# patch.py """ This module is an integeral part of the program MMA - Musical Midi Accompaniment. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Bob van der Poel This module contains the various patch manger routines. """ from MMA.common import * from MMA.miditables import * import MMA.file import MMA.midiC def patch(ln): """ Main routine to manage midi patch names. """ for i,a in enumerate(ln): if a.count('=') == 1: a,b = a.split('=') else: b='' a=a.upper() if a == "LIST": b=b.upper() if b == "ALL": plistall() elif b == "EXT": plistext() elif b == "GM": plistgm() else: error("Expecting All, EXT or GM argument for List") elif a == "RENAME": prename(ln[i+1:]) break elif a == 'SET': patchset(ln[i+1:]) break else: error("Unknown option for Patch: %s" % a) # Set a patch value=name def patchset(ln): if not ln: error("Patch Set expecting list of value pairs.") notopt, ln = opt2pair(ln, 1) if notopt: error("PATCH SET: All options must be VALUE=PAIR items.") for v,n in ln: v=v.split('.') if len(v) > 3 or len(v) < 1: error("Patch Set: Expecting a voice value Prog.MSB.LSB." ) # Parse out value. Can be 'nn', 'nn.nn' or 'nn.nn.nn' # the parts are for MSB(ctrl32), LSB(ctrl0), and Patch voc = 0 if len(v) > 2: # ctrl32 i = stoi(v[2], "Patch Set LSB expecting integer.") if i<0 or i>127: error("LSB must be 0..127, not '%s'." % i) voc = i << 16 if len(v) > 1: # ctrl0 i = stoi(v[1], "Patch Set MSB expecting integer.") if i<0 or i>127: error("MSB must be 0..127, not '%s'." % i) voc += i << 8 i = stoi(v[0], "Patch Set Voice expecting integer.") if i<0 or i>127: error("Program must be 0..127, not '%s'." % i) voc += i # Handle the name. if voc in voiceNames: warning("Patch Set duplicating voice name %s with %s=%s" % \ (voiceNames[voc], n, MMA.midiC.extVocStr(voc) )) if n in voiceInx: warning("Patch Set duplicating voice value %s with %s=%s" % \ (MMA.midiC.extVocStr(voiceInx[n]), MMA.midiC.extVocStr(voc), n) ) voiceNames[voc]=n voiceInx[n]=voc # Rename def prename(ln): if not ln: error("Patch Rename expecting list of value pairs.") notopt, ln = opt2pair(ln, 1) if notopt: error("PATCH RENAME: expecting OLDNAME=NEWNAME pairs.") for a, b in ln: if not a in voiceInx: error("PATCH RENAME: oldname '%s' doen't exist, can't be renamed." % a) if b in voiceInx: error("PATCH RENAME: newname '%s' already exists." % b) v = voiceInx[a] voiceNames[v]=b del voiceInx[a] voiceInx[b]=v # list funcs def plistgm(): """ List GM voices. """ for v in sorted(voiceNames.keys()): if v <= 127: print "%s=%s" % (MMA.midiC.extVocStr(v), voiceNames[v] ) def plistext(): """ List extended voices. """ for v in sorted(voiceNames.keys()): if v>127: print "%s=%s" % (MMA.midiC.extVocStr(v), voiceNames[v]) def plistall(): """ List all voices. """ plistgm() plistext()