// jazzguitar // Converted to use PLECTRUM instead of CHORD Jan/2010, bvdp Begin Doc For jazz ballads. This has ONLY a guitar (well, expect for the sustained versions). Mostly chords, but some bass and arpeggio is included. The song "Django" is a bit of a demo. <p> This Groove uses a Plectrum track optimized for songs in the key of C. If the guitar strums sound too high try a command like "AllGrooves Plectrum Capo -2" right after the first "Groove JazzGuitar*" command to lower the pitch. End Author Bob van der Poel NewSet SustainVoice TremoloStrings Begin DocVar SustainVoice Voice for the sustained versions (default=TremoloStrings). End SeqClear Time 4 Timesig 4 4 Include stdpats ////////// Additional defines //////////////////////// // Basic SeqSize 4 Begin Plectrum Voice JazzGuitar Volume m Octave 5 Sequence {1 5 90; 2 -5 5-6:0 1-4:80; 3 5 90; 4 -5 6:0 1-5:80} End Begin Bass Voice $_Plectrum_Voice Articulate 105 Octave 3 Volume mf Sequence B13 / / {1 2 1 90; 2 8 3 80; 3 2 5 90} End DefGroove JazzGuitar A very basic 4 to the bar accompaniment. ////////// Same, but with walking bass Groove JazzGuitar Bass Sequence - Begin Walk Voice $_Bass_Voice Articulate $_Bass_Articulate Octave $_Bass_Octave Volume $_Bass_Volume Sequence W1234 / / W13 Direction Down End DefGroove JazzGuitarWalk Changes the bass pattern to walking. /// Add in arpeggios every 4th bar Groove JazzGuitar Plectrum Volume +0 / / -30 /// cut volume for guitar on 4th bar Begin Arpeggio Voice $_Plectrum_Voice Articulate 140 Rskip 10 Octave 5 Volume mf Direction Down Range .9 Sequence z / / A8 End DefGroove JazzGuitar1 Our basic pattern with arpeggios every 4th bar. Groove JazzGuitarWalk Plectrum Groove JazzGuitar1 Arpeggio Groove JazzGuitar1 DefGroove JazzGuitar1Walk Walking bass with arpeggios every 4th bar. /// A bit of syncopation in the chords Groove JazzGuitar Begin Plectrum Sequence {1 5 80 * 4; 2.66 -5 1-5:80; 4.66 -5 1-5:80} End DefGroove JazzGuitar2 Basic pattern with more strum and syncopation. Groove JazzGuitar2 Bass Sequence - Walk Groove JazzGuitarWalk DefGroove JazzGuitar2Walk The strum pattern with walking bass ///////// Groove JazzGuitar2 Plectrum Volume +0 / / -30 Begin Arpeggio Groove JazzGuitar1 Octave 5 Sequence z / / {A4; A2 Shift 1.66} End DefGroove JazzGuitar3 Add arpeggios every 4 bars to the syncopated strumming. Groove JazzGuitar3 Bass Sequence - Walk Groove JazzGuitarWalk DefGroove JazzGuitar3Walk Aprpeggios and walking bass. //////////////////////////// //// Sustained versions Groove JazzGuitar Begin Chord-Sus Voice $SustainVoice Sequence {1 1 96 0 90 0 * 4} Voicing Mode=Optimal Octave 5 Articulate 100 Unify On Volume p End DefGroove JazzGuitarSus Sustained strings added to basic pattern. Groove JazzGuitar1 Chord-Sus Groove JazzGuitarSus DefGroove JazzGuitar1Sus Sustained strings added to JazzGuitar1. Groove JazzGuitar2 Chord-Sus Groove JazzGuitarSus DefGroove JazzGuitar2Sus Sustained strings added to JazzGuitar2. DefGroove JazzGuitar3 Chord-Sus Groove JazzGuitarSus DefGroove JazzGuitar3Sus Sustained strings added to JazzGuitar3 Groove JazzGuitarWalk Chord-Sus Groove JazzGuitarSus DefGroove JazzGuitarWalkSus Sustained strings added to JazzGuitarWalk. Groove JazzGuitar1Walk Chord-Sus Groove JazzGuitarSus DefGroove JazzGuitar1WalkSus Sustained strings added to JazzGuitarWalk1. Groove JazzGuitar2Walk Chord-Sus Groove JazzGuitarSus DefGroove JazzGuitar2WalkSus Sustained strings added to JazzGuitarWalk2. Groove JazzGuitar3Walk Chord-Sus Groove JazzGuitarSus DefGroove JazzGuitar3WalkSus Sustained strings added to JazzGuitarWalk3. /////////////////////////////////// //// Fills Groove JazzGuitarWalk SeqSize 1 Plectrum Sequence { 1 1 80 * 6} Begin Walk Sequence {1 1 90 * 6} Direction Up Octave -1 Accent 1 30 3 20 Articulate $( int( $_Walk_Articulate[0] * .8 )) End DefGroove JazzGuitarFill Changes the guitar strum and walk to 2 \ sets of quarter note triplets. Groove JazzGuitar Seqsize 1 Plectrum Sequence { 1 3 80; 1.33 3 77; 1.66 3 75; 2 3 80; 2.33 3 77; 2.66 3 70; 3 2 70} DefGroove JazzGuitarFill1 Guitar stums eight note tripets on 1 and 2. ////////////////////////////// ////// Intro Groove JazzGuitar Begin Plectrum Sequence z z z {1 15 1-5:90} Volume mp End Begin Arpeggio Voice $_Plectrum_Voice Volume m Octave 5 Direction Up Range 1.9 Articulate 120 Harmony Open Sequence A8 / / z End Bass Sequence B13 / / {1 1 1 90} DefGroove JazzGuitarIntro A 4 bar, arpeggiating introduction. /// a 2nd intro. We use the basic pattern, but add a little bass run /// in the 4th bar. Groove JazzGuitar Plectrum Sequence * * * {1 5 90; 2 -5 1-5:90} Bass Sequence * * * {1 4 1+ 90;2 8 5 90; 2.5 4. 3 90; 3 4 1 90; 4 4 1 90 } DefGroove JazzGuitar1Intro A 4 bar intro with a bass run on bar 4. /////////////// //// Endings Groove JazzGuitar SeqSize 2 Begin Plectrum Sequence {1 0 90; 1.5 0 1-5:80; 2 0 85; 2.5 0 1-5:80; 4 0 80; 4 0 70} \ {1 30 80 70 60 50 50 40; 3 30 60 50 40 35 32 30} End Begin Bass Sequence B13 B1 End DefGroove JazzGuitarEnd Soft, 2 bar ending. Groove JazzGuitar SeqSize 1 Begin Plectrum Sequence {1 2 90; 1.5 2 1-5:80; 2 2 75; 2.5 2 1-5:70; 3 2 60} End Begin Bass Sequence {1 2. 1 90} End DefGroove JazzGuitarEnd1 Soft, 1 bar ending.