# paths.py """ This module is an integeral part of the program MMA - Musical Midi Accompaniment. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Bob van der Poel <bob@mellowood.ca> This module contains functions for setting various path variables. """ import os import gbl from MMA.common import * import MMA.auto import MMA.grooves import MMA.exits outfile = '' ################################## # These routines set various filepaths in gbl def mmastart(ln): """ Set/append to the mmastart list. """ if not ln: error ("Use: MMAstart FILE [file...]") for a in ln: gbl.mmaStart.append(MMA.file.fixfname(a)) if gbl.debug: print "MMAstart set to:", for a in gbl.mmaStart: print "'%s'" % a, print def mmaend(ln): """ Set/append to the mmaend list. """ if not ln: error ("Use: MMAend FILE [file...]") for a in ln: gbl.mmaEnd.append(MMA.file.fixfname(a)) if gbl.debug: print "MMAend set to:", for a in gbl.mmaEnd: print "'%s'" % a, print def setLibPath(ln): """ Set the LibPath variable. """ if len(ln) > 1: error("Only one path can be entered for LibPath") f = MMA.file.fixfname(ln[0]) gbl.libPath = f # forget about previously loaded mma lib databases MMA.auto.grooveDB = [] MMA.grooves.glist = {} MMA.grooves.lastGroove = '' MMA.grooves.currentGroove = '' if gbl.debug: print "LibPath set to '%s'" % gbl.libPath def setAutoPath(ln): """ Set the autoPath variable. """ if not ln: error("SetAutoLibPath: At least one filename is needed.") gbl.autoLib = [] for l in ln: gbl.autoLib.append( MMA.file.fixfname(l)) # delete previous auto groove list. We'll read again when needed. MMA.auto.grooveDB = [] # To avoid conflicts, delete all existing grooves (current seq not effected) MMA.grooves.glist = {} MMA.grooves.lastGroove = '' MMA.grooves.currentGroove = '' if gbl.debug: print "AutoLibPath set to '%s'" % gbl.autoLib def setIncPath(ln): """ Set the IncPath variable. """ if len(ln)>1: error("Only one path is permitted in SetIncPath") gbl.incPath = MMA.file.fixfname(ln[0]) if gbl.debug: print "IncPath set to '%s'" % gbl.incPath def setOutPath(ln): """ Set the Outpath variable. """ if not ln: gbl.outPath = "" elif len(ln) > 1: error ("Use: SetOutPath PATH") else: gbl.outPath = MMA.file.fixfname(ln[0]) if gbl.debug: print "OutPath set to '%s'" % gbl.outPath def createOutfileName(extension): """ Create the output filename. Called from the mainline, below and from lyrics karmode. If outfile was specified on cmd line then leave it alone. Otherwise ... 1. strip off the extension if it is .mma, 2. append .mid """ global outfile if gbl.playFile and gbl.outfile: error("You cannot use the -f option with -P") if gbl.outfile: outfile = gbl.outfile elif gbl.playFile: outfile = "MMAtmp%s.mid" % os.getpid() MMA.exits.files.append(outfile) else: outfile, ext = os.path.splitext(gbl.infile) if ext != gbl.ext: outfile=gbl.infile outfile += extension outfile=MMA.file.fixfname(outfile)