<!-- Auto-Generated by MMA on: Sun Nov  7 10:29:13 2010 -->
<BODY  BGCOLOR="#B7DFFF" Text=Black>
<h2>File: metronome.mma</h2>
<h2>Groove: Metronome4</h2>
<p><b>Notes:</b> Simple beats to put at the start of a piece. This file has only 4/4 times.
<p><b>Author:</b> Bob van der Poel
<p><b>Description:</b> Single bar sequence with hits on beats 1, 2, 3 and 4.
<p><Table Border=0 Width=75%>
  <td width=50%> SeqSize:  1   </td>
  <td width=50%> Time (beats per bar):  4   </td>
<p> <b>Variables</b>
<Table Border=.2em Cellspacing=5 Cellpadding=5  Width="90%">
          <TD Valign=Top> <B> NoMetronome </B> </TD> 
          <TD Valign=Top> If this variable is set the clicks will still sound, but their volume will be at a zero level. This gives a bit of silence at the start of playing a track. Quite useful for performance. </TD>
<p> <b>Track Name: Drum-Hi</b>
<p><Table Border=0 Width=75%>
  <td width=50%> Voice/Tones:  HighWoodBlock   </td>
  <td width=50%> Articulate:  90   </td>
  <td width=50%> Volume:  100.0   </td>
  <td width=50%> Harmony:  None   </td>
  <td width=50%> Rskip:  0   </td>
  <td width=50%> Rvolume:  0   </td>
  <td width=50%> Rtime:  0   </td>
  <td width=50%> SeqRND:  Off   </td>
  <td width=50%> Strum:  None   </td>
<div style="position:relative;background-color:#99bdf4;
padding:0; border:.1em solid black; left:5em;
height:5em; width:10.0em">
<img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0;  left:2.5em; width:0.1em; height:3em"
<img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0;  left:7.5em; width:0.1em; height:3em"
<p> <b>Track Name: Drum-Low</b>
<p><Table Border=0 Width=75%>
  <td width=50%> Voice/Tones:  LowWoodBlock   </td>
  <td width=50%> Articulate:  90   </td>
  <td width=50%> Volume:  100.0   </td>
  <td width=50%> Harmony:  None   </td>
  <td width=50%> Rskip:  0   </td>
  <td width=50%> Rvolume:  0   </td>
  <td width=50%> Rtime:  0   </td>
  <td width=50%> SeqRND:  Off   </td>
  <td width=50%> Strum:  None   </td>
<div style="position:relative;background-color:#99bdf4;
padding:0; border:.1em solid black; left:5em;
height:5em; width:10.0em">
<img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0;  left:0.0em; width:0.1em; height:3em"
<img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0;  left:5.0em; width:0.1em; height:3em"