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  HREF="node22.html#SECTION002221000000000000000">Patch Set</A>
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  HREF="node22.html#SECTION002222000000000000000">Patch Rename</A>
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  HREF="node22.html#SECTION002223000000000000000">Patch List</A>
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  HREF="node22.html#SECTION002224000000000000000">Ensuring It All Works</A>
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<H1><A NAME="SECTION002200000000000000000"></A>
<A NAME="patch"></A>
Patch Management

Modern music keyboards and synthesizers are capable of producing a
bewildering variety of sounds. Many consumer units priced well under
$1000.00 contain several hundred or more unique voices. But, &#8220;out of
the box&#8221; 
<FONT Face="Serif"  Color="Navy"><I>MMA</I></FONT>  supports only 128 &#8220;General MIDI&#8221;<A NAME="tex2html87"
  HREF="#foot11898"><SUP><SPAN CLASS="arabic">22</SPAN>.<SPAN CLASS="arabic">1</SPAN></SUP></A> preset voices. These voices are assigned the values 0
to 127. We refer to the various voices as &#8220;tones&#8221;, &#8220;instruments&#8221;,
or &#8220;patches&#8221;.<A NAME="tex2html88"
  HREF="#foot11899"><SUP><SPAN CLASS="arabic">22</SPAN>.<SPAN CLASS="arabic">2</SPAN></SUP></A>

<H1><A NAME="SECTION002210000000000000000"></A>  <A NAME="set-voice"></A>

The MIDI instrument or voice used for a track is set with:


      <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3>
    <B>Chord-2 Voice Piano1  </B> 

Voices apply only to the specified track. The actual instrument can be
specified via the MIDI instrument number, an &#8220;extended&#8221; value, or
with the symbolic name.  See the tables in the MIDI
<A HREF="node30.html#sec-voicenames">voicing section</A> for lists of the standard, recognized

You can create interesting effects by varying the voice used with drum
tracks. By default &#8220;Voice 0&#8221; is used. However, you can change the
drum voices. The supplied library files do not change the voices since
this is highly dependent on the MIDI synth you are using.

You can specify a different V<SMALL>OICE</SMALL> for each bar in a sequence.
Repeated values can be represented with a &#8220;/&#8221;:


      <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3>
    <B>Chord Voice Piano1 / / Piano2  </B> 

It is possible to set up translations for the selected voice: see
<A HREF="node23.html#set-voicetr">V<SMALL>OICE</SMALL>TR</A>.


<H1><A NAME="SECTION002220000000000000000">

In addition to the 128 standard voices mandated by the MIDI standards
(referred to as the GM voices) 
<FONT Face="Serif"  Color="Navy"><I>MMA</I></FONT>  also supports extended voice


		<Table CellSpacing=0 Width="80%" Align="Center" CellPadding=10 BGColor="#dddddd" Border=3>
           <tr> <td>
<BR><SPAN  CLASS="textit">The rest of this
        chapter presents features which are highly dependent your hardware.
        It is quite possible to create midi files which sound very
        different (or even awful, or perhaps not at all) on other
        hardware. We recommend that you <SPAN  CLASS="textit">do not</SPAN> use these
        features to create files you want to share!</SPAN>


A typical keyboard will assign instruments to different voice
banks. The first, default, bank will contain the standard set of 128
GM instruments. However, you can select different banks, each with a
variety of voices, by changing the current voice bank. This switching
is done by changing the value of MIDI Controller 0, 32 or both. You'll
need to read the manual for your hardware to figure this out.

In order to use voices outside of the normal GM range 
<FONT Face="Serif"  Color="Navy"><I>MMA</I></FONT>  uses an
extended addressing mode which includes values for the patch and
controllers 0 and 32. Each value is separated from the others with a
single &#8220;.&#8221;. Two examples would include 22.33.44 and 22.33. The first
value is the Patch Number, the second is a value for Controller 0. The
third value, if present, is the setting for Controller 32.

My Casio Wk-3000 lists Bank-53, Program-27 as "Rotary Guitar". It's easy to use
this voice directly in a V<SMALL>OICE</SMALL> command:


      <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3>
    <B>Chord Voice 27.53  </B> 

Yes, but who wants all those &#8220;funny&#8221; numbers in their 
<FONT Face="Serif"  Color="Navy"><I>MMA</I></FONT>  files?
Well, no one that I know. For this reason the P<SMALL>ATCH</SMALL> command has
been developed. This command lets you modify existing patch names,
list names and create new ones.

P<SMALL>ATCH</SMALL> takes a variety of options. We suggest you read this
section and examine some of the included example files before
venturing out on your own. But, really, it's not that complicated.

