// folk

Begin Doc

 Generally folk music doesn't have complicated rhythms. 
 You can use other libaries like "EasySwing", but if 
 you are into finger picking guitar, give this a try. 


Author Bob van der Poel

Time 4
Timesig 4 4
Include stdpats


SeqSize 8

Begin Drum-Tamb
	Sequence D13
	RVolume 20
	Rskip 60
	Tone Tambourine
	Rtime 3

Begin Bass
	Sequence B13
	Voice AcousticBass
	Octave 3
	Volume mp
	Articulate 80

Begin Chord
	Sequence {L1 * 4}  / / / / / / L1
	Invert   0  1  0 1 0 1 0 -1
	Strum 10
	Rtime 2
	Rvolume 9
	Articulate 90
	Octave 5
	Volume mp
	Voice NylonGuitar

DefGroove Folk  A very simple pattern to set against old songs. Uses a \
                random Tambourine to liven things up a bit. Wear something \
                tie-dyed when you use this.

/// Walking bass

Groove Folk

Bass Sequence -

Begin Walk
	Voice $_Bass_Voice
	Octave $_Bass_Octave
	Articulate 70
	Volume mp
	Sequence W13 / / / / /  / W1234
DefGroove FolkWalk   Plain folk rhythm with walking bass.

//////// Add in the Doc Watson effect. I use this version for 
///////  Deep River Blues.

Begin Arpeggio
	Sequence	A8 / / / / / / A4
	Voice NylonGuitar
	Octave 5
	Articulate 70
	RTime 4
	RVolume 6
	Rskip 10	// This makes it sound much more human!

Bass Sequence B13 / /  z

Begin Walk
	Sequence z / / W1234
	Voice AcousticBass
	Octave 3
	Articulate 80
	Direction Down
	Volume mp

DefGroove FolkArticulated  Fingered picked guitar and a bit of bass.

/// Sustained versions

Groove Folk

Begin Chord-Sus
	Sequence { 1 2 90 0 90 0; 3 2-0 90 0 90 0}
	Octave     6
	DupRoot   -1
	Voice     Harmonica 
	Voicing   Mode=Optimal
	Articulate 100
	Unify      On
	Volume     ppp

DefGroove FolkSus  Some nice harmonica chords with the guitar.

Groove FolkArticulated
Chord-Sus Groove FolkSus
DefGroove FolkArticulatedSus  Articulated version with harmonica.

//// Introduction

SeqSize 4

Begin Drum-Tamb
	Sequence D13 / / D1
	RVolume 20
	Tone Tambourine

Begin Bass
	Sequence B13 / / {1 1 1 100}
	Voice AcousticBass
	Octave 3
	Volume mp
	Articulate 80

Begin Chord
	Sequence {L1 * 4}  / {L1 * 2} L1
	Strum 10
	Articulate 90
	Octave 5
	Volume mp
	Voice NylonGuitar

DefGroove FolkIntro   Pretty boring 4 bar intro.

///// Ending

Groove Folk
SeqSize 2

Begin Drum-Tamb
	Sequence D13 D1
	Rskip 0

Bass Sequence B11

Begin Chord
	Sequence C1234 C13
	Invert   0 

DefGroove FolkEnd  Easy, 2 bar ending. First bar has 4 strums, second \
                   bar has 2 strums.