; 1.5 16 7- 74; 1.5 16 3 78; 2.5 16 5 72; 2.5 16 7- 74; 2.5 8 3 91; 3.5 16 5 72; 3.5 16 7- 74; 3.5 16 3 77; 4.5 16 5 76; 4.5 8 7- 76; 4.5 8 3 80 } End Begin Bass-8 Voice Piano1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Octave 3 Sequence {1 4 1 70; 2 4 6 77; 3 4 5 73; 4 8 6 75; 4.5 8 5 75 } \ {1 4 1 65; 2 4 6 76; 3 4 5 70; 4 8 6 76; 4.5 8 5 78 } End Begin Bass-11 Voice PickedBass Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Octave 3 Sequence {1 4 1 87; 2 4 3 93; 3 4 5 87; 4 8 3 83; 4.52 8 5 83 } \ {1 4 1 87; 2 4 3 93; 3 4 5 87; 4 8 6 83; 4.52 8 5 83 } End Begin Bass-15 Voice TenorSax Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Octave 4 Sequence {2.07 8 5 102; 3.57 8 5 102 } \ {1.06 8 5 114; 2.55 8 5 114 } End DefGroove Main-B Here it realy grooves and we have a piano ////////////////////// /////// Fill In BA SeqClear SeqSize 1 Begin Drum-Sticks Tone Sticks Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {1 0 59; 2.51 0 63; 3 0 58; 3.51 0 55; 4.52 0 57 } End Begin Drum-MetronomeBell Tone MetronomeBell Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {1.02 0 68; 3.06 0 73; 4 0 73 } End Begin Drum-KickDrum1 Tone KickDrum1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {1 0 80; 3 0 76 } End Begin Drum-SnareDrum2 Tone SnareDrum2 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {3.01 0 86; 3.51 0 71; 4 0 86; 4.5 0 89 } End Begin Drum-CrashCymbal1 Tone CrashCymbal1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {1.02 0 63 } End Begin Bass-2 Voice SteelGuitar Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Octave 4 Sequence {1 8 1 80; 1 8 5 72; 2.51 8 1 48; 2.51 8 5 48; 3 8 1 56; 3 8 5 56; 3.51 8 1 72; 3.51 8 5 72; 4 8 1 102; 4 8 5 102; 4.52 8 1 81; 4.52 8 5 81 } End Begin Bass-7 Voice Piano1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Octave 5 Sequence {1.02 1 5 72; 1.02 1 7- 74; 1.02 1 3 78 } End Begin Bass-8 Voice Piano1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Octave 3 Sequence {1 1 1 65 } End Begin Bass-11 Voice PickedBass Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Octave 3 Sequence {1 1 1 87 } End Begin Bass-15 Voice TenorSax Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Octave 4 Sequence {1.06 8 5 114; 4.1 4 5 91 } End DefGroove Fill-In-BA Fill In BA, we go back to Main A so piano only on the first messure ////////////////////// /////// Fill In BB SeqClear SeqSize 1 Begin Drum-Sticks Tone Sticks Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {3 0 70; 3.51 0 77; 4 0 71; 4.52 0 71 } End Begin Drum-MetronomeBell Tone MetronomeBell Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {3 0 69; 4 0 45; 4.52 0 73 } End Begin Drum-KickDrum1 Tone KickDrum1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {1 0 75; 2 0 52; 3 0 75 } End Begin Drum-SnareDrum2 Tone SnareDrum2 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {1.51 0 71; 2 0 84; 2.52 0 71; 3 0 89; 3.51 0 70; 3.69 0 89; 4 0 89; 4.52 0 78 } End Begin Drum-CrashCymbal1 Tone CrashCymbal1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {1 0 88; 4.99 0 88 } End Begin Bass-2 Voice SteelGuitar Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Octave 4 Sequence {1.51 8 1 50; 1.51 8 5 50; 2 8 1 57; 2 8 5 58; 2.52 8 1 66; 2.52 8 5 66; 3 8 1 73; 3 8 5 74; 3.51 8 1 80; 3.51 8 5 81; 4 8 1 90; 4 8 5 90; 4.52 8 1 96; 4.52 8 5 97 } End Begin Bass-11 Voice PickedBass Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Octave 3 Sequence {1 4 1 87; 2 4 3 93; 3 4 5 83; 4 4 3 86 } End Begin Bass-15 Voice TenorSax Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Octave 4 Sequence {2.07 4 3 105; 3.07 4 5 105; 4.07 4 3 98 } End DefGroove Fill-In-BB Fill In BB, pause the piano ////////////////////// /////// Intro B SeqClear SeqSize 4 Begin Drum-Sticks Tone Sticks Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {1 0 58; 1.51 0 54; 3 0 58; 3.51 0 55; 4.52 0 57 } \ {1 0 59; 1.52 0 55; 3 0 58; 3.51 0 55; 4.52 0 57 } \ {1 0 58; 1.51 0 54; 3 0 58; 3.51 0 55; 4.52 0 57; 4.75 0 40 } \ {1 0 59; 1.17 0 40; 1.33 0 40; 1.52 0 66; 2.75 0 53; 3 0 58; 3.51 0 55; 