// // File: VLModel.cpp - Represent song music data // // Author(s): // // (MN) Matthias Neeracher // // Copyright © 2005-2007 Matthias Neeracher // #include "VLModel.h" #include <ctype.h> VLFraction & VLFraction::Normalize() { // // Divide GCD // if (fNum) { unsigned a = fNum; unsigned b = fDenom; while (b) { unsigned c = a % b; a = b; b = c; } fNum /= a; fDenom /= a; } else fDenom = 1; return *this; } VLFraction & VLFraction::operator+=(VLFraction other) { fNum = fNum*other.fDenom + other.fNum*fDenom; fDenom *= other.fDenom; return Normalize(); } VLFraction & VLFraction::operator-=(VLFraction other) { fNum = fNum*other.fDenom - other.fNum*fDenom; fDenom *= other.fDenom; return Normalize(); } VLFraction & VLFraction::operator*=(VLFraction other) { fNum *= other.fNum; fDenom *= other.fDenom; return Normalize(); } VLFraction & VLFraction::operator/=(VLFraction other) { fNum *= other.fDenom; fDenom *= other.fNum; return Normalize(); } VLFraction & VLFraction::operator%=(VLFraction other) { fNum *= other.fDenom; fDenom *= other.fNum; fNum %= fDenom; return *this *= other; } static const char kScale[] = "c d ef g a b"; static std::string PitchName(int8_t pitch, bool useSharps) { if (pitch == VLNote::kNoPitch) return "r"; pitch %= 12; if (kScale[pitch] != ' ') return static_cast<char>(std::toupper(kScale[pitch])) + std::string(); else if (useSharps) return static_cast<char>(std::toupper(kScale[pitch-1])) + std::string(kVLSharpStr); else return static_cast<char>(std::toupper(kScale[pitch+1])) + std::string(kVLFlatStr); } VLNote::VLNote(std::string name) { // // Determine key // if (const char * key = strchr(kScale, name[0])) fPitch = key-kScale+kMiddleC; else goto failed; name.erase(0, 1); // // Look for sharp / flat // if (name.size()) if (name[0] == '#') { ++fPitch; name.erase(0); } else if (name[0] == 'b') { --fPitch; name.erase(0, 1); } if (name == "") return; failed: fPitch = kNoPitch; // Failed to parse completely } VLNote::VLNote(VLFraction dur, int pitch) : fDuration(dur), fPitch(pitch), fTied(0), fVisual(0) { } void VLNote::Name(std::string & name, bool useSharps) const { name = PitchName(fPitch, useSharps); } void VLNote::MakeRepresentable() { if (fDuration > 1) fDuration = 1; fVisual = kWhole; VLFraction part(1,1); VLFraction triplet(2,3); // // Power of 2 denominators are not triplets // bool nonTriplet(!(fDuration.fDenom & (fDuration.fDenom-1))); while (part.fDenom < 64) { if (fDuration >= part) { fDuration = part; return; } else if (fVisual > kWhole && !nonTriplet && fDuration >= triplet) { fDuration = triplet; fVisual |= kTriplet; return; } part /= 2; triplet /= 2; ++fVisual; } fprintf(stderr, "Encountered preposterously brief note: %d/%d\n", fDuration.fNum, fDuration.fDenom); abort(); } void VLNote::AlignToGrid(VLFraction at, VLFraction grid) { if (at+fDuration > grid) { fDuration = grid-at; MakeRepresentable(); } } VLLyricsNote::VLLyricsNote(const VLNote & note) : VLNote(note) { } VLLyricsNote::VLLyricsNote(VLFraction dur, int pitch) : VLNote(dur, pitch) { } #define _ VLChord:: static const VLChordModifier kModifiers[] = { {"b13", _ kmMin13th, 0}, {"add13", _ kmMaj13th, 0}, {"13", _ kmMin7th | _ kmMaj9th | _ km11th | _ kmMaj13th, 0}, {"#11", _ kmAug11th, 0}, {"add11", _ km11th, 0}, {"11", _ kmMin7th | _ kmMaj9th | _ km11th, 0}, {"#9", _ kmAug9th, _ kmMaj9th}, {"+9", _ kmAug9th, _ kmMaj9th}, {"b9", _ kmMin9th, _ kmMaj9th}, {"-9", _ kmMin9th, _ kmMaj9th}, {"69", _ kmDim7th | _ kmMaj9th, 0}, {"add9", _ kmMaj9th, 0}, {"9", _ kmMin7th | _ kmMaj9th, 0}, {"7", _ kmMin7th, 0}, {"maj", _ kmMaj7th, _ kmMin7th}, {"6", _ kmDim7th, 0}, {"#5", _ kmAug5th, _ km5th}, {"+5", _ kmAug5th, _ km5th}, {"aug", _ kmAug5th, _ km5th}, {"+", _ kmAug5th, _ km5th}, {"b5", _ kmDim5th, _ km5th}, {"-5", _ kmDim5th, _ km5th}, {"sus4", _ km4th, _ kmMaj3rd}, {"sus2", _ kmMaj2nd, _ kmMaj3rd}, {"sus", _ km4th, _ kmMaj3rd}, {"4", _ km4th, _ kmMaj3rd}, {"2", _ kmMaj2nd, _ kmMaj3rd}, {NULL, 0, 0} }; VLChord::VLChord(VLFraction dur, int pitch, int rootPitch) : VLNote(dur, pitch), fSteps(0), fRootPitch(kNoPitch) { } VLChord::VLChord(std::string name) { size_t root; // // Determine key // if (const char * key = strchr(kScale, name[0])) fPitch = key-kScale+kMiddleC; else goto failed; name.erase(0, 1); // // Look for sharp / flat // if (name.size()) if (name[0] == '#') { ++fPitch; name.erase(0, 1); } else if (name[0] == 'b') { --fPitch; name.erase(0, 1); } // // Root // fRootPitch = kNoPitch; if ((root = name.find('/')) != std::string::npos) { if (root+1 >= name.size()) goto failed; if (const char * key = strchr(kScale, name[root+1])) fRootPitch = key-kScale+kMiddleC-12; else goto failed; if (root+2 < name.size()) { switch (name[root+2]) { case 'b': --fRootPitch; break; case '#': ++fRootPitch; break; default: goto failed; } name.erase(root, 3); } else name.erase(root, 2); } // // Apply modifiers // fSteps = kmUnison | kmMaj3rd | km5th; for (const VLChordModifier * mod = kModifiers; mod->fName && name.size() && name != "dim" && name != "m" && name != "-"; ++mod) { size_t pos = name.find(mod->fName); if (pos != std::string::npos) { name.erase(pos, strlen(mod->fName)); fSteps &= ~mod->fDelSteps; fSteps |= mod->fAddSteps; } } if (name == "m" || name == "-") { fSteps = (fSteps & ~kmMaj3rd) | kmMin3rd; name.erase(0, 1); } else if (name == "dim") { uint32_t steps = fSteps & (kmMaj3rd | km5th | kmMin7th); fSteps ^= steps; fSteps |= steps >> 1; // Diminish 3rd, 5th, and 7th, if present name.erase(0, 3); } if (name == "") return; // Success failed: fPitch = kNoPitch; } static const char * kStepNames[] = { "", "", "sus2", "", "", "sus", kVLFlatStr "5", "", kVLSharpStr "5", "6", "7", kVLSharpStr "7", "", kVLFlatStr "9", "9", kVLSharpStr "9", "", "11", kVLSharpStr "11", "", kVLFlatStr "13", "13" }; void VLChord::Name(std::string & base, std::string & ext, std::string & root, bool useSharps) const { base = PitchName(fPitch, useSharps); ext = ""; root = ""; uint32_t steps = fSteps; // // m / dim // if (steps & kmMin3rd) if (steps & (kmDim5th|kmDim7th) && !