<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <!--Converted with LaTeX2HTML 2008 (1.71) original version by: Nikos Drakos, CBLU, University of Leeds * revised and updated by: Marcus Hennecke, Ross Moore, Herb Swan * with significant contributions from: Jens Lippmann, Marek Rouchal, Martin Wilck and others --> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Fine Tuning (Translations)</TITLE> <META NAME="description" CONTENT="Fine Tuning (Translations)"> <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="mma"> <META NAME="resource-type" CONTENT="document"> <META NAME="distribution" CONTENT="global"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="LaTeX2HTML v2008"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Style-Type" CONTENT="text/css"> <LINK REL="STYLESHEET" HREF="mma.css"> <LINK REL="next" HREF="node24.html"> <LINK REL="previous" HREF="node22.html"> <LINK REL="up" HREF="mma.html"> <LINK REL="next" HREF="node24.html"> </HEAD> <BODY bgcolor="#ffffff"> <DIV CLASS="navigation"><!--Navigation Panel--> <A NAME="tex2html780" HREF="node24.html"> <IMG WIDTH="37" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" ALT="next" SRC="next.png"></A> <A NAME="tex2html778" HREF="mma.html"> <IMG WIDTH="26" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" ALT="up" SRC="up.png"></A> <A NAME="tex2html772" HREF="node22.html"> <IMG WIDTH="63" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" ALT="previous" SRC="prev.png"></A> <BR> <B> Next:</B> <A NAME="tex2html781" HREF="node24.html">Other Commands and Directives</A> <B> Up:</B> <A NAME="tex2html779" HREF="mma.html">Reference Manual</A> <B> Previous:</B> <A NAME="tex2html773" HREF="node22.html">Patch Management</A> <BR> <BR></DIV> <!--End of Navigation Panel--> <!--Table of Child-Links--> <A NAME="CHILD_LINKS"><STRONG>Subsections</STRONG></A> <UL CLASS="ChildLinks"> <LI><A NAME="tex2html782" HREF="node23.html#SECTION002310000000000000000">VoiceTr</A> <LI><A NAME="tex2html783" HREF="node23.html#SECTION002320000000000000000">DrumTr</A> <LI><A NAME="tex2html784" HREF="node23.html#SECTION002330000000000000000">VoiceVolTr</A> <LI><A NAME="tex2html785" HREF="node23.html#SECTION002340000000000000000">DrumVolTr</A> </UL> <!--End of Table of Child-Links--> <HR> <H1><A NAME="SECTION002300000000000000000"></A> <A NAME="finetuning"></A> <BR> Fine Tuning (Translations) </H1> <P> A program such as <FONT Face="Serif" Color="Navy"><I>MMA</I></FONT> which is intended to be run of various computers and synthesizers (both hardware keyboards and software versions) suffers from a minor deficiency of the MIDI standards: mainly that the standard says nothing about what a certain instrument should sound like, or the relative volumes between instruments. The GM extension helps a bit, but only a bit, by saying that certain instruments should be assigned certain program change values. This means that all GM synths will play a "Piano" if instrument 000 is selected. <P> But, if one plays a GM file on a Casio keyboard, then on PC soft-synth, and then on a Yahama keyboard you will get three quite different sounds. The files supplied in this distribution have been created to sound good on the author's setup: A Casio WK-3000 keyboard. <P> But, what if your hardware is different? Well, there are solutions! Later in this chapter commands are shown which will change the preselected voice and tone commands and the default volumes. At this time there are no example files supplied with <FONT Face="Serif" Color="Navy"><I>MMA</I></FONT> , but your contributions are welcome. <P> The general suggestion is that: <P> <OL> <LI>You create a file with the various translations you need. For example, the file might be called <TT><SPAN CLASS="textbf">yamaha.mma</SPAN></TT> and contain lines like: <P> <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3> <tr><td> <B>VoiceTR Piano1=Piano2 <BR> ToneTr SnareDrum2=SnareDrum1 <BR> VoiceVolTr Piano2=120 BottleBlow=80 <BR> DrumVolTr RideBell=90 Tambourine=120 </B> </td></tr> </Table> <P> Place this file in the directory <TT><SPAN CLASS="textbf">/usr/local/share/mma/includes</SPAN></TT>. <P> </LI> <LI>Include this file in your <TT><SPAN CLASS="textbf">˜/.mmarc</SPAN></TT> file. Following the above example, you would have a line: <P> <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3> <tr><td> <B>Include yamaha </B> </td></tr> </Table> <P> </LI> </OL> <P> That's it! Now, whenever you compile a <FONT Face="Serif" Color="Navy"><I>MMA</I></FONT> file the translations will be done. <P> All of the following translation settings follow a similar logic as to “when” they take effect, and that is at the time the V<SMALL>OICE</SMALL>, V<SMALL>OLUME</SMALL>, etc. command is issued. This may confuse the unwary if G<SMALL>ROOVES</SMALL> are being used. But, the following sequence: <P> <TABLE WIDTH="60%"> <TR><TD> <OL> <LI>You set a voice with the V<SMALL>OICE</SMALL> command, </LI> <LI>You save that voice into a G<SMALL>ROOVE</SMALL> with D<SMALL>EF</SMALL>G<SMALL>ROOVE</SMALL>, </LI> <LI>You create a voice translation with V<SMALL>OICE</SMALL>TR, </LI> <LI>You activate the previously defined G<SMALL>ROOVE</SMALL>. </LI> </OL></TD></TR> </TABLE> <TABLE WIDTH="30%"> <TR><TD><BIG CLASS="XHUGE">Wrong!