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# lyric.py
This module is an integeral part of the program
MMA - Musical Midi Accompaniment.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Bob van der Poel <bob@mellowood.ca>
import gbl
from MMA.common import *
import MMA.paths
class Lyric:
textev = None # set if TEXT EVENTS (not recommended)
barsplit = None # set if lyrics NOT split into sep. events for bar
versenum = 1 # current verse number of lyric
dupchords = 0 # set if we want chords as lyric events
transpose = 0 # tranpose chord names (for dupchords only)
karmode = 0 # in kar mode use textevents, split at hyphens
pushedLyrics = []
transNames = ( ('C', 'Db', 'D', 'Eb', 'E', 'F', 'Gb', 'G', 'Ab', 'A', 'Bb', 'B'),
('C', 'C#', 'D', 'D#', 'E', 'F', 'F#', 'G', 'G#', 'A', 'A#', 'B'))
transKey = 0 # 0==flat, 1=sharp
'B#': 0, 'C' : 0, 'C#': 1, 'Db': 1,
'D' : 2, 'D#': 3, 'Eb': 3, 'E' : 4,
'Fb': 4, 'E#': 5, 'F' : 5, 'F#': 6,
'Gb': 6, 'G' : 7, 'G#': 8, 'Ab': 8,
'A' : 9, 'A#': 10,'Bb': 10,'B' : 11,
'Cb':11 }
def __init__(self):
def setting(self):
""" Called from macro. """
if self.textev: a+="Text"
else: a+="Lyric"
a+=" Split="
if self.barsplit: a+="Bar"
else: a+="Normal"
a += " Verse=%s" % self.versenum
a += " Chords="
if self.dupchords: a+="On"
else: a+="Off"
a += " Transpose=%s" % self.transpose
a += " CNames="
if self.transKey: a+="Sharp"
else: a+="Flat"
a += " KAR="
if self.karmode: a+="On"
else: a+="Off"
return a
def option(self, ln):
""" Set a lyric option. """
ln, opts = opt2pair(ln)
for o, v in opts:
o = o.upper()
v = v.upper()
if o == 'EVENT':
if v == 'TEXT':
self.textev = 1
warning ("Lyric: Placing lyrics as TEXT EVENTS is not recommended")
elif v == 'LYRIC':
self.textev = None
if gbl.debug:
print "Lyric: lyrics set as LYRIC events."
error("Lyric: Valid options for EVENT are TEXT or LYRIC.")
elif o == 'SPLIT':
if v == 'BAR':
self.barsplit = 1
if gbl.debug:
print "Lyric: lyrics distributed thoughout bar."
elif v == 'NORMAL':
self.barsplit = None
if gbl.debug:
print "Lyric: lyrics appear as one per bar."
error("Lyric: Valid options for SPLIT are BAR or NORMAL.")
elif o == 'VERSE':
if v.isdigit():
self.versenum = int(v)
elif v == 'INC':
self.versenum += 1
elif v == 'DEC':
self.versenum -= 1
error("Lyric: Valid options for VERSE are <nn>, INC or DEC")
if self.versenum < 1:
error("Lyric: Attempt to set Verse to %s. Values must be > 0" % self.versenum)
if gbl.debug:
print "Lyric: Verse number set to %s" % self.versenum
elif o == 'CHORDS':
if v in ('1', 'ON'):
self.dupchords = 1
if gbl.debug:
print "Lyric: Chords are duplicated as lyrics."
elif v in ('0', 'OFF'):
self.dupchords = 0
if gbl.debug:
print "Lyric: Chords are NOT duplicated as lyrics."
error ("Lyric: CHORDS expecting 'ON' or 'OFF', not %s'" % v)
elif o == 'TRANSPOSE':
v = stoi(v, "Lyric: Tranpose expecting value, not %s" % v)
if v < -12 or v > 12:
error("Lyric: Tranpose %s out-of-range; must be -12..12" % v)
self.transpose = v
if gbl.debug:
print "Lyric: Chord names transposed %s steps." % v
elif o == 'CNAMES':
if v in ('#', 'SHARP'):
self.transKey = 1
elif v in ('B', '&', 'FLAT'):
self.transKey = 0
error("Lyric CNames expecting 'Sharp' or 'Flat', not '%s'" % v )
if gbl.debug:
print "Lyric: Chord names favor"
if self.transKey:
print "#."
print "b."
