// Demo file to show repeats/goto. Process with mma. No output // will be generated. Debug Warnings=Off // You should NOT do this. Print Print This file generates no output. It just demonstrates Print various ways to use Repeat, RepeatEnding and Goto. Print The output lines prefaced with *s indicate lines of Print musical data which mma would produce. Print Print This first section shows a simple repeat. Print Set Count 1 Print * Introduction Repeat Print ** Repeated Section $Count Inc Count RepeatEnd 3 Print * After repeated section .... Print Print Next, we have a repeat section with 2 endings. The Print first ending is done twice, the second only once. Print Note that we end up with a total of 4 sections. Print Set Count 1 Print * Introduction Repeat Print ** Main Section $Count Inc Count RepeatEnding 2 Print **** 1st ending RepeatEnding Print **** 2nd ending RepeatEnd Print * After repeated section .... Print Print This example shows a combination of Repeat and RepeatEnding with a count Print In this case there are a total of 4 sections. The 1st 2 use the ending, Print the 2nd 2 don't. Note we use a count of 3 in the RepeatEnd, not 2!! Print Set Count 1 Print * Introduction Repeat Print ** Main Section $Count Inc Count RepeatEnding 2 Print **** 1st ending RepeatEnd 3 Print * After repeated section .... Print Print Finally, a complicated example using a DS/Coda. In most cases when Print we play a coda section one ignores the repeats. This is done with Print some handy macros. Print Set Count 1 Set EndingCount 1 Print * Introduction (before repeat and SIGN) Label Sign Repeat Print ** Main Section $Count Inc Count RepeatEnding $EndingCount Print **** RepeatEnding RepeatEnd Print * This is after the Repeat If Def Coda Goto Coda Endif Print * Song between the ending and coda // Now we jump back to the sign Set EndingCount 0 Set Coda Goto Sign Label Coda Print * This is the Coda section Print Print Hope all this helps! Print