// beguine Begin Doc This started life as a copy of the rumba patterns. I've changed the drum sounds from snares to toms, and deleted hits on final 8th beat. I really don't know the difference between a rhumba and a beguine, so help would be welcome! End Author Bob van der Poel SeqClear Time 4 Timesig 4 4 Include stdpats ///////////////////////////////// ///////// Beguine SeqSize 4 //////// Lots of drum stuff going on, but on my synth it doesn't sound too busy. Begin Drum Tone Claves Sequence {D14 ; 2.5 0 90;} {D1 ; 3.5 0 90} {D13 shift .5} {D123 Shift .5} SeqRnd On Rvolume 10 Rtime 2 RSkip 5 Volume ff End Begin Drum-Maraca Tone Maracas Sequence D8 / / D1234 SeqRnd On Rvolume 5 Rtime 2 RSkip 5 End Begin Drum-Lconga Tone LowConga Sequence D4 { D4; D3 shift .5 } Rvolume 5 Rtime 2 Volume ff RSkip 5 End Begin Drum-Toms1 Tone MidTom1 HighTom1 Sequence D3 { D3 shift .5 } / z SeqRnd On Rvolume 5 Rtime 2 RSkip 5 End Begin Drum-Toms2 Tone MidTom2 HighTom2 Sequence D3 { D2 shift .5 ; D4} Rvolume 5 Rtime 2 RSkip 5 End Begin Drum-Hconga Tone MuteHighConga Sequence D2 { D1 shift .5 } Rvolume 5 Rtime 2 RSkip 5 End Begin Drum-HH Tone ClosedHiHat Sequence D8 Rvolume 5 Rtime 2 End /////// Main chording is the piano Begin Chord Voice Piano2 Sequence C14 { C124; C34 Shift .5 } { C2; C34 Shift .5 } C124 Accent 1 20 3 10 SeqRnd On Voicing Mode=Optimal Octave 5 Articulate 90 Volume mf End /// Alternate bars with walk/bass. Gives a nice feeling. Begin Walk Voice FretLessBass Begin Define Wa 1 4 85 ; 2.5 4 88 ; 4 4 80 Wb Wa ; 4.5 8 77 End Sequence Wa z Wb z Accent 1 20 Articulate 60 Volume mp Octave 3 End Begin Bass Sequence z {B13 ; 2.5 4 5 70 } Accent $_Walk_Accent Voice $_Walk_Voice Articulate $_Walk_Articulate Volume $_Walk_Volume Octave $_Walk_Octave End DefGroove Beguine Nice, smooth easy listening. //////// Sustained strings in the background. Begin Chord-Sus Voice TremoloStrings Sequence { 1 1 90 0 80 0 * 2} // Root and fifth notes only. Voicing Mode=Optimal Volume mp Octave 5 Articulate 100 Unify On End DefGroove BeguineSus Adds in a sustained string. //////////////////////////// // Beguine1 // This builds on the Beguine, adds in pizzicato arpeggios. Groove Beguine Begin Arpeggio Sequence A4 Invert 0 0 1 2 SeqRnd On Voice PizzicatoString Articulate 80 Octave 5 Direction Random Volume fff Rvolume 10 Rskip 30 End DefGroove Beguine1 Adds a pizzicato string to standard Beguine. Chord-Sus Groove BeguineSus DefGroove Beguine1Sus This has the pizzicatos strings and a sustained string. ///////////////////////////// /// Fill Groove Beguine SeqSize 1 Alltracks SeqRnd Off Begin Drum-Wis /// added tone Tone ShortHiWhistle Sequence {D1; D23 Shift .5} Volume mp Rvolume 5 Rtime 2 End Drum-Maraca Sequence D8 Drum-Lconga Sequence D24 Drum-Toms1 Sequence D3 Drum-Toms2 Sequence D14 Drum-Hconga Sequence D2 Drum-HH Sequence D8 Chord Sequence { C134; C123 Shift .5 } Walk Sequence - Bass Sequence B1234 DefGroove BeguineFill Single bar fill, good for endings. /////////////////////////// // Introduction Groove Beguine Alltracks SeqRnd Off Alltracks RSkip 0 Drum Sequence * * * D12 Drum-Maraca Sequence * * * D12 Drum-Lconga Sequence D4 / / z Drum-HH Sequence * Chord Sequence * * * {1 2 90} Bass Sequence * * * B1 DefGroove BeguineIntro Simple enough 4 bar introduction. /////////////////////////// // Ending // Just add a string run to the basic beguine Groove Beguine Begin Scale Sequence Scale8 Scale4 Scale2 Scale Voice SlowStrings Articulate 99 Volume m Octave 4 Harmony Open / / 3 Direction Down Range 3 End DefGroove BeguineEnd Ending with string scales. Uses 8ths \ on 1st bar 4th on 2nd, halves 3rd and a fullish chord \ on the 4th. Use a CUT if the final chord sounds too long.