// Some examples of mma math

// These just print some calculations. 

print (44 * 3.2) is $(44 * 3.2)

print The current tempo of $_Tempo times .3 is $( $_Tempo * .3)
print Here is a loop to set Articulate shorter in a series

Bass Articulate 100   // initial setting for articulate
Set A 5               // value just to use 2 variables below
  Bass Articulate $( $_Bass_Articulate - $a )
  print Bass_Articulate is $_Bass_Articulate
RepeatEnd 10

// do some cool stuff :)

print A complex example to change a list of values:

SeqSize 4
Chord Articulate  40 50 80 90
print Our initial setting for Chord Articulate: $_Chord_Articulate

Chord Articulate $(' '.join([str(int(x)+10)for x in' $_Chord_Articulate '.split()]))

print New setting:  $_Chord_Articulate

print Using list notation you can even extract individual values.
print For example, the articulate value for the 3nd bar is: $( ' $_Chord_Articulate '.split()[2] )