# docs.py """ This module is an integeral part of the program MMA - Musical Midi Accompaniment. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Bob van der Poel """ import os import time import MMA.midiC import MMA.grooves import gbl from MMA.common import * def docDrumNames(order): """ Print LaTex table of drum names. """ notenames = ['E\\flat', 'E', 'F', 'G\\flat', 'G', 'A\\flat', 'A', 'B\\flat', 'B', 'C', 'D\\flat', 'D'] * 5 n=zip( MMA.midiC.drumNames, range(27,len(MMA.midiC.drumNames)+27), notenames ) if order == "a": for a,v,m in sorted(n): print "\\insline{%s} {%s$^{%s}$}" % (a, v, m ) else: for a,v,m in n: print "\\insline{%s} {%s$^{%s}$}" % (v, a, m) def docCtrlNames(order): """ Print LaTex table of MIDI controller names. """ n=zip( MMA.midiC.ctrlNames, range(len(MMA.midiC.ctrlNames)) ) if order == "a": for a,v in sorted(n): print "\\insline{%s} {%02x}" % (a, v) else: for a,v in n: print "\\insline{%02x} {%s}" % (v, a) def docInstNames(order): """ Print LaTex table of instrument names. """ n=zip( MMA.midiC.voiceNames, range(len(MMA.midiC.voiceNames)) ) if order == "a": for a,v in sorted(n): a=a.replace('&', '\&') print "\\insline{%s} {%s}" % (a, v) else: for a,v in n: a=a.replace('&', '\&') print "\\insline{%s} {%s}" % (v, a) """ Whenever MMA encounters a DOC command, or if it defines a groove with DEFGROOVE it calls the docAdd() function. The saved docs are printed to stdout with the docDump() command. This is called whenever parse() encounters an EOF. Both routines are ignored if the -Dx command line option has not been set. Storage is done is in the following arrays. """ fname = '' author = "" notes = "" defs = [] variables = [] def docAuthor(ln): global author author = ' '.join(ln) def docNote(ln): """ Add a doc line. """ global fname, notes if not gbl.createDocs or not ln: return # Grab the arg and data, save it fname = os.path.basename(gbl.inpath.fname) if notes: notes += ' ' notes += ' '.join(ln) def docVars(ln): """ Add a VARIABLE line (docs vars used in lib file).""" global fname, variables if not gbl.createDocs or not ln: return fname = os.path.basename(gbl.inpath.fname) variables.append([ln[0], ' '.join(ln[1:]) ] ) def docDefine(ln): """ Save a DEFGROOVE comment string. Entries are stored as a list. Each item in the list is complete groove def looking like: defs[ [ Name, Seqsize, Description, [ [TRACK,INST, [Sequences...] ]...]] ...] """ global defs l = [ ln[0], gbl.seqSize, ' '.join(ln[1:]) ] for a in sorted(gbl.tnames.keys()): c=gbl.tnames[a] if c.sequence and len(c.sequence) != c.sequence.count(None): if c.vtype=='DRUM': v= [ MMA.midiC.valueToDrum(x) for x in c.toneList] else: v= [ MMA.midiC.valueToInst(x) for x in c.voice] seq = [ c.formatPattern(c.sequence[x]) for x in range(gbl.seqSize) ] l.append( [c.name, v, seq ] ) defs.append(l) def docDump(): """ Print the LaTex docs. """ global fname, author, notes, defs, variables if gbl.createDocs == 1: # latex docs if notes: notes = notes.replace("

", "\\\\[.5ex]") notes = notes.replace("

", "\\\\[.5ex]") if fname.endswith(gbl.ext): fname='.'.join(fname.split('.')[:-1]) print "\\filehead{%s}{%s}" % (totex(fname), totex(notes)) print if variables: print " \\variables{" for l in variables: print " \\insvar{%s}{%s}" % ( totex(l[0]), totex(l[1]) ) print " }" print if defs: for l in defs: alias = MMA.grooves.getAlias(l[0]) if alias: if len(alias)>1: alias="Aliases: %s" % alias else: alias="Alias: %s" % alias else: alias='' print " \\instable{%s}{%s}{%s}{%s}{" % \ (totex(l[0]), totex(l[2]), l[1], alias) for c,v,s in l[3:]: # we ignore the seqence data here print " \\insline{%s}{%s}" % (c.title(), totex(v[0])) print " }" elif gbl.createDocs == 2: # html docs if notes: print '' % time.ctime() print '' print '' if fname.endswith(gbl.ext): fname='.'.join(fname.split('.')[:-1]) print "


" % fname.title() print "

%s" % notes if variables: print "

" print '' print ' ' print ' ' print '
' print '


' print '
' print ' ' for l in variables: print " " print " " % l[0] print " " % l[1] print " " print '
%s %s
' print '
' if defs: print "

" for l in defs: gg = l[0] iname = os.path.basename(gbl.infile) iname, ext = os.path.splitext(iname) gfile = "%s_%s.html" % (iname, gg.lower() ) print '' % (gg.lower(), gfile, gbl.infile) print '' % gg print '' print ' ' print ' ' print '
' print '