(steps & (km5th|kmMin7th|kmMaj7th|kmMin9th|kmMaj9th|km11th|kmAug11th|kmMin13th|kmMaj13th)) ) { ext += "dim"; steps|= (steps & kmDim7th) << 1; steps&= ~(kmMin3rd|kmDim5th|kmDim7th); } else { base += "m"; steps&= ~kmMin3rd; } // // + // steps &= ~(kmUnison | kmMaj3rd | km5th); if (steps == kmAug5th) { ext += "+"; steps= 0; } // // Maj // if (steps & kmMaj7th) { ext += "Maj"; steps&= ~kmMaj7th; steps|= kmMin7th; // Write out the 7 for clarification } // // 6/9 // if ((steps & (kmDim7th|kmMaj9th)) == (kmDim7th|kmMaj9th)) { ext += "69"; steps&= ~(kmDim7th|kmMaj9th); } // // Other extensions. Only the highest unaltered extension is listed. // bool has7th = steps & (kmMin7th|kmMaj7th); bool has9th = steps & (kmMin9th|kmMaj9th|kmAug9th); if ((steps & kmMaj13th) && has7th && has9th ) { ext += kStepNames[kMaj13th]; steps &= ~(kmMin7th | kmMaj9th | km11th | kmMaj13th); } else if ((steps & km11th) && has7th && has9th) { ext += kStepNames[k11th]; steps &= ~(kmMin7th | kmMaj9th | km11th); } else if ((steps & kmMaj9th) && has7th) { ext += kStepNames[kMaj9th]; steps &= ~(kmMin7th | kmMaj9th); } else if (steps & kmMin7th) { ext += kStepNames[kMin7th]; steps &= ~(kmMin7th); } for (int step = kMin2nd; steps; ++step) if (steps & (1 << step)) { if ((1 << step) & (kmMaj9th|km11th|kmMaj13th)) ext += "add"; ext += kStepNames[step]; steps &= ~(1 << step); } // // Root // if (fRootPitch != kNoPitch) root = PitchName(fRootPitch, useSharps); } VLMeasure::VLMeasure() : fPropIdx(0) { } bool VLMeasure::IsEmpty() const { return fChords.size() == 1 && fMelody.size() == 1 && fChords.front().fPitch == VLNote::kNoPitch && fMelody.front().fPitch == VLNote::kNoPitch; } bool VLMeasure::NoChords() const { return fChords.size() == 1 && fChords.front().fPitch == VLNote::kNoPitch; } void VLMeasure::DecomposeNotes(const VLProperties & prop, VLNoteList & decomposed) const { decomposed.clear(); const VLFraction kQuarterDur(1,4); const VLFraction kEighthLoc(1,8); const VLFraction kQuarTripLoc(1,6); VLFraction at(0); VLNoteList::const_iterator i = fMelody.begin(); VLNoteList::const_iterator e = fMelody.end(); int prevTriplets = 0; int prevVisual; VLFraction prevTripDur; while (i!=e) { VLNoteList::const_iterator n = i; ++n; VLLyricsNote c = *i; // Current note, remaining duration VLLyricsNote p = c; // Next partial note do { // // Start with longest possible note // p.MakeRepresentable(); // // Prefer further triplets // if (prevTriplets) { if (p.fDuration >= 2*prevTripDur) { p.fDuration = 2*prevTripDur; if (prevTriplets == 1) { p.fVisual = prevVisual-1; prevTriplets = 2; // 1/8th, 1/4th triplet or similar } else { p.fDuration = prevTripDur; // 1/8th, 1/8th, 1/4th p.fVisual = prevVisual; } goto haveDuration; } else if (p.fDuration >= prevTripDur) { p.fDuration = prevTripDur; p.fVisual = prevVisual; goto haveDuration; } else if (p.fDuration >= prevTripDur/2) { p.fDuration = prevTripDur/2; p.fVisual = prevVisual+1; prevTripDur /= 2; if (prevTriplets == 1) prevTriplets = 2; // 1/4th, 1/8th else prevTriplets = 1; // 1/4th, 1/4th, 1/8th goto haveDuration; } prevTriplets = 0; } if (at.fDenom > 4) { // // Break up notes not starting on quarter beat // - Never cross middle of measure // VLFraction middle; if (prop.fTime.fNum & 1) // Treat 5/4 as 3+2, not 2+3 middle = VLFraction((prop.fTime.fNum+1)/2, prop.fTime.fDenom); else middle = prop.fTime / 2; if (at < middle) p.AlignToGrid(at, middle); VLFraction inBeat = at % kQuarterDur; if ((inBeat == kEighthLoc || inBeat == kQuarTripLoc) && p.fDuration == kQuarterDur ) ; // Allow syncopated quarters else p.AlignToGrid(inBeat, kQuarterDur); // Align all others } if (p.fVisual & VLNote::kTriplet) { // // Distinguish swing 8ths/16ths from triplets // VLFraction swung(1, prop.fDivisions < 6 ? 8 : 16); VLFraction grid(2*swung); if (p.fDuration == 4*swung/3 && (at % grid == 0)) { if (p.fDuration == c.fDuration && n!=e && n->fDuration == p.fDuration ) { ; // Triplet, not swing note } else { // // First swing note (4th triplet -> 8th) // p.fVisual = (p.fVisual+1) & VLNote::kNoteHead; } } else if (p.fDuration == 2*swung/3 && ((at+p.fDuration) % grid == 0) ) { // // Second swing note (8th triplet -> 8th) // p.fVisual &= VLNote::kNoteHead; } else if ((at % p.fDuration != 0) || (p.fDuration != c.fDuration && 2*p.fDuration != c.fDuration) ) { // // Get rid of awkward triplets // p.fDuration *= VLFraction(3,4); p.fVisual = (p.fVisual+1) & VLNote::kNoteHead; } } haveDuration: if (p.fVisual & VLNote::kTriplet) if (prevTriplets = (prevTriplets+1)%3) { prevTripDur = p.fDuration; prevVisual = p.fVisual; } p.fTied &= VLNote::kTiedWithPrev; if (p.fDuration == c.fDuration) p.fTied |= c.fTied & VLNote::kTiedWithNext; else p.fTied |= VLNote::kTiedWithNext; if (p.fPitch == VLNote::kNoPitch) p.fTied = VLNote::kNotTied; decomposed.push_back(p); at += p.fDuration; c.fDuration -= p.fDuration; p.fDuration = c.fDuration; p.fTied |= VLNote::kTiedWithPrev; p.fLyrics.clear(); } while (c.fDuration > 0); i = n; } } VLSong::VLSong(bool initialize) { if (!initialize) return; const VLFraction fourFour(4,4); VLProperties defaultProperties = {fourFour, 0, 1, 3}; fProperties.push_back(defaultProperties); AddMeasure(); fGoToCoda = -1; fCoda = -1; } void VLSong::AddMeasure() { VLFraction dur = fProperties.front().fTime; VLLyricsNote rest(dur); VLChord rchord(dur); VLMeasure