</BIG></TD></TR> </TABLE> <P> <SPAN CLASS="textit">does not have the desired effect</SPAN>. In the above sequence the V<SMALL>OICE</SMALL>TR will have <SPAN CLASS="textit">no</SPAN> effect. For the desired translations to work the V<SMALL>OICE</SMALL> (or whatever) command must come <SPAN CLASS="textit">after</SPAN> the translation command. <P> <H1><A NAME="SECTION002310000000000000000"></A> <A NAME="set-voicetr"></A> <BR> VoiceTr </H1> <P> In previous section you saw how to set a voice for a track by using its standard MIDI name. The V<SMALL>OICE</SMALL>T<SMALL>R</SMALL> command sets up a translation table that can be used in two different situations: <P> <UL> <LI>It permits creation of your own names for voices (perhaps for a foreign language), <P> </LI> <LI>It lets you override or change voices used in standard library files. <P> </LI> </UL> <P> V<SMALL>OICE</SMALL>T<SMALL>R</SMALL> works by setting up a simple translation table of “name” and “alias” pairs. Whenever <FONT Face="Serif" Color="Navy"><I>MMA</I></FONT> encounters a voice name in a track command it first attempts to translate this name though the alias table. <P> To set a translation (or series of translations): <P> <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3> <tr><td> <B>VoiceTr Piano1=Clavinet Hmmm=18 </B> </td></tr> </Table> <P> Note that you additional V<SMALL>OICE</SMALL>T<SMALL>R</SMALL> commands will add entries to the existing table. To clear the table use the command with no arguments: <P> <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3> <tr><td> <B>VoiceTr // Empty table </B> </td></tr> </Table> <P> Assuming the first command, the following will occur: <P> <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3> <tr><td> <B>Chord-Main Voice Hmmm </B> </td></tr> </Table> <P> The V<SMALL>OICE</SMALL> for the <SPAN CLASS="textit">Chord-Main</SPAN> track will be set to “18” or “Organ3”. <P> <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3> <tr><td> <B>Chord-2 Voice Piano1 </B> </td></tr> </Table> <P> The V<SMALL>OICE</SMALL> for the <SPAN CLASS="textit">Chord-2</SPAN> track will be set to “Clavinet”. <P> If your synth does not follow standard GM-MIDI voice naming conventions you can create a translation table which can be included in all your <FONT Face="Serif" Color="Navy"><I>MMA</I></FONT> song files via an RC file. But, do note that the resulting files will not play properly on a synth conforming to the GM-MIDI specification. <P> Following is an abbreviated and untested example for using an obsolete and unnamed synth: <P> <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3> <tr><td> <B>VoiceTr Piano1=3 \ <BR> Piano2=4 \ <BR> Piano3=5 \ <BR> ... \ <BR> Strings=55 \ <BR> ...</B> </td></tr> </Table> <P> Notes: the translation is only done one time and no verification is done when the table is created. The table contains one-to-one substitutions, much like macros. <P> For translating drum tone values, see <A HREF="#set-drumtr">D<SMALL>RUM</SMALL>TR</A>. <P> <H1><A NAME="SECTION002320000000000000000"></A> <A NAME="set-drumtr"></A> <BR> DrumTr </H1> <P> It is possible to create a translation table which will substitute one Drum Tone for another. This can be useful in a variety of situations, but consider: <P> <UL> <LI>Your synth lacks certain drum tones--in this case you may want to set certain D<SMALL>RUM</SMALL>TR commands in a <SMALL>MMA</SMALL>RC file. <P> </LI> <LI>You are using an existing G<SMALL>ROOVE</SMALL> in a song, but don't like one or more of the Drum Tones selected. Rather than editing the library file you can set a translation right in the song. Note, do this <SPAN CLASS="textit">before any</SPAN> G<SMALL>ROOVE</SMALL> commands. </LI> </UL> <P> To set a translation (or set of translations) just use a list of drumtone values or symbolic names with each pair separated by white space. For example: <P> <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3> <tr><td> <B>ToneTR SnareDrum2=SnareDrum1 HandClap=44 </B> </td></tr> </Table> <P> will use a “SnareDrum1” instead of a “SnareDrum2” and the value “44” (actually a “PedalHiHat”) instead of a “HandClap”. <P> You can turn off all drum tone translations with an empty line: <P> <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3> <tr><td> <B>ToneTR </B> </td></tr> </Table> <P> The syntax and usage of D<SMALL>RUM</SMALL>TR is quite similar to <A HREF="#set-voicetr">V<SMALL>OICE</SMALL>TR</A>. <P> <H1><A NAME="SECTION002330000000000000000"></A> <A NAME="set-voicevoltr"></A> <BR> VoiceVolTr </H1> <P> If you find that a particular voice, i.e., Piano2, is too loud or soft you can create an entry in the “Voice Volume Translation Table”. The concept is quite simple: <FONT Face="Serif" Color="Navy"><I>MMA</I></FONT> checks the table whenever a track-specific V<SMALL>OLUME</SMALL> command is processed. The table is created in a similar manner to the V<SMALL>OICE</SMALL>T<SMALL>R</SMALL> command: <P> <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3> <tr><td> <B>VoiceVolTr Piano2=120 105=75 </B> </td></tr> </Table> <P> Each voice pair must contain a valid MIDI voice (or numeric value), an “=” and a volume adjustment factor. The factor is a percentage value which is applied to the normal volume. In the above example two adjustments are created: <P> <OL> <LI>Piano2 will be played at 120% of the normal value, <P> </LI> <LI>Banjo (voice 105) will be played at 75% of the normal value. </LI> </OL> <P> The adjustments are made when a track V<SMALL>OLUME</SMALL> command is encountered. For example, if the above translation has be set and <FONT Face="Serif" Color="Navy"><I>MMA</I></FONT> encounters the following commands: <P> <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3> <tr><td> <B>Begin Chord <BR> Voice Piano2 <BR> Volume mp <BR> Sequence 1 4 90 <BR> End </B> </td></tr> </Table> <P> the following adjustments are made: <P> <OL> <LI>A look up is done in the global volume table. The volume “mf” is determined to be 85% for the set MIDI velocity, <P> </LI> <LI>the adjustment of 120% is applied to the 85%, changing that to 102%. <P> </LI> <LI>Assuming that no other volume adjustments are being made (probably there will be a global volume and, perhaps, a R<SMALL>VOLUME</SMALL>) the MIDI velocity in the sequence will be changed from 90 to 91. Without the translation the 90 would have been changed to 76. <P> </LI> </OL> <P> This is best illustrated by a short example. Assume the following in an input file: <P> <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3> <tr><td> <B>Solo Voice TenorSax <BR> Solo Volume f <BR> Print Solo Volume set to $_Solo_Volume <BR> VoiceVolTr TenorSax=90 <BR> Solo Volume f <BR> Print Solo Volume set to $_Solo_Volume </B> </td></tr> </Table> <P> which will print out: <P> <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3> <tr><td> <B>Solo Volume set to 130 <BR> Solo Volume set to 117 </B> </td></tr> </Table> <P> The second line reflects that 90% of 130 is 117. <P> To disable all volume translations: <P> <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3> <tr><td> <B>VoiceVolTr // Empty table </B> </td></tr> </Table> <P> <H1><A NAME="SECTION002340000000000000000"></A> <A NAME="set-drumvoltr"></A> <BR> DrumVolTr </H1> <P> You can change the volumes of individual drum tones with the D<SMALL>RUM</SMALL>V<SMALL>OL</SMALL>T<SMALL>R</SMALL> translation. This command works just like the V<SMALL>OICE</SMALL>V<SMALL>OL</SMALL>T<SMALL>R</SMALL> command described above. It just uses drum tones instead of instrument voices. <P> For example, if you wish to make the drum tones “SnareDrum1” and “HandClap” a bit louder: <P> <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3> <tr><td> <B>DrumVolTr SnareDrum1=120 HandClap=110 </B> </td></tr> </Table> <P> The drum tone names can be symbolic constants, or MIDI values as in the next example: <P> <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3> <tr><td> <B>DrumVolTr 44=90 31=55 </B> </td></tr> </Table> <P> All drum tone translations can be disabled with: <P> <Table Hspace="40%" CellSpacing=0 CellPadding=10 BGColor="OldLace" Border=3> <tr><td> <B>DrumVolTr // Empty table </B> </td></tr> </Table> <P> <DIV CLASS="navigation"><HR> <!--Navigation Panel--> <A NAME="tex2html780" HREF="node24.html"> <IMG WIDTH="37" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" ALT="next" SRC="next.png"></A> <A NAME="tex2html778" HREF="mma.html"> <IMG WIDTH="26" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" ALT="up" SRC="up.png"></A> <A NAME="tex2html772" HREF="node22.html"> <IMG WIDTH="63" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" ALT="previous" SRC="prev.png"></A> <BR> <B> Next:</B> <A NAME="tex2html781" HREF="node24.html">Other Commands and Directives</A> <B> Up:</B> <A NAME="tex2html779" HREF="mma.html">Reference Manual</A> <B> Previous:</B> <A NAME="tex2html773" HREF="node22.html">Patch Management</A></DIV> <!--End of Navigation Panel--> <ADDRESS> bob 2010-11-07 </ADDRESS> </BODY> </HTML>