#!/usr/bin/env python

import  os, sys

def okay(msg):
	print msg
	a=raw_input("   Press <ENTER> to continue (anything else will terminate): ")

	if a:


# Simple python script to install mma from tarball
# This should be fixed to be more versatile. Volunteers?

# Before we do anything, make sure we have an up-to-date python.


if sys.version_info[0] < pyMaj or sys.version_info[1] < pyMin:
	print "You need a more current version of Python to run MMA and this install script."
	print "We're looking for something equal or greater than version %s.%s" % \
	print "Current Python version is ", sys.version

# Banner. Check to make sure user has root permissions.

print """
This script will install mma, the standard library and the
python modules using symbolic links to the current directory.


if u:
	okay("""You do not appear to be running this script as 'root' user.
Continuing will probably cause all kinds of strange errors
and a generally unsatisfactory experience. But, we can try...

rootdir = "/usr/local/share"
rootexe = "/usr/local/bin"
dir = rootdir + "/mma"
exe = rootexe + "/mma"

# Check to make sure install directories exist. Offer to create
# ... these might need to be created in Mac OS X

if not os.path.exists(rootdir):
        okay("""The directory %s does not exist. Create okay?""" % rootdir)
        if os.system("mkdir -p %s" % rootdir):
                print "Opps, create failed. Were you root?"
if not os.path.exists(rootexe):
        okay("""The directory %s does not exist. Create okay?""" % rootexe)
        if os.system("mkdir -p %s" % rootexe):
                print "Opps, create failed. Were you root?"
if os.path.exists(dir):
	okay("""The directory %s currently exists. Proceeding will overwrite
with a new link. YOU MAY LOSE DATA.""" % dir)

if os.path.exists(exe):
	okay("""The file %s currently exists. Proceeding will remove this
file with a new link. YOU MAY LOSE DATA.""" % exe)

okay("""Okay, I'm ready to create the links. I will create 2 links:
 - The main distribution and library at %s
 - The callable executable at %s
""" % (dir, exe) )

os.system("ln -sf `pwd` %s" % dir)
os.system("ln -sf `pwd`/mma.py %s" % exe)

print "There are some man pages in %s/docs/man that you may wish to install." % dir

print "Everything seems to be okay. We suggest you first update the database"
print "with the command mma -G."
print "Have Fun!"