// A test of aria. This uses the melodic pattern and chords
// for the rock piece Barbara Ann

Groove Softrock
Tempo 180
KeySig F

/// Define some patterns for the flute solo. This makes it easier to
/// change between different patterns thoughout the piece. It might be
/// easier to have all this stuff in "standard patterns" of some kind 
/// which get loaded from a file. Comments?

mset pat1
 Begin Aria
    Sequence  {1 4 90; 2 4 90; 3 4. 90; 4 4 90}   {1.5 4 90; 2.5 8 90; 3 3 90} 
    Direction 0 0 0 1

mset pat2
 Begin Aria
   Sequence { 1 8 90; 1.5 8 90; 2 8 90; 2.5 8 90; 3 8 90; 3.5 8 90; 4.4 4 90} \
            { 1 1 90 * 4}
   Direction 0

mset pat3
   	Begin Aria
	  Sequence {1 4 90; 2 8 90 ; 2.5 8 90; 3 2 90} \
               {1 8 90; 1.5 8 90; 2 8 90; 2.5 8 90}
      Direction 1 

/// This is the Aria setup. Nothing much, just set the voicing, etc.
/// Note: no sequence.

Begin Aria
	  Voice Flute
	  Volume FF
	  Articulate 90
	  Octave 6
	  Harmony Open  

/// A 2nd aria for the counter melody. This time there is a sequence
/// (just half notes on 1/3. But, the track is turned off.

Begin Aria-Counter
	  Voice JazzGuitar
	  Volume FF
	  Articulate 100
	  Octave 5
	  Sequence {1 1 90 * 2}
	  Direction r 


//// Start out piece


$pat1      /// set the 1st pattern for the flute solo

1 F
2 /
3 /
4 /
5 /
6 /
7 Bb
8 /
9 F
10 F

$pat2  /// change to pattern 2

11 C7
12 Bb
13 F
14 /

RepeatEnding 2

$pat3                 /// change to pattern 3
Aria-Counter On       /// and turn on the counter melody
Aria Volume m

15 F
16 /
17 F6
18 F7
19 Bb
20 /
21 F
22 /

Aria-Counter Off    /// counter melody off
$pat2               /// flute pattern 2

23 C7
24 Bb
25 F
26 /