meas; meas.fChords.push_back(rchord); meas.fMelody.push_back(rest); fMeasures.push_back(meas); } void VLSong::swap(VLSong & other) { fProperties.swap(other.fProperties); fMeasures.swap(other.fMeasures); fRepeats.swap(other.fRepeats); std::swap(fGoToCoda, other.fGoToCoda); std::swap(fCoda, other.fCoda); } void VLSong::clear() { fProperties.resize(1); fMeasures.clear(); fRepeats.clear(); fGoToCoda = -1; fCoda = -1; } // // Deal with chords - a bit simpler // void VLSong::AddChord(VLChord chord, size_t measure, VLFraction at) { // // Always keep an empty measure in reserve // while (measure+1 >= fMeasures.size()) AddMeasure(); VLChordList::iterator i = fMeasures[measure].fChords.begin(); VLFraction t(0); for (;;) { VLFraction tEnd = t+i->fDuration; if (tEnd > at) { if (t == at) { // // Exact match, replace current // chord.fDuration = i->fDuration; *i = chord; } else { // // Overlap, split current // chord.fDuration = tEnd-at; i->fDuration = at-t; fMeasures[measure].fChords.insert(++i, chord); } break; // Exit here } t = tEnd; ++i; } } void VLSong::DelChord(size_t measure, VLFraction at) { VLChordList::iterator i = fMeasures[measure].fChords.begin(); VLFraction t(0); for (;;) { if (t == at) { // // Found it. Extend previous or make rest // if (i != fMeasures[measure].fChords.begin()) { // // Extend previous // VLChordList::iterator j = i; --j; j->fDuration += i->fDuration; fMeasures[measure].fChords.erase(i); } else { // // Turn into rest // i->fPitch = VLNote::kNoPitch; } break; } VLFraction tEnd = t+i->fDuration; if (tEnd > at) break; // Past the point, quit t = tEnd; ++i; } // // Trim excess empty measures // if (measure == fMeasures.size()-2 && fMeasures[measure].IsEmpty()) fMeasures.pop_back(); } uint8_t & FirstTie(VLMeasure & measure) { VLNoteList::iterator i = measure.fMelody.begin(); return i->fTied; } uint8_t & LastTie(VLMeasure & measure) { VLNoteList::iterator i = measure.fMelody.end(); --i; return i->fTied; } // // Dealing with notes is similar, but we also have to handle ties // void VLSong::AddNote(VLLyricsNote note, size_t measure, VLFraction at) { // // Always keep an empty measure in reserve // while (measure+1 >= fMeasures.size()) AddMeasure(); VLNoteList::iterator i = fMeasures[measure].fMelody.begin(); VLFraction t(0); for (;;) { VLFraction tEnd = t+i->fDuration; if (tEnd > at) { if (t == at) { // // Exact match, replace current // if (i->fTied) { // // Break ties // if (i->fTied & VLNote::kTiedWithPrev) LastTie(fMeasures[measure-1]) &= ~VLNote::kTiedWithNext; if (i->fTied & VLNote::kTiedWithNext) FirstTie(fMeasures[measure+1]) &= ~VLNote::kTiedWithPrev; } note.fDuration = i->fDuration; *i = note; } else { // // Overlap, split current // note.fDuration = tEnd-at; i->fDuration = at-t; i = fMeasures[measure].fMelody.insert(++i, note); } if (i->fPitch == VLNote::kNoPitch) { // // Merge with adjacent rests // if (i != fMeasures[measure].fMelody.begin()) { VLNoteList::iterator j = i; --j; if (j->fPitch == VLNote::kNoPitch) { j->fDuration += i->fDuration; fMeasures[measure].fMelody.erase(i); i = j; } } VLNoteList::iterator j = i; ++j; if (j != fMeasures[measure].fMelody.end() && j->fPitch == VLNote::kNoPitch) { i->fDuration += j->fDuration; fMeasures[measure].fMelody.erase(j); } } break; // Exit here } t = tEnd; ++i; } i->fTied = 0; if (note.fTied & VLNote::kTiedWithPrev) // kTiedWithNext is NEVER user set if (measure && i == fMeasures[measure].fMelody.begin()) { VLNoteList::iterator j = fMeasures[measure-1].fMelody.end(); --j; if (j->fPitch == i->fPitch) { j->fTied |= VLNote::kTiedWithNext; i->fTied |= VLNote::kTiedWithPrev; } } } void VLSong::DelNote(size_t measure, VLFraction at) { VLNoteList::iterator i = fMeasures[measure].fMelody.begin(); VLFraction t(0); for (;;) { if (t == at) { // // Found it. Break ties. // if (i->fTied & VLNote::kTiedWithNext) FirstTie(fMeasures[measure+1]) &= ~VLNote::kTiedWithPrev; if (i->fTied & VLNote::kTiedWithPrev) LastTie(fMeasures[measure-1]) &= ~VLNote::kTiedWithNext; // // Extend previous or make rest // if (i != fMeasures[measure].fMelody.begin()) { // // Extend previous // VLNoteList::iterator j = i; --j; j->fDuration += i->fDuration; fMeasures[measure].fMelody.erase(i); } else { // // Merge with next if it's a rest, otherwise, just turn into rest // VLNoteList::iterator j = i; ++j; if (j != fMeasures[measure].fMelody.end() && j->fPitch == VLNote::kNoPitch) { i->fDuration += j->fDuration; fMeasures[measure].fMelody.erase(j); } i->fPitch = VLNote::kNoPitch; i->fTied = 0; } break; } VLFraction tEnd = t+i->fDuration; if (tEnd > at) break; // Past the point, quit t = tEnd; ++i; } // // Trim excess empty measures // if (measure == fMeasures.size()-2 && fMeasures[measure].IsEmpty()) fMeasures.pop_back(); } void VLSong::ExtendNote(size_t measure, VLFraction at) { VLNoteList::iterator i = fMeasures[measure].fMelody.begin(); VLNoteList::iterator end= fMeasures[measure].fMelody.end(); for (VLFraction t(0); i != end && t+i->fDuration <= at; ++i) t += i->fDuration; if (i == end) --i; if (i->fPitch == VLNote::kNoPitch) return; // Don't extend rests for (;;) { VLNoteList::iterator j=i; ++j; if (j != fMeasures[measure].fMelody.end()) { // // Extend across next note/rest // i->fDuration += j->fDuration; fMeasures[measure].fMelody.erase(j); } else if (++measure < fMeasures.size()) { // // Extend into next measure // VLNoteList::iterator k = fMeasures[measure].fMelody.begin(); if (k->fTied & VLNote::kTiedWithPrev) { // // Already extended, extend further // i = k; continue; // Go for another spin } else { for (;;) { bool wasTied = k->fTied & VLNote::kTiedWithNext; // // Extend previous note // k->fPitch = i->fPitch; k->fTied = VLNote::kTiedWithPrev; i->fTied |= VLNote::kTiedWithNext; k->fLyrics.clear(); if (!wasTied) break; i = k; k = fMeasures[++measure].fMelody.begin(); } } if (measure+1 == fMeasures.size()) AddMeasure(); } break; } } bool VLSong::IsNonEmpty() const { for (size_t measure=0; measure<fMeasures.size(); ++measure) { VLNoteList::const_iterator i = fMeasures[measure].fMelody.begin(); VLNoteList::const_iterator e = fMeasures[measure].fMelody.end(); for (; i!