4.17 0 54; 4.52 0 67 } End Begin Drum-MetronomeBell Tone MetronomeBell Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {2.52 0 62 } \ {2.51 0 58 } \ {2.52 0 62 } \ {2.51 0 58; 4.52 0 56 } End Begin Drum-KickDrum1 Tone KickDrum1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {1 0 76; 3 0 77 } \ {1 0 80; 3 0 76 } \ {1 0 76; 3 0 77 } \ {1 0 80; 3 0 76 } End Begin Drum-SnareDrum2 Tone SnareDrum2 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {2 0 86; 2.52 0 84; 4 0 84 } \ {2 0 76; 2.51 0 86; 4 0 86 } \ {2 0 86; 2.52 0 84; 4 0 84 } \ {1.52 0 62; 2 0 76; 2.51 0 86; 3 0 76; 3.51 0 59; 4 0 86 } End Begin Drum-CrashCymbal1 Tone CrashCymbal1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence z z z {4.99 0 63 } End Begin Bass-2 Voice SteelGuitar Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Octave 4 Sequence z z z {1.51 8 1 50; 1.51 8 5 50; 2 8 1 57; 2 8 5 58; 2.52 8 1 66; 2.52 8 5 66; 3 8 1 73; 3 8 5 74; 3.51 8 1 80; 3.51 8 5 81; 4 8 1 90; 4 8 5 90; 4.52 8 1 96; 4.52 8 5 97 } End Begin Bass-11 Voice PickedBass Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Octave 3 Sequence z z z {4.52 8 5 92 } End DefGroove Intro-B Our Intro-B , drums, guitar & bass ////////////////////// /////// Ending B SeqClear SeqSize 3 Begin Drum-Sticks Tone Sticks Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {1 0 58; 1.51 0 54; 3 0 58; 3.51 0 55; 4.52 0 57 } \ {1 0 59; 1.52 0 55; 2 0 60; 3 0 60; 3.5 0 54 } z End Begin Drum-MetronomeBell Tone MetronomeBell Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {2.52 0 62 } \ {1.04 0 67; 2.51 0 58 } z End Begin Drum-KickDrum1 Tone KickDrum1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {1 0 76; 3 0 77 } \ {1 0 80; 2.5 0 80; 4 0 80 } z End Begin Drum-SnareDrum2 Tone SnareDrum2 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence {2 0 86; 2.52 0 84; 4 0 84 } \ {1.01 0 86; 2.51 0 86; 4 0 86 } z End Begin Drum-CrashCymbal1 Tone CrashCymbal1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence z {1 0 63; 4 0 63 } z End Begin Drum-CrashCymbal2 Tone CrashCymbal2 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Sequence z {2.5 0 75 } z End Begin Bass-2 Voice SteelGuitar Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Octave 4 Sequence {1 8 1 75; 1 8 5 66; 1.51 8 1 77; 1.51 8 5 67; 2 8 1 84; 2 8 5 73; 2.52 8 1 84; 2.52 8 5 61; 3 8 1 77; 3 8 5 72; 3.51 8 1 80; 3.51 8 5 72; 4 8 1 77; 4 8 5 67; 4.52 8 1 76; 4.52 8 5 58 } \ {1 8 1 96; 1 8 5 86; 2.51 8 1 91; 2.51 8 5 80; 4 1 1 98; 4 1 5 90 } z End Begin Bass-7 Voice Piano1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Octave 5 Sequence {1.5 8 5 69; 1.5 8 7- 68; 1.5 8 3 77; 2.5 16 5 74; 2.5 16 7- 76; 2.5 16 3 84; 3.5 16 5 72; 3.5 16 7- 72; 3.5 16 3 80; 4.5 16 5 77; 4.5 16 7- 72; 4.5 16 3 87 } \ {1 16 5 72; 1 16 7- 74; 1 16 3 78; 2.5 16 5 72; 2.5 16 7- 74; 2.5 8 3 91; 4 1 5 72; 4 1 7- 74; 4 1 3 77 } z End Begin Bass-8 Voice Piano1 Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Octave 3 Sequence {1 4 1 70; 2 4 6 77; 3 4 5 73; 4 8 6 75; 4.5 8 5 75 } \ {1 8 1 65; 2.5 8 1 65; 4 1 1 65 } z End Begin Bass-11 Voice PickedBass Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Octave 3 Sequence {1 8 1 87; 1.5 8 1 87; 2 8 6 93; 2.5 8 6 93; 3 8 5 83; 3.5 8 5 83; 4 8 6 86; 4.52 8 5 80 } \ {1 8 1 87; 2.5 8 1 87; 4 1 1 87 } z End Begin Bass-15 Voice TenorSax Rvolume 0 Rtime 0 Volume mf Octave 4 Sequence {2.07 8 3 86; 3.57 8 3 86 } \ {1.06 8 3 81; 2.55 8 3 81; 4.05 1 3 81 } z End DefGroove Ending-B The ending, all instruments involved Groove Main-A DefGroove Main-C /// Alias definition from Main-A Groove Main-A DefGroove Main-D /// Alias definition from Main-A Groove Intro-B DefGroove Intro-A /// Alias definition from Intro-B Groove Intro-B DefGroove Intro-C /// Alias definition from Intro-B Groove Ending-B DefGroove Ending-A /// Alias definition from Ending-B Groove Ending-B DefGroove Ending-C /// Alias definition from Ending-B Groove Fill-In-AA DefGroove Fill-In-CC /// Alias definition from Fill-In-AA Groove Fill-In-AA DefGroove Fill-In-DD /// Alias definition from Fill-In-AA