#!/usr/bin/env python

import shutil, os, sys

def okay(msg):
	print msg
	a=raw_input("   Press <ENTER> to continue (anything else will terminate): ")

	if a:


# Simple python script to install mma from tarball
# This should be fixed to be more versatile. Volunteers?

# Before we do anything, make sure we have an up-to-date python.


if sys.version_info[0] < pyMaj or sys.version_info[1] < pyMin:
	print "You need a more current version of Python to run MMA and this install script."
	print "We're looking for something equal or greater than version %s.%s" % \
	print "Current Python version is ", sys.version

# Banner. Check to make sure user has root permissions.

print """
This script will install mma, the standard library and the
python modules.


if u:
	okay("""You do not appear to be running this script as 'root' user.
Continuing will probably cause all kinds of strange errors
and a generally unsatisfactory experience. But, we can try...

print """
We recommend that you install the package with this script
in the default locations. This script will create a
directory 'mma' in /usr/local/share. If this isn't
what you want, then stop this script and edit this
script's directory locations. But, please note that ONLY
/usr/local/share and /usr/share are supported as default

The main executable script will be installed in /usr/local/bin.

If you ever decide to get rid of MMA, just delete the executable
in /usr/local/mma and the directory tree in /usr/local/share/mma.



######## Copy the executable.


if os.path.exists(bin):
	okay("Existing mma executable '%s' is being overwritten." % bin)

print "Copying mma to", bin

shutil.copy( 'mma.py', bin)

######## Copy the library

dest = '/usr/local/share/mma'

if os.path.exists(dest):
   bu=dest.rsplit('/', 1)[0] + '/mma-old'
   if os.path.exists(bu):
      print "This script was going to move the existing MMA tree to"
      print "a backup directory called '%s'. But that already exists." % bu
      print "So, please delete the backup (and current) directories by hand."
      print "Yes, the script could do this, but it's probably safer for you to do it!"

   okay("Existing mma tree '%s' is being moved to '%s'." % (dest, bu))
   os.rename( dest, bu )

print "Copying library to", dest
shutil.copytree( "lib", dest+"/lib")

######## Copy the includes

print "Copying includes to", dest
shutil.copytree( "includes", dest+"/includes")

######## Copy the modules

print "Copying python modules to", dest

shutil.copytree( "MMA", dest+"/MMA")

######## Copy the html docs

print "Copying HTML documentation to", dest

shutil.copytree( "docs", dest+"/docs")

######## Set permissions/udate database

print "Updating database file. This uses mma with the -G option."
print "If this fails, something was not installed properly"
print "and you should contact Bob and we'll figure it out."


os.system("%s -G" % bin)

print "Setting permissions on MMADIR database file for user update."
os.system("chmod a+w " + dest+"/lib/stdlib/.mmaDB")