=e; ++i) if (i->fPitch != VLNote::kNoPitch) return true; } for (size_t measure=0; measure<fMeasures.size(); ++measure) { VLChordList::const_iterator i = fMeasures[measure].fChords.begin(); VLChordList::const_iterator e = fMeasures[measure].fChords.end(); for (; i!=e; ++i) if (i->fPitch != VLNote::kNoPitch) return true; } return false; } static void TransposePinned(int8_t & pitch, int semi) { if (pitch == VLNote::kNoPitch) return; int pitchInOctave = pitch % 12; int octave = pitch-pitchInOctave; pitchInOctave += semi; if (pitchInOctave < 0) pitch = octave+pitchInOctave+12; else if (pitchInOctave > 11) pitch = octave+pitchInOctave-12; else pitch = octave+pitchInOctave; } void VLSong::ChangeKey(int newKey, int newMode, bool transpose) { VLProperties & prop = fProperties.front(); int semi = 7*(newKey-prop.fKey) % 12; prop.fKey = newKey; prop.fMode = newMode; if (!transpose) return; for (size_t measure=0; measure<fMeasures.size(); ++measure) { VLChordList::iterator i = fMeasures[measure].fChords.begin(); VLChordList::iterator e = fMeasures[measure].fChords.end(); for (; i!=e; ++i) { TransposePinned(i->fPitch, semi); TransposePinned(i->fRootPitch, semi); } } for (int pass=0; pass<2 && semi;) { int8_t low = 127; int8_t high = 0; for (size_t measure=0; measure<fMeasures.size(); ++measure) { VLNoteList::iterator i = fMeasures[measure].fMelody.begin(); VLNoteList::iterator e = fMeasures[measure].fMelody.end(); for (; i!=e; ++i) { if (i->fPitch == VLNote::kNoPitch) continue; i->fPitch += semi; low = std::min(low, i->fPitch); high = std::max(high, i->fPitch); } } if (low < VLNote::kMiddleC-6 && high < VLNote::kMiddleC+7) semi = 12; // Transpose an Octave up else if (low > VLNote::kMiddleC+7 && high > VLNote::kMiddleC+16) semi = -12; // Transpose an Octave down else break; // Looks like we're done } } // // We try a table based approach for converting the beginning and end of // notes // static const uint8_t sDiv2_3[] = {0, 2}; static const uint8_t sDiv2_4[] = {0, 2}; static const uint8_t sDiv2_6[] = {0, 3}; static const uint8_t sDiv2_8[] = {0, 4}; static const uint8_t sDiv2_12[]= {0, 6}; static const uint8_t * sDiv2[] = { NULL, sDiv2_3, sDiv2_4, NULL, sDiv2_6, NULL, sDiv2_8, NULL, NULL, NULL, sDiv2_12}; static const uint8_t sDiv3_2[] = {0, 1, 1}; static const uint8_t sDiv3_4[] = {0, 2, 3}; static const uint8_t sDiv3_6[] = {0, 2, 4}; static const uint8_t sDiv3_8[] = {0, 3, 6}; static const uint8_t sDiv3_12[]= {0, 4, 8}; static const uint8_t * sDiv3[] = { sDiv3_2, NULL, sDiv3_4, NULL, sDiv3_6, NULL, sDiv3_8, NULL, NULL, NULL, sDiv3_12}; static const uint8_t sDiv4_2[] = {0, 0, 1, 1}; static const uint8_t sDiv4_3[] = {0, 1, 2, 2}; static const uint8_t sDiv4_6[] = {0, 2, 3, 5}; static const uint8_t sDiv4_8[] = {0, 2, 4, 6}; static const uint8_t sDiv4_12[]= {0, 3, 6, 9}; static const uint8_t * sDiv4[] = { sDiv4_2, sDiv4_3, NULL, NULL, sDiv4_6, NULL, sDiv4_8, NULL, NULL, NULL, sDiv4_12}; static const uint8_t sDiv6_2[] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1}; static const uint8_t sDiv6_3[] = {0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2}; static const uint8_t sDiv6_4[] = {0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3}; static const uint8_t sDiv6_8[] = {0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7}; static const uint8_t sDiv6_12[]= {0, 2, 4, 6, 8,10}; static const uint8_t * sDiv6[] = { sDiv6_2, sDiv6_3, sDiv6_4, NULL, NULL, NULL, sDiv6_8, NULL, NULL, NULL, sDiv6_12}; static const uint8_t sDiv8_2[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1}; static const uint8_t sDiv8_3[] = {0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2}; static const uint8_t sDiv8_4[] = {0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3}; static const uint8_t sDiv8_6[] = {0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5}; static const uint8_t sDiv8_12[]= {0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9,11}; static const uint8_t * sDiv8[] = { sDiv8_2, sDiv8_3, sDiv8_4, NULL, sDiv8_6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, sDiv8_12}; static const uint8_t sDiv12_2[]= {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; static const uint8_t sDiv12_3[]= {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2}; static const uint8_t sDiv12_4[]= {0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3}; static const uint8_t sDiv12_6[]= {0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5}; static const uint8_t sDiv12_8[]= {0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7}; static const uint8_t * sDiv12[]= { sDiv12_2, sDiv12_3, sDiv12_4, NULL, sDiv12_6, NULL, sDiv12_8, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; static const uint8_t ** sDiv[] = { sDiv2, sDiv3, sDiv4, NULL, sDiv6, NULL, sDiv8, NULL, NULL, NULL, sDiv12}; class VLRealigner { public: VLRealigner(int oldDiv, int newDiv); VLFraction operator()(VLFraction at); private: VLFraction fOldFrac; VLFraction fNewFrac; const uint8_t * fTable; }; VLRealigner::VLRealigner(int oldDiv, int newDiv) : fOldFrac(1, 4*oldDiv), fNewFrac(1, 4*newDiv), fTable(sDiv[oldDiv-2][newDiv-2]) { } VLFraction VLRealigner::operator()(VLFraction at) { VLFraction quarters(4*at.fNum / at.fDenom, 4); at = (at-quarters) / fOldFrac; return quarters + fTable[at.fNum / at.fDenom]*fNewFrac; } void VLSong::ChangeDivisions(int newDivisions) { VLProperties & prop = fProperties.front(); if (newDivisions == prop.fDivisions) return; // Unchanged VLRealigner realign(prop.fDivisions, newDivisions); // // Only melody needs to be realigned, chords are already quarter notes // for (size_t measure=0; measure<fMeasures.size(); ++measure) { VLNoteList newMelody; VLFraction at(0); VLFraction lastAt; VLNoteList::iterator i = fMeasures[measure].fMelody.begin(); VLNoteList::iterator e = fMeasures[measure].fMelody.end(); for (; i!