<html> <head>
<title>VocalEasel: Playing Music</title>

<h1>Playing Music</h1>

VocalEasel uses the MMA Musical MIDI Accompaniment system to
automatically generate accompaniments for rehearsal.

While I find automatic accompaniments a very valuable rehearsal tool, make
sure you don't train yourself too much into one particular style of
accompaniment. Your live piano player will NOT care to hear "But that's
how VocalEasel played it!"

  <li>Click the <i>Play</i> icon to start the accompaniment.</li>
  <li>Click the <i>Stop</i> icon to stop the accompaniment.</li>
  <li>Change the tempo using the <i>Tempo</i> control.</li>
  <li>Change the accompaniment style using the <i>Groove</i> popup menu.
  <i>Swing</i> and <i>Bossa Nova</i> are present, the <i>Select...</i> menu
  item will bring up a large number of other styles to choose from. <b>Currently, not all styles will work for all meters</b>.</li>
  <li>To save your MIDI accompaniment for use in another program, e.g.
  GarageBand, use the <i>Save a Copy As...</i> menu item and choose
  <i>MIDI</i> from the <i>File Format</i> popup menu.

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