Unless otherwise noted, you can stack a number of different options
onto the same P<SMALL>ATCH</SMALL> line.


<H2><A NAME="SECTION002221000000000000000">
Patch Set</A>

The S<SMALL>ET</SMALL> option is used to assign one or more patch values to
symbolic names. Going back to my Casio example, above, I could use the
following line to register the voice with 
<FONT Face="Serif"  Color="Navy"><I>MMA</I></FONT>  

      <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3>
    <B>Patch Set 27.53=RotaryGuitar  </B> 

The assignment consists of two parts or keys joined by a &#8220;=&#8221;
sign. No spaces are permitted. The left part of the assignment is a
value. It can be a single number in the range 0 to 127; or 2 or 3 numbers
joined by &#8220;.&#8221;s. The right right part is a symbolic name. Any characters
are permitted (but no spaces!).

After the assignment you can use &#8220;RotaryGuitar&#8221; just like any other
instrument name:


      <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3>
    <B>Chord Voice rotaryguitar  </B> 

Note that once the voice has been registered you don't need to worry
about the case of individual letters.

It's even possible to register a number of voices in this manner:


      <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3>
    <B>Patch set 27.53=RotaryGuitar 61.65=BASS+TROMBONE   </B> 

Just make sure that the S<SMALL>ET</SMALL> assignments are the last thing on
the P<SMALL>ATCH</SMALL> line.

It is relatively easy to load entire sets of extended patch names by
creating special 
<FONT Face="Serif"  Color="Navy"><I>MMA</I></FONT>  include files. For example, for a Casio
WK-3000 keyboard you might have the file <TT><SPAN  CLASS="textbf">includes/casio-wk3.mma</SPAN></TT>
with a large number of settings. Here's a snippet:


      <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3>
    <B>Begin Patch Set 
<BR>  ...
End  </B> 

Now, at the top of your song file or in a <SMALL>MMARC</SMALL> file insert the


      <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3>
    <B>include casio-wk300<A NAME="tex2html89"
  HREF="#foot12028"><SUP><SPAN CLASS="arabic">22</SPAN>.<SPAN CLASS="arabic">3</SPAN></SUP></A></B> 

A file like this can be created by hand or you can convert existing an
existing file to a format  understands. A number of &#8220;patch&#8221;
files exist for the popular &#8220;Band in a Box&#8221; program from
PGMusic. There files may be subject to copyright, so use them with
respect. No patch files are included in this distribution, but many
are freely available on the internet. For a start you might want to
look at <TT><A NAME="tex2html90"
  HREF="http://www.pgmusic.com/support_miscellaneous.htm">http://www.pgmusic.com/support_miscellaneous.htm</A></TT>. These
files cannot be read my 
<FONT Face="Serif"  Color="Navy"><I>MMA</I></FONT> , so we have included a
little conversion utility <TT><SPAN  CLASS="textbf">util/pg2mma.py</SPAN></TT>. There is a short
file with instructions <TT><SPAN  CLASS="textbf">util/README.pg2mma</SPAN></TT>. 

The S<SMALL>ET</SMALL> option will issue warning messages if you redefine
existing instrument names or addresses. We suggest that you edit any
configuration files so that they have unique names and that you do not
rename any of the standard GM names.


<H2><A NAME="SECTION002222000000000000000">
Patch Rename</A>

The naming of patches is actually quite arbitrary. You'll find that
different manufacturers use different names to refer to the same
voices. Most of the time this isn't a major concern, but you have the
freedom in 
<FONT Face="Serif"  Color="Navy"><I>MMA</I></FONT>  to change any patch name you want. For example, 
<FONT Face="Serif"  Color="Navy"><I>MMA</I></FONT>  calls the first voice in the GM set &#8220;Piano1&#8221;. Maybe you want to use
the name &#8220;AcousticGrand&#8221;. Easy:


      <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3>
    <B>Patch Rename Piano1=AcousticGrand  </B> 

Each R<SMALL>ENAME</SMALL> option has a left and right part joined by an &#8220;=&#8221;
sign. The left part is the current name; the right is the new
name. Please note that after this command the name &#8220;Piano1&#8221; will not
be available.

You can have any number of items in a list; however, they must be the
last items on the P<SMALL>ATCH</SMALL> line.


<H2><A NAME="SECTION002223000000000000000">
Patch List</A>

After making changes to 
<FONT Face="Serif"  Color="Navy"><I>MMA</I></FONT> 's internal tables you might want to
check to make sure that what you meant is what you got. For this
reason there are three different versions of the L<SMALL>IST</SMALL>

<DD>Lists the current values of the GM voices,
<DD>Lists the extended voices,
<DD>Lists both the GM and extended voices.

