<!-- Auto-Generated by MMA on: Sun Nov 7 10:29:14 2010 --> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#B7DFFF" Text=Black> <h2>File: modernjazz.mma</h2> <h2>Groove: Modernjazz</h2> <p><b>Notes:</b> A jazz style which has a bit of raunch and swing. Works well with Peggy Lee's "Fever". <p><b>Author:</b> Bob van der Poel <p><b>Description:</b> ModernJazz with just a piano and guitar. <p><Table Border=0 Width=75%> <tr> <td width=50%> SeqSize: 4 </td> <td width=50%> Time (beats per bar): 4 </td> </tr> </Table> <p> <b>Variables</b> <Table Border=.2em Cellspacing=5 Cellpadding=5 Width="90%"> <TD Valign=Top> <B> ArpeggioVoice </B> </TD> <TD Valign=Top> Voice for the alternating arpeggios in ModernJazz1 and ModernJazz2 (plus the SUS versions of 1 and 2). </TD> </TR> <TD Valign=Top> <B> (Default=MutedTrumpet). </B> </TD> <TD Valign=Top> Also used in Introduction and Ending. </TD> </TR> </Table> <p> <b>Track Name: Chord-Guitar</b> <p><Table Border=0 Width=75%> <tr> <td width=50%> Voice/Tones: JazzGuitar </td> <td width=50%> Articulate: 40 </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Unify: 0 </td> <td width=50%> Octave: 5 </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Volume: 70.0 </td> <td width=50%> Harmony: None </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Rskip: 0 </td> <td width=50%> Rvolume: 5.0 </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Rtime: 5 </td> <td width=50%> SeqRND: Off </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Strum: None </td> <td width=50%> Voicing: OPTIMAL </td> </tr> </Table> <div style="position:relative;background-color:#99bdf4; padding:0; border:.1em solid black; left:5em; height:5em; width:40.0em"> <img style="position:absolute; bottom:0; left:10.0em; width:.05em; height:5em; border:.05em solid white" src="../black.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; bottom:0; left:20.0em; width:.05em; height:5em; border:.05em solid white" src="../black.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; bottom:0; left:30.0em; width:.05em; height:5em; border:.05em solid white" src="../black.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:0.0em; width:1.0em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:12.5em; width:1.0em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:16.875em; width:1.0em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:20.0em; width:1.0em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:35.0em; width:1.0em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:36.875em; width:1.0em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> </div> <p> <b>Track Name: Chord-Piano</b> <p><Table Border=0 Width=75%> <tr> <td width=50%> Voice/Tones: Piano2 </td> <td width=50%> Articulate: 40 </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Unify: 0 </td> <td width=50%> Octave: 5 </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Volume: 110.0 </td> <td width=50%> Harmony: None </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Rskip: 0 </td> <td width=50%> Rvolume: 10.0 </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Rtime: 5 </td> <td width=50%> SeqRND: Off </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Strum: None </td> <td width=50%> Voicing: OPTIMAL </td> </tr> </Table> <div style="position:relative;background-color:#99bdf4; padding:0; border:.1em solid black; left:5em; height:5em; width:40.0em"> <img style="position:absolute; bottom:0; left:10.0em; width:.05em; height:5em; border:.05em solid white" src="../black.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; bottom:0; left:20.0em; width:.05em; height:5em; border:.05em solid white" src="../black.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; bottom:0; left:30.0em; width:.05em; height:5em; border:.05em solid white" src="../black.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:2.5em; width:1.0em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:7.5em; width:1.0em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:15.0em; width:1.0em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:19.375em; width:1.0em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:22.5em; width:1.0em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:35.0em; width:1.0em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:36.875em; width:1.0em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> </div> <p> <b>Track Name: Drum-Kick</b> <p><Table Border=0 Width=75%> <tr> <td width=50%> Voice/Tones: KickDrum1 </td> <td width=50%> Articulate: 90 </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Volume: 110.0 110.0 110.0 70.0 </td> <td width=50%> Harmony: None </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Rskip: 0 </td> <td width=50%> Rvolume: 10.0 </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Rtime: 5 </td> <td width=50%> SeqRND: Off </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Strum: None </td> </tr> </Table> <div style="position:relative;background-color:#99bdf4; padding:0; border:.1em solid black; left:5em; height:5em; width:40.0em"> <img style="position:absolute; bottom:0; left:10.0em; width:.05em; height:5em; border:.05em solid white" src="../black.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; bottom:0; left:20.0em; width:.05em; height:5em; border:.05em solid white" src="../black.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; bottom:0; left:30.0em; width:.05em; height:5em; border:.05em solid white" src="../black.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:0.0em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:20.0em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:34.375em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:37.5em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> </div> <p> <b>Track Name: Drum-Ohh</b> <p><Table Border=0 Width=75%> <tr> <td width=50%> Voice/Tones: OpenHiHat </td> <td width=50%> Articulate: 90 </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Volume: 70.0 </td> <td width=50%> Harmony: None </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Rskip: 0 </td> <td width=50%> Rvolume: 10.0 </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Rtime: 5 </td> <td width=50%> SeqRND: Off </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Strum: None </td> </tr> </Table> <div style="position:relative;background-color:#99bdf4; padding:0; border:.1em solid black; left:5em; height:5em; width:40.0em"> <img style="position:absolute; bottom:0; left:10.0em; width:.05em; height:5em; border:.05em solid white" src="../black.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; bottom:0; left:20.0em; width:.05em; height:5em; border:.05em solid white" src="../black.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; bottom:0; left:30.0em; width:.05em; height:5em; border:.05em solid white" src="../black.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:0.0em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> </div> <p> <b>Track Name: Drum-Phh</b> <p><Table Border=0 Width=75%> <tr> <td width=50%> Voice/Tones: PedalHiHat </td> <td width=50%> Articulate: 90 </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Volume: 70.0 </td> <td width=50%> Harmony: None </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Rskip: 0 </td> <td width=50%> Rvolume: 10.0 </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Rtime: 5 </td> <td width=50%> SeqRND: Off </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Strum: None </td> </tr> </Table> <div style="position:relative;background-color:#99bdf4; padding:0; border:.1em solid black; left:5em; height:5em; width:40.0em"> <img style="position:absolute; bottom:0; left:10.0em; width:.05em; height:5em; border:.05em solid white" src="../black.