=e; ++i) { VLLyricsNote n = *i; VLFraction newAt = realign(at); if (newMelody.empty()) { newMelody.push_back(n); lastAt = newAt; } else if (newAt != lastAt) { newMelody.back().fDuration = newAt-lastAt; newMelody.push_back(n); lastAt = newAt; } at += n.fDuration; } if (lastAt == at) newMelody.pop_back(); else newMelody.back().fDuration = at-lastAt; fMeasures[measure].fMelody.swap(newMelody); } prop.fDivisions = newDivisions; } void VLSong::ChangeTime(VLFraction newTime) { VLProperties & prop = fProperties.front(); if (prop.fTime == newTime) return; // No change VLChord rchord(newTime-prop.fTime); VLLyricsNote rnote(newTime-prop.fTime); for (size_t measure=0; measure<fMeasures.size(); ++measure) { if (newTime < prop.fTime) { VLChordList::iterator i = fMeasures[measure].fChords.begin(); VLChordList::iterator e = fMeasures[measure].fChords.end(); VLFraction at(0); VLChordList newChords; for (; i!=e; ++i) { VLChord c = *i; if (at+c.fDuration >= newTime) { if (at < newTime) { c.fDuration = newTime-at; newChords.push_back(c); } break; } else { newChords.push_back(c); at += c.fDuration; } } fMeasures[measure].fChords.swap(newChords); } else fMeasures[measure].fChords.push_back(rchord); if (newTime < prop.fTime) { VLNoteList::iterator i = fMeasures[measure].fMelody.begin(); VLNoteList::iterator e = fMeasures[measure].fMelody.end(); VLFraction at(0); VLNoteList newMelody; for (; i!=e; ++i) { VLLyricsNote n = *i; if (at+n.fDuration >= newTime) { if (at < newTime) { n.fDuration = newTime-at; newMelody.push_back(n); } break; } else { newMelody.push_back(n); at += n.fDuration; } } fMeasures[measure].fMelody.swap(newMelody); } else fMeasures[measure].fMelody.push_back(rnote); } prop.fTime = newTime; } size_t VLSong::EmptyEnding() const { size_t full = fMeasures.size(); while (full-- && fMeasures[full].IsEmpty()) ; return fMeasures.size()-(full+1); } size_t VLSong::CountStanzas() const { size_t stanzas = 0; for (size_t measure=0; measure<fMeasures.size(); ++measure) { VLNoteList::const_iterator i = fMeasures[measure].fMelody.begin(); VLNoteList::const_iterator e = fMeasures[measure].fMelody.end(); for (; i!=e; ++i) if (i->fLyrics.size() > stanzas) for (size_t s = stanzas; s < i->fLyrics.size(); ++s) if (i->fLyrics[s]) stanzas = s+1; } return stanzas; } size_t VLSong::CountTopLedgers() const { int8_t maxPitch = VLNote::kMiddleC; for (size_t measure=0; measure<fMeasures.size(); ++measure) { VLNoteList::const_iterator i = fMeasures[measure].fMelody.begin(); VLNoteList::const_iterator e = fMeasures[measure].fMelody.end(); for (; i!=e; ++i) if (i->fPitch != VLNote::kNoPitch) maxPitch = std::max(maxPitch, i->fPitch); } if (maxPitch > 89) // F'' return 4; else if (maxPitch > 86) // D'' return 3; else if (maxPitch > 83) // B' return 2; else if (maxPitch > 79) // G' return 1; else return 0; } size_t VLSong::CountBotLedgers() const { int8_t minPitch = VLNote::kMiddleC+VLNote::kOctave; for (size_t measure=0; measure<fMeasures.size(); ++measure) { VLNoteList::const_iterator i = fMeasures[measure].fMelody.begin(); VLNoteList::const_iterator e = fMeasures[measure].fMelody.end(); for (; i!=e; ++i) if (i->fPitch != VLNote::kNoPitch) minPitch = std::min(minPitch, i->fPitch); } if (minPitch < 52) // E, return 4; else if (minPitch < 55) // G, return 3; else if (minPitch < 59) // B, return 2; else if (minPitch < 62) // D return 1; else return 0; } bool VLSong::FindWord(size_t stanza, size_t & measure, VLFraction & at) { at += VLFraction(1,64); return PrevWord(stanza, measure, at); } bool VLSong::PrevWord(size_t stanza, size_t & measure, VLFraction & at) { do { VLMeasure & meas = fMeasures[measure]; VLNoteList::iterator note = fMeasures[measure].fMelody.begin(); VLNoteList::iterator end = fMeasures[measure].fMelody.end(); bool hasWord = false; VLFraction word(0); VLFraction now(0); while (note != meas.fMelody.end() && now < at) { if (note->fPitch != VLNote::kNoPitch) if (note->fLyrics.size() < stanza || !(note->fLyrics[stanza-1].fKind & VLSyllable::kHasPrev) ) { word = now; hasWord = true; } now += note->fDuration; ++note; } if (hasWord) { at = word; return true; } else { at = fProperties[meas.fPropIdx].fTime; } } while (measure-- > 0); measure = 0; return false; } bool VLSong::NextWord(size_t stanza, size_t & measure, VLFraction & at) { bool firstMeasure = true; do { VLMeasure & meas = fMeasures[measure]; VLNoteList::iterator note = fMeasures[measure].fMelody.begin(); VLNoteList::iterator end = fMeasures[measure].fMelody.end(); VLFraction now(0); while (note != meas.fMelody.end()) { if (note->fPitch != VLNote::kNoPitch && (!firstMeasure || now>at)) if (note->fLyrics.size() < stanza || !(note->fLyrics[stanza-1].fKind & VLSyllable::kHasPrev) ) { at = now; return true; } now += note->fDuration; ++note; } firstMeasure = false; } while (++measure < fMeasures.size()); return false; } std::string VLSong::GetWord(size_t stanza, size_t measure, VLFraction at) { std::string word; while (measure < fMeasures.size()) { VLMeasure & meas = fMeasures[measure]; VLNoteList::iterator note = meas.fMelody.begin(); VLNoteList::iterator end = meas.fMelody.end(); VLFraction now(0); while (note != end) { if (now >= at && note->fPitch != VLNote::kNoPitch && !