' % (gfile, l[0]) alias=MMA.grooves.getAlias(l[0]) if alias: if len(alias)>1: ll="Aliases" else: ll="Alias" print '

%s: %s

' % (ll, alias) print ' %s (%s) ' % ( l[2], l[1] ) print '
' print ' ' for c,v,s in l[3:]: print " " % (c.title(), v[0]) print '
%s %s
' print '
' print print '' elif gbl.createDocs == 3: # sequence table for l in defs: print "GROOVE", l[0] print "DESCRIPTION", l[2] print "SIZE", l[1] for c,v,s in l[3:]: print "TRACK", c print "VOICE", v print "SEQ", s elif gbl.createDocs == 99: # creating entry for groove browser for a,b in (("``", '"'), ("''", '"'), (' ', ' ')): notes = notes.replace(a,b) if not notes: notes = "No header available ... please add DOC to file" print notes for l in defs: print "%s\n %s" % (l[0], l[2]) else: return defs = [] variables=[] notes = "" author = "" def totex(s): """ Parse a string and quote tex stuff. Also handles proper quotation style. """ s = s.replace("$", "\$") s = s.replace("*", "$*$") s = s.replace("_", "\\_") #s = s.replace("\\", "\\\\") s = s.replace("#", "\\#") s = s.replace("&", "\\&") q="``" while s.count('"'): s=s.replace('"', q, 1) if q=="``": q="''" else: q="``" return s def htmlGraph(f): """ Print (stdout) an html file representing a graph and details of the current groove.""" global fname, author, notes, variables, defs def getAbsPair(x1, x2): if abs(x1) == abs(x2): return "%s" % abs(x1) else: return "%s,%s" % (x1,x2) def docol(lab, data): if lab == '': return if type(data) != type([]): data = [data] print " ", print "%s: " % lab, if len(set(data)) == 1: print str(data[0]), else: print '  '.join([str(x) for x in data]), print " " def dorow(a, a1, b, b1): print "" docol(a, a1) docol(b, b1) print "" defs = [] variables=[] notes = "" author = "" desc = "" if '/' in f: u, f = f.rsplit('/', 1) MMA.parse.usefile([u]) MMA.grooves.groove([f]) groove = MMA.grooves.currentGroove.title() for a in defs: if a[0].upper() == groove.upper(): desc = a[2] print '' % time.ctime() print '' print '' #if fname.endswith(gbl.ext): # fname='.'.join(fname.split('.')[:-1]) print "

File: %s

" % fname print "

Groove: %s

" % groove print "

Notes: %s" % notes print "

Author: %s" % author print "

Description: %s" % desc print "

" dorow("SeqSize", gbl.seqSize, "Time (beats per bar)", gbl.QperBar) print "
" if variables: print "

Variables" print '' for l in variables: print " " % l[0] print " " % l[1] print " " print '
%s %s
' for t in sorted(gbl.tnames.keys()): trk = gbl.tnames[t] if not trk.sequence or len(trk.sequence)==trk.sequence.count(None): continue print "

Track Name: %s" % t.title() print "

" if trk.vtype == "DRUM": v = [ MMA.midiC.valueToDrum(x) for x in trk.toneList] else: v = [ MMA.midiC.valueToInst(x) for x in trk.voice] dorow("Voice/Tones", v, "Articulate", trk.artic) v = [str(x *100) for x in trk.volume] if trk.vtype != "DRUM": oct = [x/12 for x in trk.octave] dorow('Unify', trk.unify, "Octave", oct ) dorow("Volume", v, "Harmony", trk.harmony) v1=[str(x * 100) for x in trk.rSkip] v2=[getAbsPair(x1 * 100, x2 * 100) for x1,x2 in trk.rVolume] dorow("Rskip", v1, "Rvolume", v2) v1=[getAbsPair(x1, x2) for x1,x2 in trk.rTime] if trk.seqRnd: v2="On" else: v2="Off" dorow("Rtime", v1, "SeqRND", v2) if trk.vtype == 'CHORD': vv=trk.voicing.mode v='Voicing' else: vv=v='' dorow("Strum", trk.strum, v, vv) print "
" pointx = 2.5 pointPerS = pointx * gbl.QperBar pointy = 5 boxx = gbl.seqSize * pointPerS boxy = pointy print r'

' % (boxy, boxx) if gbl.seqSize > 1: for a in range(1, gbl.seqSize): print r'' for a in range(gbl.seqSize): s = trk.sequence[a] if not s: continue for p in s: bwidth = p.duration * pointx * (trk.artic[a]/100.)/gbl.BperQ if bwidth < .1: bwidth=.1 offset = (p.offset * pointx)/gbl.BperQ + (a * pointPerS) #offset = (p.offset/gbl.BperQ) * pointx + (a * pointPerS) if trk.vtype == 'CHORD' or trk.vtype == 'PLECTRUM': ll = len(p.vol) - p.vol.count(0) vol = sum(p.vol) / ll else: vol = p.vol height = (vol * pointy) / 127 print r'' print r'
' print '' sys.exit(0)