// tango Begin Doc This is a stronger, heavy version of Tango. You might also want to look at the "LightTango" for an alternative. End Author Bob van der Poel SeqClear Time 4 Timesig 4 4 Include stdpats ///////////////////////////////////////// //// Additional patterns Begin Drum Define D1234+ D1234 Shift .5 D12+3+4 D1234; D23 Shift .5 Roll4 4.5 0 80; 4.625 0 75; 4.75 0 75; 4.875 0 88 End Begin Chord Define OffBeat1 C12 Shift .5 ; C4 OffBeat2 C124 Shift .5; C4 End Begin Bass Define V1-1 1.5 4 1 90; 2.5 8 1 90; 3 8 1 90 V1-3 1.5 4 3 90; 2.5 8 3 90; 3 8 3 90 V1-5 1.5 4 5 90; 2.5 8 5 90; 3 8 5 90 V2-1 1 1 1 90 V2-3 1 1 3 90 V2-5 1 1 5 90 End Begin Arpeggio Define AR1 2 8 90; 2.5 8 90; 3 8 90; 3.5 4 90 AR2 1.5 4 90; 2.5 8 90; 3 8 90; 4 8 90 AR3 1 8 90; 1.5 8 90; 2 8 90; 4 8 90 End ///////////////////////////////// ///////// Tango SeqSize 8 Begin Drum Sequence D1234 Tone SnareDrum1 Rvolume 10 Rtime 1 End Begin Drum-Rolls Sequence Roll4 z z z Tone SnareDrum1 Rvolume 20 Rtime 1 End Begin Drum-Kick Sequence D1234 / / D1234+ Tone KickDrum1 Rskip 40 Rtime 3 Rvolume 10 End Begin Drum-HH Sequence D1234 Tone PedalHiHat Rskip 10 Rtime 4 Rvolume 20 End Begin Drum-OHH Sequence D4 z D4 z Tone OpenHiHat Rvolume 10 Rtime 1 End Begin Walk Sequence W1234 Rskip 10 Rtime 5 Octave 3 Volume mf Articulate 60 Voice AcousticBass End Begin Arpeggio Sequence AR1 AR2 AR3 z Voice Bandoneon Octave 6 SeqRnd On Articulate 70 Rskip 5 Rvolume 20 Volume mf Rtime 5 Direction Down End Begin Chord Voice Bandoneon Voicing Mode=Optimal Sequence C1234 OffBeat1 C134 OffBeat2 Articulate 40 Volume mp Octave 5 End // This bass slot is used for the violin counter melody Begin Bass-Violin Sequence V1-1 V1-3 V1-5 V1-1 V2-1 V2-3 V2-5 V1-1 Voice Violin Articulate 99 Volume mp Octave 5 End DefGroove Tango Basic tango. ////////////////////////////////// // Tango1 -- More March-like version // The chords are changed to piano from accordion, // minor tweaks to the accordion-aprs and violin counter. Groove Tango Begin Chord SeqClear Sequence C1234 OffBeat1 C1234 OffBeat2 Articulate 70 Voicing Mode=Optimal Voice Piano1 Octave 5 Volume mp End Begin Arpeggio Volume pp Articulate 95 End Begin Bass-Violin Volume p SeqRnd On Octave 5 Rskip 50 End DefGroove Tango1 Our basic Tango with a March feel. ////////////////////////////////// // TangoEnd // 2 bar ending Groove Tango SeqSize 2 // Turn off the apreggiating accordion, walking bass and drum rolls Arpeggio Sequence - Walk Sequence - Drum-Roll Sequence - // Change remaining drums, bass and accordion chords // to 1-2-3-4 , 1-3 pattern Drum Sequence D1234 D13 Drum-Kick Sequence D1234 D13 Drum-HH Sequence D13 Begin Bass Sequence B1234 B13 Octave 3 Volume f Articulate 60 Voice AcousticBass End Chord Sequence C1234 C13 // Funky violin only plays on the 1st bar Bass-Violin Sequence V2-1 z DefGroove TangoEnd A nice ending for our dance.