(note->fTied & VLNote::kTiedWithPrev) ) { if (word.size()) word += '-'; if (stanza <= note->fLyrics.size()) { word += note->fLyrics[stanza-1].fText; if (!(note->fLyrics[stanza-1].fKind & VLSyllable::kHasNext)) return word; } } now += note->fDuration; ++note; } at = 0; ++measure; } return word; } void VLSong::SetWord(size_t stanza, size_t measure, VLFraction at, std::string word, size_t * nextMeas, VLFract * nextAt) { // // Always keep an empty measure in reserve // while (measure+1 >= fMeasures.size()) AddMeasure(); uint8_t kind = 0; bool cleanup = false; do { VLMeasure & meas = fMeasures[measure]; VLNoteList::iterator note = fMeasures[measure].fMelody.begin(); VLNoteList::iterator end = fMeasures[measure].fMelody.end(); VLFraction now(0); while (note != meas.fMelody.end()) { if (now >= at && note->fPitch != VLNote::kNoPitch && !(note->fTied & VLNote::kTiedWithPrev) ) { if (cleanup) { // // Make sure that following syllable doesn't have // kHasPrev set // if (note->fLyrics.size() >= stanza) note->fLyrics[stanza-1].fKind &= ~VLSyllable::kHasPrev; if (nextMeas) *nextMeas = measure; if (nextAt) *nextAt = now; return; } if (note->fLyrics.size()<stanza) note->fLyrics.resize(stanza); size_t sep = word.find_first_of(" \t-"); size_t esp; std::string syll; char type= 0; if (sep == std::string::npos) { esp = sep; syll= word; } else { esp = word.find_first_not_of(" \t-", sep); syll= word.substr(0, sep); if (esp != std::string::npos) { size_t tpos = word.substr(sep, esp-sep).find('-'); type = (tpos != std::string::npos) ? '-' : ' '; word.erase(0, esp); } } switch (type) { default: // // Last syllable in text // kind &= ~VLSyllable::kHasNext; cleanup = true; break; case ' ': // // Last syllable in word // kind &= ~VLSyllable::kHasNext; break; case '-': kind |= VLSyllable::kHasNext; break; } note->fLyrics[stanza-1].fText = syll; note->fLyrics[stanza-1].fKind = kind; if (type == '-') kind |= VLSyllable::kHasPrev; else kind &= ~VLSyllable::kHasPrev; } now += note->fDuration; ++note; } at = 0; } while (++measure < fMeasures.size()); if (nextMeas) *nextMeas = 0; if (nextAt) *nextAt = VLFraction(0); } void VLSong::AddRepeat(size_t beginMeasure, size_t endMeasure, int times) { for (size_t r=0; r<fRepeats.size(); ++r) { VLRepeat & rp = fRepeats[r]; if (rp.fEndings[0].fBegin == beginMeasure && rp.fEndings[0].fEnd >= endMeasure ) if (rp.fEndings[0].fEnd == endMeasure) { // // Exact match, just change times // size_t mask = ((1<<times)-1) ^ ((1<<rp.fTimes)-1); if (rp.fTimes < times) rp.fEndings[0].fVolta |= mask; else if (rp.fTimes > times) for (size_t e=0; e<rp.fEndings.size(); ++e) rp.fEndings[e].fVolta &= ~mask; rp.fTimes = times; return; } else { fRepeats.erase(fRepeats.begin()+r); break; } } VLRepeat rep; rep.fTimes = times; rep.fEndings.push_back(VLRepeat::Ending(beginMeasure, endMeasure, (1<<times)-1)); fRepeats.push_back(rep); } void VLSong::DelRepeat(size_t beginMeasure, size_t endMeasure) { for (size_t r=0; r<fRepeats.size(); ++r) { VLRepeat & rp = fRepeats[r]; if (rp.fEndings[0].fBegin == beginMeasure && rp.fEndings[0].fEnd >= endMeasure ) { fRepeats.erase(fRepeats.begin()+r); break; } } } void VLSong::AddEnding(size_t beginMeasure, size_t endMeasure, size_t volta) { for (size_t r=0; r<fRepeats.size(); ++r) { VLRepeat & rp = fRepeats[r]; if (rp.fEndings[0].fBegin < beginMeasure && rp.fEndings[0].fEnd >= beginMeasure ) { for (size_t e=1; e<rp.fEndings.size(); ++e) if (rp.fEndings[e].fBegin == beginMeasure && rp.fEndings[e].fEnd == endMeasure ) { // // Found it, just edit volta // rp.fEndings[0].fVolta |= rp.fEndings[e].fVolta; volta &= rp.fEndings[0].fVolta; rp.fEndings[0].fVolta &= ~volta; rp.fEndings[e].fVolta = volta; return; } // // Not found, add new ending // volta &= rp.fEndings[0].fVolta; rp.fEndings[0].fVolta &= ~volta; rp.fEndings[0].fEnd = std::max<int8_t>(rp.fEndings[0].fEnd, endMeasure); rp.fEndings.push_back( VLRepeat::Ending(beginMeasure, endMeasure, volta)); return; } } } void VLSong::DelEnding(size_t beginMeasure, size_t endMeasure) { for (size_t r=0; r<fRepeats.size(); ++r) { VLRepeat & rp = fRepeats[r]; if (rp.fEndings[0].fBegin <= beginMeasure && rp.fEndings[0].fEnd > beginMeasure ) for (size_t e=1; e<rp.fEndings.size(); ++e) if (rp.fEndings[e].fBegin == beginMeasure) { rp.fEndings[0].fVolta |= rp.fEndings[e].fVolta; if (e > 1 && e == rp.fEndings.size()-1) rp.fEndings[0].fEnd = rp.fEndings[e].fBegin; rp.fEndings.erase(rp.fEndings.begin()+e); } } } bool VLSong::CanBeRepeat(size_t beginMeasure, size_t endMeasure, int * times) { for (size_t r=0; r<fRepeats.size(); ++r) { VLRepeat & rp = fRepeats[r]; if (rp.fEndings[0].fBegin == beginMeasure) { // // Look for exact match & return // if (times) *times = rp.fTimes; if (rp.fEndings[0].fEnd == endMeasure) return true; if (rp.fEndings.size() > 1) { if (rp.fEndings[1].fBegin == endMeasure) return true; if (rp.fEndings[1].fEnd == endMeasure) return true; } } // // Inclusions and surroundings are OK. Beginnings may match, but // endings must not. // if (rp.fEndings[0].fBegin >= beginMeasure && rp.fEndings[0].fEnd < endMeasure ) continue; if (rp.fEndings[0].fBegin <= beginMeasure && rp.fEndings[0].fEnd > endMeasure ) continue; // // Look for overlap and reject // if (rp.fEndings[0].fBegin >= beginMeasure && rp.fEndings[0].fBegin < endMeasure ) return false; if (rp.fEndings[0].fEnd > beginMeasure && rp.fEndings[0].fEnd <= endMeasure ) return false; } // // Virgin territory, accept // if (times) *times = 2; return true; } bool VLSong::CanBeEnding(size_t beginMeasure, size_t endMeasure, size_t * volta, size_t * voltaOK) { for (size_t