// march Begin Doc Sousa would love this file. These all need a bit of work---they tend too sound a bit to ponderous and/or heavy. The sequences assume 4 chords per bar, but most marches are in 2/4 time. So, double the tempo for "proper" results. End Author Bob van der Poel SeqClear Time 4 Timesig 4 4 Include stdpats //////////////////////////////////// // Additional pattern defs Begin Chord Define C13+ C13; C24 Shift .5 C+1234 C1234 Shift .5 Long1 1 1 90 Long2 Long1 * 2 Long4 Long1 * 4 End Begin Arpeggio Define A4+ A4 ; 1.5 4 90; 3.5 4 90 End ////////////////////////////// // Some military-style drum intros // MilIntro4 SeqSize 4 Begin Drum-Snare Sequence Droll D12 {Droll * 2} D1234 Tone SnareDrum1 Rtime 2 Rvolume 5 End Begin Drum-Tom Sequence D1 D12 D1 D13 Tone LowTom1 End DefGroove MilIntro4 A 4 bar military-style intro. Easy to use \ if you include a line like "z * 4" at the \ start of the piece. // MilIntor2 SeqSize 2 DefGroove MilIntro2 A 2 bar military-style intro. This is \ identical to the MilIntro4, but only uses \ the first 2 bars of the sequence. ///////////////////////////////////// // Standard march SeqClear SeqSize 4 Begin Drum Sequence D13 / / D1234 SeqRnd On Tone SnareDrum1 Volume mp End Begin Drum-Tom Sequence D1 / D13 / Tone LowTom1 Volume f End Begin Drum-Tri Sequence D1 D13 SeqRnd On Tone OpenTriangle Rvolume 5 RSkip 20 Volume mf End Begin Chord Voice Trumpet Sequence C13 / / C13+ Accent 1 10 Octave 6 Articulate 90 Volume mp End Begin Chord-TBone Voice Trombone Sequence C13 Octave 5 Articulate 60 Volume mp RVolume 5 Rskip 10 End Begin Bass Voice Tuba Sequence B13 / / B11 Articulate 60 Octave 3 Volume ff End DefGroove March Standard march pattern. Boring, but it works. // March1 // This adds some walking bass to March and changes 'bones to piano Chord-Tbone Sequence - Begin Chord-Piano Voice Piano1 SeqClear Sequence C13 Accent 1 10 Octave 4 Articulate 80 Volume mf RVolume 5 End Bass Sequence B13 z Begin Walk Voice Tuba Sequence z W1234 Articulate 60 Octave 3 Rvolume 10 Rtime 5 Volume f End DefGroove March1 Adds alterating bars of walking bass to the \ standard march. Also, \ changes the trombones to a piano. Walk Sequence W13 Bass Sequence - DefGroove March1Slow This is just March1 with the walking bass \ set to beats 1 and 3 instead of 1,2,3 and 4. //////////////////////////////////////////// // March2 // Add sus strings to March2, no trumpets Groove March1 Begin Chord // in March1 this is the trumpet track SeqClear Sequence Long2 Rskip 30 Octave 5 Voice TremoloStrings Articulate 100 Unify On Invert 0 1 2 0 Volume mp End DefGroove March2 Adds sustained strings to March1. The strings \ replace the trumpets. A major sound difference. // Add piccolo to March1 Groove March1 Begin Arpeggio SeqClear Sequence A8 / A4+ z SeqRnd On Voice Flute Octave 8 Invert 0 1 2 Articulate 70 Volume mp Rskip 40 End DefGroove March3 Adds an apreggiating piccolo to March1. \ Great for trios. // Add sus strings to March2, kill trumpets, add piccolo Groove March2 Begin Arpeggio SeqClear Sequence A8 A4+ A4 z SeqRnd On Voice Flute Octave 8 Articulate 90 Invert 0 2 1 Volume mp Rskip 50 End Begin Bass Sequence B13 / / z Articulate 60 Voice Tuba Octave 3 Volume f End Begin Walk Sequence z z z W1234 Voice Tuba Articulate 50 Octave 3 Rvolume 10 Rtime 5 Volume f End DefGroove March4 Add sustained strings and apreggiating piccolo to March2. /// Ending Groove March Alltracks SeqRnd Off Drum Sequence D8 / D1234 D1 Drum-Tom Sequence D1 / D13 D1 Drum-Tri Sequence D1 D13 D1 / Chord Sequence C13 / / C1 Chord-TBone Sequence C13 / / C1 Bass Sequence B13 / B1 / DefGroove MarchEnd Four bar ending.