For example, the command:


      <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3>
    <B>Patch List=EXT  </B> 

will produce a listing something like:


      <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3>
<BR> ...</B> 


<H2><A NAME="SECTION002224000000000000000">
Ensuring It All Works</A>

If you are going to use any of the extended patches in your MIDI files
you may need to do some additional work.

Your hardware may need to be in a &#8220;special&#8221; mode for any of the
extended patches to take effect. What we suggest is that you use the
MIDI command <A HREF="node21.html#sec-midi">(details here)</A> to do some initialization. For an example please
look at the file <TT><SPAN  CLASS="textbf">includes/init.mma</SPAN></TT> which we include in our
personal files. This file sets the volume, pan and controller values
to known settings. It's easy to modify this file to match your
hardware setup.

To use a file like <TT><SPAN  CLASS="textbf">includes/init.mma</SPAN></TT> just include a line like:


      <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3>
    <B>include init  </B> 

in your mmarc file. See the Path section of this manual for details
<A HREF="node27.html#sec-paths">(here)</A>.

To help keep things sane, 
<FONT Face="Serif"  Color="Navy"><I>MMA</I></FONT>  checks each track as it is closed. If
an extended voice has been used in that track it resets the effected
controllers to a zero state. In most cases this means that if you
finish playing the file your keyboard will be returned to a
&#8220;default&#8221; state.

However, you might wish to generate some explicit MIDI sequences at the
end of a generated file. Just write another file like the
<TT><SPAN  CLASS="textbf">init.mma</SPAN></TT> file we discussed above. You can insert this file by
placing a line like:


      <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3>
    <B>include endinit  </B> 

at the end of your song file. Or, use the MMAE<SMALL>ND</SMALL> command
detailed <A HREF="node27.html#sec-mmaend">here</A>.

You can get about as complicated as you want with all this. One scheme
you might consider is to use macros to wrap your extended patch
code. For example:


      <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3>
    <B>if def Casio 
include casio-wk3000 
include init.file.for.casio.mma 
Groove somegroove 
if def Casio 
Chord Voice ROtaryGuitar 
1  Cm 
2  Dm 
<BR>   ...more chords 
if def Casio 
include restore-file-for-casio.mma 
endif   </B> 

Now, when you compile the file define the macro on the command line:


      <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3>
    <B>$ mma -SCASIO filename   </B> 

This defines the macro so that your wrappers work. To compile for the
GM voicing, just skip the &#8220;-SCASIO&#8221;.

An alternate method is to use the V<SMALL>OICE</SMALL>TR command
<A HREF="node23.html#set-voicetr">(details here)</A>. Using a similar example we'd create a song
file like:


      <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3>
    <B>if def Casio 
include casio-wk3000 
include init.file.for.casio.mma 
VoiceTR Piano1=RotaryGuitar ChoralAhhs=VoxHumana 
Groove somegroove 
1  Cm 
2  Dm 
<BR>   ...more chords 
if def Casio 
include restore-file-for-casio.mma 
endif   </B> 

Notice how, in this example, we don't need to wrap each and every
V<SMALL>OICE</SMALL> line. We just create a translation table with the
alternate voices we want to use. Now, when the G<SMALL>ROOVE</SMALL> is loaded
the various voices will be changed.

<DT><A NAME="foot11898">... MIDI&#8221;</A><A
 HREF="node22.html#tex2html87"><SUP><SPAN CLASS="arabic">22</SPAN>.<SPAN CLASS="arabic">1</SPAN></SUP></A></DT>
  General MIDI or GM standard was developed by the MIDI Manufactures

<DT><A NAME="foot11899">... &#8220;patches&#8221;.</A><A
 HREF="node22.html#tex2html88"><SUP><SPAN CLASS="arabic">22</SPAN>.<SPAN CLASS="arabic">2</SPAN></SUP></A></DT>
<DD>&#8220;Patch&#8221; a bit of a historical term dating
  back to the times when synthesizers cost a lot of money and used
  bits of wire and cable to &#8220;patch&#8221; different oscillators, filters,
  etc. together.

<DT><A NAME="foot12028">... casio-wk300</A><A
 HREF="node22.html#tex2html89"><SUP><SPAN CLASS="arabic">22</SPAN>.<SPAN CLASS="arabic">3</SPAN></SUP></A></DT>
<DD>Refer to I<SMALL>NCLUDE</SMALL> <A HREF="node27.html#sec-include">(here)</A> for details on file placement.

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