// zydeco Begin Doc After listening to way too much Buckwheat I came up with this. I use it for "Jambalaya". End Author Bob van der Poel SeqClear Time 4 Timesig 4 4 Include stdpats ///////////////////////////// /// Basic Seqsize 4 Begin Drum-snare Tone SnareDrum1 Volume mp Rvolume 20 Rtime 10 Sequence { D1234; D2 Shift .5 } End Begin Drum-Kick Tone KickDrum1 Volume f Rvolume 10 Sequence D1 End Begin Chord Voice JazzGuitar Volume mf Octave 5 Articulate 90 Strum 5 Direction Both Rtime 10 Rvolume 10 Rskip 20 Sequence C1234 / / C13 End Begin Bass Voice FretlessBass Volume f Octave 3 Articulate 120 Sequence B11 / / B13 End DefGroove Zydeco Our basic cajan beat. Begin Chord-Acc Voice Accordion Sequence {C1234; C2 Shift .5} / / {1 2 90; 3 2 90} Voicing Mode=Optimal Volume p Octave 6 Rskip 10 Articulate 70 End DefGroove ZydecoPlus Adds a rhythmic accordion /////////////////////// /// Sustained versions Groove Zydeco Begin Chord-Sus Voice Strings Sequence { 1 1 90 0 80 0 * 2} // Root and fifth notes only. Voicing Mode=Optimal Volume mp Octave 5 Articulate 100 Unify On End DefGroove ZydecoSus The orchestra in New Orleans? Chord-Acc Groove ZydecoPlus DefGroove ZydecoSusPlus String and accordion? Too cool! ////////////////////////////// /// Intro Groove Zydeco Drum-snare Sequence { D1234; D2 Shift .5 } / / D13 Chord Sequence - Bass Sequence B11 / / B1 Chord-Acc Groove ZydecoPlus DefGroove ZydecoIntro A simple, 4 bar, introduction with accordion. ////////////////////////////// /// Ending Groove Zydeco Seqsize 2 Drum-snare Sequence D1234 D1 Chord Sequence C1234 L1 Bass Sequence B11 B1 DefGroove ZydecoEnd 2 bar ending with guitar. Begin Chord-Acc Groove ZydecoPlus Sequence {C1234; C2 Shift .5} L1 End DefGroove ZydecoPlusEnd 2 bar ending with accordion.