27Jan08 VocalEasel 1.0b1 - Feature complete for Release 1.0 - Fixed numberous bugs - Added sections to allow changing key, meter, divisions, or groove, within a song. - Added manual line/page breaks. - Added support for fine tuning font and music sizes. - Added support for playing melody / accompaniment only. - Improved display of on-screen lyrics. 28Oct07 VocalEasel 1.0a4 - Fixed numerous bugs. - Reorganized file import/export facilities. - Now generating much more conformant VoiceXML. - Now capable of importing Band-in-a-Box and Lilypond files. 19May07 VocalEasel 1.0a3 - Fixed numerous bugs - Cleaned up file format so information that is outside the scope of MusicXML is now stored in a separate Properties file. - Implemented meter and division changes, although duration conversions are still somewhat flaky at times. - Automatically treat the first measure as a pickup measure if it contains no chords. - Songs are now automatically resized when you add or delete notes or chords. - Grooves are now dislayed in a more logical order. - Add a "mirror" window, allowing you to check your vocal/microphone technique if your mac is equipped with camera. 01May07 VocalEasel 1.0a2 - First public release