// countryswing Begin Doc Quite simple rhythm. I'm not big on country, but this does seem to fit with "Singing The Blues". End Author Bob van der Poel SeqClear Time 4 Timesig 4 4 Include stdpats //////////////////////////////// ///////// Pattern defines Begin Arpeggio Define Fiddle1 1 2 90 * 2; 2+81 82 80; 3+81 82 80 Fiddle2 1 1 90 * 4; 1+81 82 80; 2+81 82 80; 3+81 82 80; 4+81 82 80 End Begin Drum Define D12+34 D1234 ; 2.5 0 80 End //////////////////////////////////// /////////////////// CountrySwing SeqSize 4 Begin Chord Sequence C1234 / / {C1234 ; 1.5 16 60 ; 3.5 16 60 } Accent 1 10 RSkip 10 Voicing Mode=Optimal Voice NylonGuitar Volume f Octave 5 Strum 4 Direction Both Articulate 99 End Begin Bass Voice FingeredBass Sequence B13 / / z Octave 3 Articulate 99 Volume mp End Begin Walk Voice $_Bass_Voice Octave $_Bass_Octave Sequence z z z W1234 Articulate 80 Volume mp End Begin Drum-HH Sequence D13 / / D1234 Tone OpenHiHat RSkip 5 Volume pp Rvolume 20 Rtime 4 End Begin Drum-Snare Sequence D12+34 Tone SnareDrum2 Rvolume 20 Volume ppp Rtime 3 End DefGroove CountrySwing Marty Robbins might like this. // Here we could use a bass track since we are only playing // single notes in the sustain ... but, using chords gives // the advantage of VOICING ... which avoids some awkward jumps. // The sequence toggles between root and 5 ONLY. Begin Chord-Sus Voice Fiddle Sequence { 1 1 90 0 * 4 } { 1 1 0 0 90 0 * 4} Octave 6 SeqRnd On Voicing Mode=Optimal Volume ppp Articulate 100 Unify On End DefGroove CountrySwingSus Adds a sustained fiddle to the hoedown. //////////////////////////////// // CountrySwing1 // Add a fiddle. Cheesy! Groove CountrySwing Begin Arpeggio Sequence Fiddle1 Fiddle2 / / RSkip 20 Articulate 97 SeqRnd On Voice Violin Range 2 Volume p Octave 5 End DefGroove CountrySwing1 Adds an annoying fiddle. Chord-Sus Groove CountrySwingSus DefGroove CountrySwing1Sus Now we have 2 fiddlers, one off in wonderland \ and a second playing long notes. ///// A different fiddler Groove CountrySwing Begin Arpeggio Voice Violin Sequence A8 Harmony OpenAbove Invert 0 1 2 -1 Accent 1 10 3 10 Rskip 10 Articulate 90 80 100 70 SeqRnd On Volume ppp Octave 5 End DefGroove CountrySwing2 Same fiddle, but a more sane pattern. Chord-Sus Groove CountrySwingSus DefGroove CountrySwing2Sus A sustained and a random fiddler. Great dance! //////////////////////////////// // Introduction //////////////////////////////// Groove CountrySwing Alltracks SeqRnd Off Chord Sequence C1234 / / {1 2. 80} Bass Sequence B13 / / {1 2 1 80} Walk Sequence - Drum-HH Sequence D13 / / D14 Drum-Snare Sequence D12+34 / / D1 DefGroove CountrySwingIntro Simple 4 bar introduction. //////////////////////////////// // CountrySwingEnd // 2 bar ending, just set everything to a straight 4 Groove CountrySwing Seqsize 2 Arpeggio Sequence - Walk Sequence - Bass Sequence B1234 B13 Chord Sequence C1234 C13 Drum-HH Sequence D1234 Drum-Snare Sequence D1234 D13 DefGroove CountrySwingEnd Simple ending. Hits on each beat on bar 1, \ beats 1 and 3 on bar 2.