elif o == 'KARMODE':
if v in ('ON', '1'):
self.karmode = 1
if not hasattr(self, 'setkar'):
self.setkar = 1
# this converts the "created" text to kar format
mt = meta.miditrk
if 0 in mt: # don't bother if no events at 0
for t,ev in enumerate(mt[0]):
if ord(ev[1]) == 1:
if ev.startswith("Created by MMA"):
txt = "@I " + ev
del mt[0][t]
if txt:
meta.addText(0, txt)
# other kar fields
meta.addText(0, "@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE")
meta.addText(0, "@V0100")
# change extension to .kar
elif v in ('OFF', '0'):
self.karmode = 0
error("Lyric Kar expecting On, 1, Off or 0, not '%s'." % v)
if gbl.debug:
print "Lyric: Karmode",
if self.karmode: print "enabled."
else: print "disabled."
error("Usage: Lyric expecting EVENT, SPLIT, VERSE, CHORDS, TRANSPOSE,"
"CNAMES, KAR or SET, not '%s'" % o )
# All the opt=value options have been taken care of. ln can now only
# contain "Set ..." Anything else is an error.
if not ln:
if ln[0].upper() != "SET":
error("Lyric: Unknown option '%'." % ln[0])
s=' '.join(ln[1:]).strip()
if not s.startswith('['):
s = '[' + s + ']'
def leftovers(self):
""" Just report leftovers on stack."""
if self.pushedLyrics:
warning("Lyrics remaining on stack")
def extract(self, ln, rpt):
""" Extract lyric info from a chord line and place in META track.
Returns line and lyric as 2 strings.
The lyric is returned for debugging purposes, but it has been
processed and inserted into the MIDI track.
if a != b:
error("Mismatched []s for lyrics found in chord line")
if self.pushedLyrics:
if a or b:
error("Lyrics not permitted inline and as LYRIC SET")
ln = ln + self.pushedLyrics.pop(0)
a=b=1 # flag that we have lyrics, count really doesn't matter
if rpt > 1:
if self.dupchords:
error("Chord to lyrics not supported with bar repeat")
elif a or b:
error("Bars with both repeat count and lyrics are not permitted")
ln, lyrics = pextract(ln, '[', ']')
""" If the CHORDS=ON option is set, make a copy of the chords and
insert as lyric. This permits illegal chord lines, but they will
be caught by the parser.
if self.dupchords:
ly = []
for v in ln.split(): # do each chord symbol or '/' mark
if v != '/':
v = v.replace('&', 'b') # remember, "&" is optional
if v == 'z' or v == 'z!': # convert plain z to "NC"
v = 'N.C.'
if 'z' in v: # strip out the 'zCDA..' after the chord
v = v.split('z')[0]
v = v.lstrip("+-") # strip off leading "+" and "-"
if self.transpose: # transpose will be set to 0, 1, -1, etc.
t=None # Needed in case line is not a chord ('/', "NC")!
try: # try for 2 char chord name (F#, Gb, etc)
t=self.chordnames[cn] + self.transpose
try: # try 1 char chord name (C, D, etc)
t=self.chordnames[cn] + self.transpose
pass # not a chord pitch
if t != None: # use None, 0 is okay
while t>=12: t-=12
while t<=-12: t+=12
v = self.transNames[self.transKey][t] + v[len(cn):]
i=gbl.QperBar - len(ly)
if i>0:
ly.extend( ['/'] * i )
lyrics.insert(0, ' '.join(ly) + '\\r')
if len(lyrics) == 1:
if v > len(lyrics):
lyrics = ''
if not len(lyrics):
return (ln, [])
lyrics=lyrics.replace('\\r', ' \\r ')
lyrics=lyrics.replace('\\n', ' \\n ')
lyrics=lyrics.replace(' ', ' ')
if self.karmode:
lyrics = lyrics.replace('\-', chr(1))
lyrics = lyrics.replace('-', chr(0)+' ')
if self.barsplit:
lyrics = [lyrics]
lyrics = lyrics.split()
beat = 0
bstep = gbl.QperBar / float(len(lyrics))
for t, a in enumerate(lyrics):
a,b = pextract(a, '<', '>', 1)
if b and b[0]:
beat = stof(b[0], "Expecting value in <%s> in lyric" % b)
if beat < 1 or beat > gbl.QperBar+1:
error("Offset in lyric <> must be 1 to %s" % gbl.QperBar)
beat -= 1
bstep = (gbl.QperBar-beat)/float((len(lyrics)-t))
a = a.replace('\\r', '\r')
a = a.replace('\\n', '\n')
if a and a != ' ':
if a and self.karmode and (chr(0) in a or chr(1) in a):
a=a.replace(chr(0), '')
a=a.replace(chr(1), '-')
elif not a.endswith('-') and not a.endswith('\n') and not a.endswith('\r'):
a += ' '
p=getOffset(beat * gbl.BperQ)
if self.textev or self.karmode:
gbl.mtrks[0].addText(p, a)
gbl.mtrks[0].addLyric(p, a)
beat += bstep
return (ln, lyrics)
# Create a single instance of the Lyric Class.
lyric = Lyric()