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TRACK Accent <beat adj> Adjust volume for specified beat(s) in each bar of a track.
AdjustVolume <name=value> Set the volume ratios for named volume(s).
AllTracks <cmds> Applies cmds(s) to all active tracks.
TRACK Articulate <value> ... Duration/holding-time of notes.
Author <stuff> A specialized comment used by documentation extractors.
AutoSoloTracks <tracks> Set the tracks used in auto assigning solo/melody notes.
BarNumbers Leading <number> on data line (ignored).
BarRepeat Data bars can repeat with a ``* nn''
BeatAdjust <beats> Adjust current pointer by <beats>.
Begin Delimits the start of a block.
TRACK ChShare <track> Force track to share MIDI track.
TRACK Channel <1..16> Force the MIDI channel for a track.
TRACK ChannelPref <1..16> Set a preferred channel for track.
ChordAdjust <Tonic=adj> Adjust center point of selected chords.
Comment <text> ignore/discard <text>.
TRACK Compress <value> ... Enable chord compression for track.
TRACK Copy <source> Overlay <source> track to sepecified track.
[TRACK] Cresc <[start] end count> Decrease volume over bars.
[TRACK] Cut <beat> Force all notes off at <beat> offset.
Debug <options> Selectively enable/disable debugging levels.
Dec <name> [value] Decrement the value of variable <name> by 1 or <value>.
[TRACK] Decresc <[start] end count> Increase volume over bars.
DefChord <name notelist scalelist> Define a new chord.
DefGroove <name> [Description] Define a new groove.
TRACK Define <pattern> Define a pattern to use in a track.
TRACK Delete Delete specified track for future use.
TRACK Direction [Up | Down | BOTH | RANDOM] ... Set direction of runs in Scale, Apreggio and Walk tracks.
Doc <stuff> A special comment used by documentation extractors.
DrumTR <old>=<new> translates MIDI drum tone <old> to <new>.
TRACK DrumType Force a solo track to be a drum track.
DrumVolTr <tone>=<adj> ... adjusts volume for specified drum tone.
TRACK DupRoot <octave> Duplicate the root note in a chord to lower/higher octave.
End Delimits the end of a block.
EndIf End processing of ``IF''.
EndMset End of a ``Mset'' section.
EndRepeat [count] End a repeated section.
Eof Immediately stop/end input file.
Fermata <beat> <count> <adjustment> Expand <beat> for <count> by <adjustment percentage.
TRACK ForceOut Force voicing and raw data output for track.
Goto <name> jump processing to <name>.
Groove <name> Enable a previously defined groove.
TRACK Harmony [Option] ... Set harmony for Bass, Walk, Arpeggio, Scale, Solo and Melody tracks.
TRACK HarmonyOnly <Option> ... Force track to sound only harmony notes from current pattern.
TRACK HarmonyVolume <Percentage> ... Set the volume used by harmony notes.
If <test> <cmds> Test condition and process <cmds>.
IfEnd End processing of ``IF''.
Inc <name> [value] Increment the value of variable <name> by 1 or <value>.
Include <file> Include a file.
TRACK Invert <value> ... set the inversion factor for chords in track.
KeySig <sig> Set the key signature.
Label <name> Set <name> as a label for ``GOTO''.
TRACK Limit <value> Limit number of notes used in a chord to <value>.
Lyric <options> Set various lyrics options.
MIDI <values> Send raw MIDI commands to MIDI meta-track.
TRACK MIDIClear <Beat Controller Data> Set command (or series) of MIDI commands to send when track is completed.
MIDIFile <option> Set various MIDI file generation options.
TRACK MIDIGlis <1..127> Set MIDI portamento (glissando) value for track.
TRACK MIDIInc <File> <Options> Include an existing MIDI file into a track.
MIDIMark [offset] Label Inserts Label into the MIDI track.
TRACK MIDIPan <0..127> Set MIDI pan/balance for track.
TRACK MIDISeq <Beat Controller Data> options> ... Set MIDI controller data for a track.
MIDISplit <channel list> Force split output for track.
TRACK MIDITName <string> Assigns an alternate name to a MIDI track.
TRACK MIDIVoice <Beat Controller Data> Set ``one-time'' MIDI controller command for track.
TRACK MIDIVolume <1..128> Set MIDI volume for track.
TRACK Mallet <Rate=nn | Decay=nns> Set mallet repeat for track.
MmaEnd <file> Set filename to process after main file completed.
MmaStart <file> Set file to include before processing main file.
Mset <name> <lines> Set <variable> to series of lines.
MsetEnd End of a ``Mset'' section.
TRACK NoteSpan <start> <end> set MIDI range of notes for track.
TRACK Octave <0..10> ... Set the octave for track.
TRACK Off Disable note generation for specified track.
TRACK On Enable note generation for specified track.
Print <stuff> Print <stuff> to output during compile. Useful for debugging.
PrintActive Print list of active tracks to output.
PrintChord <name(s)> Print the chord and scale for specific chord types.
TRACK RSkip <Value> ... Skip/silence random percentage of notes.
TRACK RTime <Value] ...
TRACK RVolume <adj> ... Set volume randomization for track.
TRACK Range <value> Set number of octaves used in Scale and Arpeggio tracks.
Repeat Start a repeated section.
RepeatEnd [count] End a repeated section.
RepeatEnding Start a repeat-ending.
TRACK Riff <pattern> Define a special pattern to use in track for next bar.
RndSeed <Value> ... Seed random number generator.
RndSet <variable> <list of values> Randomly set variable.
TRACK ScaleType <Chromatic | Auto> ... Set type of scale. Only for Scale tracks.
Seq Set the sequence point (bar pattern number).
[TRACK] SeqClear Clears sequence for track (or all tracks).
[TRACK] SeqRnd <On/Off/Tracks> Enable random seqeuence selection for track (or all tracks).
[TRACK] SeqRndWeight <list of values> Sets the randomization weight for track or global.
SeqSize <value> Set the number of bars in a sequence.
TRACK Sequence <pattern> ... Set pattern(s) to use for track.
Set <name> <stuff> Set the variable <name> to <stuff>.
SetAutoLibPath <path> Set the Auto-Include file path.
SetIncPath <path> Set the path for included files.
SetLibPath <path> Set the path to the style file library.
SetOutPath <path> Set the output filename.
ShowVars Display user defined variables.
StackValue <stuff> Push <stuff> onto a temporary stack. Remove with special macro $_StackValue.
TRACK Strum <value> ... Set the strumming factor for Chord tracks.
SwingMode <on/off> Set swing mode timing.
Tempo <rate> Set the rate in beats per minute.
Time <count> Set number of beats in a bar.
TimeSig <nn dd> Set the MIDI timesignature (not used by MMA).
TRACK Tone <Note> ... Set the drum-tone to use in a sequence.
Transpose <value> Transpose all tracks to a different key.
UnSet <name> Remove the variable <name>.
[TRACK] Unify <On | Off> ... Unify overlapping notes.
Use <file> Include/import an existing .mma file.
VExpand <on/off> Set variable expansion.
TRACK Voice <instrument> ... Set MIDI voice for track.
VoiceTr <old=new> ... - translates MIDI instrument <old> to <new>.
VoiceVolTr <voice>=<adj> ... - adjusts volume for specified voice.
TRACK Voicing <options. Set the voicing for a chord track.
[TRACK] Volume <value> ... Set the volume for a track or all tracks.
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