r=0; r<fRepeats.size(); ++r) { VLRepeat & rp = fRepeats[r]; if (beginMeasure > rp.fEndings[0].fBegin && beginMeasure <= rp.fEndings[0].fEnd ) { // // Found right repeat // // // Append new repeat, or carve out from ending // if (beginMeasure == rp.fEndings[0].fEnd) { for (size_t r2=0; r2<fRepeats.size(); ++r2) if (r2 != r && fRepeats[r2].fEndings[0].fBegin >= beginMeasure && fRepeats[r2].fEndings[0].fBegin < endMeasure ) return false; // Overlap if (volta) *volta = rp.fEndings[0].fVolta; if (voltaOK) *voltaOK = rp.fEndings[0].fVolta; return true; } else if (rp.fEndings.size() == 1 && endMeasure >= rp.fEndings[0].fEnd ) { if (volta) *volta = rp.fEndings[0].fVolta; if (voltaOK) *voltaOK = rp.fEndings[0].fVolta; return true; } // // Otherwise must match existing // for (size_t e=1; e<rp.fEndings.size(); ++e) if (beginMeasure == rp.fEndings[e].fBegin && endMeasure == rp.fEndings[e].fEnd ) { if (volta) *volta = rp.fEndings[e].fVolta; if (voltaOK) *voltaOK = rp.fEndings[e].fVolta | rp.fEndings[0].fVolta; return true; } return false; } } return false; } bool VLSong::DoesBeginRepeat(size_t measure, int * times) const { for (size_t r=0; r<fRepeats.size(); ++r) { const VLRepeat & rp = fRepeats[r]; if (rp.fEndings[0].fBegin == measure) { if (times) *times = rp.fTimes; return true; } } return false; } bool VLSong::DoesEndRepeat(size_t measure, int * times) const { for (size_t r=0; r<fRepeats.size(); ++r) { const VLRepeat & rp = fRepeats[r]; if (rp.fEndings[0].fEnd == measure && rp.fEndings.size() == 1 ) { if (times) *times = rp.fTimes; return true; } } return false; } bool VLSong::DoesBeginEnding(size_t measure, bool * repeat, size_t * volta) const { for (size_t r=0; r<fRepeats.size(); ++r) { const VLRepeat & rp = fRepeats[r]; if (rp.fEndings[0].fBegin < measure && rp.fEndings[0].fEnd >= measure && rp.fEndings.size() > 1 ) { size_t v = (1<<rp.fTimes)-1; for (size_t e=1; e<rp.fEndings.size(); ++e) if (rp.fEndings[e].fBegin == measure) { if (repeat) if (e == rp.fEndings.size()-1 && rp.fEndings[e].fVolta == v ) *repeat = false; // Not after last alternative else *repeat = true; if (volta) *volta = rp.fEndings[e].fVolta; return true; } else v &= ~rp.fEndings[e].fVolta; if (v && rp.fEndings[0].fEnd == measure) { // // Implied ending for all not mentioned // if (repeat) *repeat = false; if (volta) *volta = v; return true; } } } return false; } bool VLSong::DoesEndEnding(size_t measure, bool * repeat, size_t * volta) const { for (size_t r=0; r<fRepeats.size(); ++r) { const VLRepeat & rp = fRepeats[r]; if (rp.fEndings[0].fBegin < measure && rp.fEndings[0].fEnd+1 >= measure && rp.fEndings.size() > 1 ) { size_t v = (1<<rp.fTimes)-1; for (size_t e=1; e<rp.fEndings.size(); ++e) if (rp.fEndings[e].fEnd == measure) { if (repeat) if (e == rp.fEndings.size()-1 && rp.fEndings[e].fVolta == v ) *repeat = false; // Not after last alternative else *repeat = true; if (volta) *volta = rp.fEndings[e].fVolta; return true; } else v &= ~rp.fEndings[e].fVolta; if (v && rp.fEndings[0].fEnd+1 == measure) { // // Implied ending for all not mentioned // if (repeat) *repeat = false; if (volta) *volta = v; return true; } } } return false; } bool VLSong::DoesTieWithPrevRepeat(size_t measure) const { if (fMeasures[measure].fMelody.front().fPitch == VLNote::kNoPitch) return false; // Rests don't tie for (size_t r=0; r<fRepeats.size(); ++r) { const VLRepeat & rp = fRepeats[r]; if (rp.fEndings[0].fBegin < measure && rp.fEndings[0].fEnd >= measure && rp.fEndings.size() > 1 ) { size_t v = (1<<rp.fTimes)-1; int8_t firstEnding = rp.fEndings[0].fEnd; bool doesStartEnding = false; for (size_t e=1; e<rp.fEndings.size(); ++e) { firstEnding = std::min(firstEnding, rp.fEndings[e].fBegin); if (rp.fEndings[e].fBegin == measure) doesStartEnding = true; else v &= ~rp.fEndings[e].fVolta; } if (doesStartEnding || (v && rp.fEndings[0].fEnd == measure)) return fMeasures[firstEnding-1].fMelody.back().fTied & VLNote::kTiedWithNext; } } return false; } bool VLSong::DoesTieWithNextRepeat(size_t measure) const { if (fMeasures[measure].fMelody.back().fPitch == VLNote::kNoPitch) return false; // Rests don't tie for (size_t r=0; r<fRepeats.size(); ++r) { const VLRepeat & rp = fRepeats[r]; if (rp.fEndings[0].fBegin < measure && rp.fEndings[0].fEnd >= measure && rp.fEndings.size() > 1 ) { for (size_t e=1; e<rp.fEndings.size(); ++e) { if (rp.fEndings[e].fEnd == measure+1) return !(rp.fEndings[e].fVolta & (1<<(rp.fTimes-1))) && (fMeasures[rp.fEndings[0].fBegin].fMelody.front().fTied & VLNote::kTiedWithPrev); } } } return false; } VLSong::iterator::iterator(const VLSong & song, bool end) : fSong(song) { if (end) { fMeasure = fSong.CountMeasures()-fSong.EmptyEnding(); } else { fMeasure = 0; AdjustStatus(); } } VLSong::iterator & VLSong::iterator::operator++() { ++fMeasure; AdjustStatus(); return *this; } void VLSong::iterator::AdjustStatus() { int times; size_t volta; bool repeat; if (fSong.DoesEndRepeat(fMeasure) || (fSong.DoesEndEnding(fMeasure, &repeat) && repeat) ) { if (++fStatus.back().fVolta < fStatus.back().fTimes) { // // Repeat again // fMeasure = fStatus.back().fBegin; return; } } if (fSong.fCoda > 0 && fMeasure==fSong.fGoToCoda) if (fStatus.size() && fStatus.back().fVolta == fStatus.back().fTimes-1) { fMeasure = fSong.fCoda; return; } if (fMeasure == fSong.CountMeasures()-fSong.EmptyEnding()) while (fStatus.size()) if (++fStatus.back().fVolta < fStatus.back().fTimes) { fMeasure = fStatus.back().fBegin; return; } else fStatus.pop_back(); while (fSong.DoesBeginEnding(fMeasure, 0, &volta)) { if (!