<!-- Auto-Generated by MMA on: Sun Oct 15 11:20:44 2006 -->
<BODY  BGCOLOR="#B7DFFF" Text=Black>
<P>This bolero is different from the Ravel-ish sounds of ``bolero.mma''. Sounds nice with slower songs. For an example see the exemplar ``Abrazame Asi''. This file is largely based on ``Latin Rhythms: Mystery Unraveled'' by Victor Lopez.
<LI><A Href=#SlowBolero>SlowBolero</a>
<LI><A Href=#SlowBoleroSus>SlowBoleroSus</a>
<LI><A Href=#SlowBoleroIntro>SlowBoleroIntro</a>
<LI><A Href=#SlowBoleroEnd>SlowBoleroEnd</a>
<A Name=SlowBolero></a>
<Table Border=3 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=5 BGColor="#eeeeee" Width="60%">
    <H2> SlowBolero </H2> 
    Easy going Bolero for ballads. <B>(4)</B> 
    <Table CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=5 BGColor="#eeeeee" Width="10%">
       <TR><TD> Bass </TD> <TD> FingeredBass </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Chord </TD> <TD> Piano1 </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Chord-Guitar </TD> <TD> SteelGuitar </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Drum-Claves </TD> <TD> Claves </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Drum-Hconga </TD> <TD> OpenHighConga </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Drum-Lconga </TD> <TD> LowConga </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Drum-Maraca </TD> <TD> Maracas </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Drum-Ohh </TD> <TD> OpenHiHat </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Drum-Snare </TD> <TD> SnareDrum1 </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Drum-Sq </TD> <TD> SquareClick </TD></TR>
<A Name=SlowBoleroSus></a>
<Table Border=3 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=5 BGColor="#eeeeee" Width="60%">
    <H2> SlowBoleroSus </H2> 
    Add sustained voices. <B>(4)</B> 
    <Table CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=5 BGColor="#eeeeee" Width="10%">
       <TR><TD> Bass </TD> <TD> FingeredBass </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Chord </TD> <TD> Piano1 </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Chord-Guitar </TD> <TD> SteelGuitar </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Chord-Sus </TD> <TD> VoiceOohs </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Drum-Claves </TD> <TD> Claves </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Drum-Hconga </TD> <TD> OpenHighConga </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Drum-Lconga </TD> <TD> LowConga </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Drum-Maraca </TD> <TD> Maracas </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Drum-Ohh </TD> <TD> OpenHiHat </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Drum-Snare </TD> <TD> SnareDrum1 </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Drum-Sq </TD> <TD> SquareClick </TD></TR>
<A Name=SlowBoleroIntro></a>
<Table Border=3 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=5 BGColor="#eeeeee" Width="60%">
    <H2> SlowBoleroIntro </H2> 
    A simple introduction. <B>(4)</B> 
    <Table CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=5 BGColor="#eeeeee" Width="10%">
       <TR><TD> Bass </TD> <TD> FingeredBass </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Chord </TD> <TD> Piano1 </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Chord-Guitar </TD> <TD> SteelGuitar </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Drum-Claves </TD> <TD> Claves </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Drum-Hconga </TD> <TD> OpenHighConga </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Drum-Lconga </TD> <TD> LowConga </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Drum-Maraca </TD> <TD> Maracas </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Drum-Ohh </TD> <TD> OpenHiHat </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Drum-Snare </TD> <TD> SnareDrum1 </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Drum-Sq </TD> <TD> SquareClick </TD></TR>
<A Name=SlowBoleroEnd></a>
<Table Border=3 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=5 BGColor="#eeeeee" Width="60%">
    <H2> SlowBoleroEnd </H2> 
    2 bar ending. <B>(2)</B> 
    <Table CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=5 BGColor="#eeeeee" Width="10%">
       <TR><TD> Bass </TD> <TD> FingeredBass </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Chord </TD> <TD> Piano1 </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Chord-Guitar </TD> <TD> SteelGuitar </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Drum-Claves </TD> <TD> Claves </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Drum-Hconga </TD> <TD> OpenHighConga </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Drum-Lconga </TD> <TD> LowConga </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Drum-Maraca </TD> <TD> Maracas </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Drum-Ohh </TD> <TD> OpenHiHat </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Drum-Snare </TD> <TD> SnareDrum1 </TD></TR>
       <TR><TD> Drum-Sq </TD> <TD> SquareClick </TD></TR>