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; bottom:0; left:20.0em; width:.05em; height:5em; border:.05em solid white" src="../black.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; bottom:0; left:30.0em; width:.05em; height:5em; border:.05em solid white" src="../black.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:2.5em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:7.5em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:12.5em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:17.5em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:22.5em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:27.5em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:32.5em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:37.5em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> </div> <p> <b>Track Name: Drum-Ride</b> <p><Table Border=0 Width=75%> <tr> <td width=50%> Voice/Tones: RideCymbal1 </td> <td width=50%> Articulate: 90 </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Volume: 70.0 </td> <td width=50%> Harmony: None </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Rskip: 0 </td> <td width=50%> Rvolume: 10.0 </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Rtime: 5 </td> <td width=50%> SeqRND: Off </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Strum: None </td> </tr> </Table> <div style="position:relative;background-color:#99bdf4; padding:0; border:.1em solid black; left:5em; height:5em; width:40.0em"> <img style="position:absolute; bottom:0; left:10.0em; width:.05em; height:5em; border:.05em solid white" src="../black.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; bottom:0; left:20.0em; width:.05em; height:5em; border:.05em solid white" src="../black.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; bottom:0; left:30.0em; width:.05em; height:5em; border:.05em solid white" src="../black.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:0.0em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:2.5em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:4.375em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:5.0em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:7.5em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:9.375em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:10.0em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:12.5em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:14.375em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:15.0em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:17.5em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:19.375em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:20.0em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:22.5em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:24.375em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:25.0em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:27.5em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:29.375em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:30.0em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:32.5em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:34.375em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:35.0em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:37.5em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:39.375em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> </div> <p> <b>Track Name: Drum-Side</b> <p><Table Border=0 Width=75%> <tr> <td width=50%> Voice/Tones: SnareDrum1 </td> <td width=50%> Articulate: 90 </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Volume: 70.0 </td> <td width=50%> Harmony: None </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Rskip: 0 </td> <td width=50%> Rvolume: 10.0 </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Rtime: 5 </td> <td width=50%> SeqRND: Off </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Strum: None </td> </tr> </Table> <div style="position:relative;background-color:#99bdf4; padding:0; border:.1em solid black; left:5em; height:5em; width:40.0em"> <img style="position:absolute; bottom:0; left:10.0em; width:.05em; height:5em; border:.05em solid white" src="../black.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; bottom:0; left:20.0em; width:.05em; height:5em; border:.05em solid white" src="../black.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; bottom:0; left:30.0em; width:.05em; height:5em; border:.05em solid white" src="../black.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:16.875em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:19.375em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:31.875em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:35.0em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:36.875em; width:0.1em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> </div> <p> <b>Track Name: Walk</b> <p><Table Border=0 Width=75%> <tr> <td width=50%> Voice/Tones: AcousticBass </td> <td width=50%> Articulate: 70 </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Unify: 0 </td> <td width=50%> Octave: 3 </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Volume: 110.0 </td> <td width=50%> Harmony: None </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Rskip: 0 </td> <td width=50%> Rvolume: 0 </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Rtime: 0 </td> <td width=50%> SeqRND: Off </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=50%> Strum: None </td> </tr> </Table> <div style="position:relative;background-color:#99bdf4; padding:0; border:.1em solid black; left:5em; height:5em; width:40.0em"> <img style="position:absolute; bottom:0; left:10.0em; width:.05em; height:5em; border:.05em solid white" src="../black.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; bottom:0; left:20.0em; width:.05em; height:5em; border:.05em solid white" src="../black.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; bottom:0; left:30.0em; width:.05em; height:5em; border:.05em solid white" src="../black.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:0.0em; width:1.75em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:2.5em; width:1.75em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:5.0em; width:1.75em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:7.5em; width:1.75em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:10.0em; width:0.875em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:11.875em; width:0.21875em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:12.5em; width:1.75em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:15.0em; width:1.75em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:17.5em; width:1.75em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:20.0em; width:0.875em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:21.875em; width:0.21875em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:22.5em; width:1.75em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:25.0em; width:1.75em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:27.5em; width:1.75em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:30.0em; width:1.75em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:32.5em; width:1.75em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:35.0em; width:1.75em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> <img style="position:absolute; border:.02em solid red;bottom:0; left:37.5em; width:1.75em; height:3em" src="../blue.gif"> </div> </Body></HTML>