(volta & (1<<fStatus.back().fVolta))) { // // Skip this ending this time around // do { ++fMeasure; } while (!fSong.DoesEndEnding(fMeasure)); } else break; } if (fSong.DoesBeginRepeat(fMeasure, ×)) { if (fStatus.size() && fStatus.back().fVolta == fStatus.back().fTimes) fStatus.pop_back(); fStatus.push_back(Repeat(fMeasure, times)); } } VLSong VLSong::CopyMeasures(size_t beginMeasure, size_t endMeasure) { VLSong subSong(false); int8_t firstProp = fMeasures[beginMeasure].fPropIdx; int8_t lastProp = fMeasures[endMeasure-1].fPropIdx; subSong.fProperties.insert(subSong.fProperties.end(), fProperties.begin()+firstProp, fProperties.begin()+lastProp+1); subSong.fMeasures.insert(subSong.fMeasures.end(), fMeasures.begin()+beginMeasure, fMeasures.begin()+endMeasure); if (firstProp) for (size_t i=0; i<subSong.fMeasures.size(); ++i) subSong.fMeasures[i].fPropIdx -= firstProp; for (size_t r=0; r<fRepeats.size(); ++r) { VLRepeat & rp = fRepeats[r]; if (rp.fEndings[0].fBegin >= beginMeasure && rp.fEndings[0].fEnd <= endMeasure ) { for (size_t e=0; e<rp.fEndings.size(); ++e) { rp.fEndings[e].fBegin -= beginMeasure; rp.fEndings[e].fEnd -= endMeasure; } subSong.fRepeats.push_back(rp); } } return subSong; } void VLSong::PasteMeasures(size_t beginMeasure, const VLSong & measures, int mode) { size_t numMeas = measures.CountMeasures(); size_t nextMeasure = mode==kInsert ? beginMeasure : beginMeasure+numMeas; // // Ignore properties for now. We don't use multiple properties yet. // if (mode == kInsert) { fMeasures.insert(fMeasures.begin()+beginMeasure, measures.fMeasures.begin(), measures.fMeasures.end()); for (size_t r=0; r<fRepeats.size(); ++r) { VLRepeat & repeat = fRepeats[r]; for (size_t e=0; e<repeat.fEndings.size(); ++e) { if (repeat.fEndings[e].fBegin >= beginMeasure) repeat.fEndings[e].fBegin += numMeas; if (repeat.fEndings[e].fEnd >= beginMeasure) repeat.fEndings[e].fEnd += numMeas; } } for (size_t r=0; r<measures.fRepeats.size(); ++r) { VLRepeat repeat = measures.fRepeats[r]; for (size_t e=0; e<repeat.fEndings.size(); ++e) { repeat.fEndings[e].fBegin += beginMeasure; repeat.fEndings[e].fEnd += beginMeasure; } fRepeats.push_back(repeat); } } else { if (CountMeasures() < nextMeasure) { VLMeasure rest; rest.fPropIdx = fMeasures.back().fPropIdx; VLFraction dur = fProperties[rest.fPropIdx].fTime; rest.fMelody.push_back(VLLyricsNote(dur)); rest.fChords.push_back(VLChord(dur)); fMeasures.insert(fMeasures.end(), nextMeasure-CountMeasures(), rest); } for (size_t m=0; m<numMeas; ++m) { const VLMeasure & srcMeas = measures.fMeasures[m]; VLMeasure & dstMeas = fMeasures[beginMeasure+m]; if (mode & kOverwriteChords) dstMeas.fChords = srcMeas.fChords; if (mode & kOverwriteMelody) dstMeas.fMelody = srcMeas.fMelody; } } } void VLSong::DeleteMeasures(size_t beginMeasure, size_t endMeasure, int mode) { if (mode == kOverwriteMelody) { VLLyricsNote rest(fProperties.front().fTime); for (size_t m=beginMeasure; m<endMeasure; ++m) { fMeasures[m].fMelody.clear(); fMeasures[m].fMelody.push_back(rest); } return; } int8_t firstProp = fMeasures[beginMeasure].fPropIdx; int8_t lastProp = fMeasures[endMeasure-1].fPropIdx+1; if (beginMeasure && fMeasures[beginMeasure-1].fPropIdx == firstProp) ++firstProp; if (endMeasure < CountMeasures() && fMeasures[endMeasure].fPropIdx == lastProp) --lastProp; if (lastProp - firstProp == fProperties.size()) ++firstProp; if (lastProp > firstProp) { fProperties.erase(fProperties.begin()+firstProp, fProperties.begin()+lastProp); for (size_t m=endMeasure; m<CountMeasures(); ++m) fMeasures[m].fPropIdx -= lastProp-firstProp; } fMeasures.erase(fMeasures.begin()+beginMeasure, fMeasures.begin()+endMeasure); size_t delta = endMeasure-beginMeasure; for (size_t r=0; r<fRepeats.size(); ) { VLRepeat & repeat = fRepeats[r]; if (repeat.fEndings[0].fBegin >= beginMeasure && repeat.fEndings[0].fEnd <= endMeasure ) { fRepeats.erase(fRepeats.begin()+r); } else { for (size_t e=0; e<repeat.fEndings.size(); ) { if (repeat.fEndings[e].fBegin > beginMeasure) repeat.fEndings[e].fBegin = std::max(beginMeasure, repeat.fEndings[e].fBegin-delta); if (repeat.fEndings[e].fEnd > beginMeasure) repeat.fEndings[e].fEnd = std::max(beginMeasure, repeat.fEndings[e].fEnd-delta); if (e && repeat.fEndings[e].fBegin==repeat.fEndings[e].fEnd) repeat.fEndings.erase(repeat.fEndings.begin()+e); else ++e; } ++r; } } // // Keep an empty meausure at the end // if (!EmptyEnding()) AddMeasure(); } VLFract VLSong::TiedDuration(size_t measure) { VLFraction total(0); while (measure < fMeasures.size()) { VLNote n = fMeasures[measure++].fMelody.front(); if (!(n.fTied & VLNote::kTiedWithPrev)) break; total += n.fDuration; if (!(n.fTied & VLNote::kTiedWithNext)) break; } return total; } VLSongVisitor::~VLSongVisitor() { } void VLSongVisitor::VisitMeasures(VLSong & song, bool performanceOrder) { if (performanceOrder) { VLSong::iterator e = song.end(); for (VLSong::iterator m=song.begin(); m!=e; ++m) { VLMeasure & meas = song.fMeasures[*m]; VLProperties& prop = song.fProperties[meas.fPropIdx]; VisitMeasure(*m, prop, meas); } } else { size_t e = song.CountMeasures() - song.EmptyEnding(); for (size_t m=0; m!=e; ++m) { VLMeasure & meas = song.fMeasures[m]; VLProperties& prop = song.fProperties[meas.fPropIdx]; VisitMeasure(m, prop, meas); } } } void VLSongVisitor::VisitNotes(VLMeasure & measure, const VLProperties & prop, bool decomposed) { VLNoteList decomp; VLNoteList::iterator n; VLNoteList::iterator e; if (decomposed) { measure.DecomposeNotes(prop, decomp); n = decomp.begin(); e = decomp.end(); } else { n = measure.fMelody.begin(); e = measure.fMelody.end(); } for (; n!=e; ++n) VisitNote(*n); } void VLSongVisitor::VisitChords(VLMeasure & measure) { VLChordList::iterator c = measure.fChords.begin(); VLChordList::iterator e = measure.fChords.end(); for (; c!=e; ++c) VisitChord(*c); }