Matthias Neeracher f54adbeec5 Update to MMA 1.7
2011-07-26 22:49:39 +00:00

288 lines
5.1 KiB

// modernjazz
Begin Doc
A jazz style which has a bit of raunch and swing.
Works well with Peggy Lee's "Fever".
Author Bob van der Poel
NewSet ArpeggioVoice MutedTrumpet
Begin DocVar
ArpeggioVoice Voice for the alternating arpeggios in ModernJazz1 \
and ModernJazz2 (plus the SUS versions of 1 and 2).
(Default=MutedTrumpet). Also used in Introduction and Ending.
Time 4
Timesig 4 4
Include stdpats
///////// Additional Patterns
Begin Chord Define
Sync23 C2; C3 Shift .75
Sync34 C3; C4 Shift .75
Sync33 C3; C3 Shift .75
Begin Walk Define
W1234+ 1 8 90 ; 1.75 32 90 ; 2 4 90 ; 3 4 90 ; 4 4 90
SeqSize 4
Begin Drum-Kick
Tone KickDrum1
Sequence D1 z D1 {D2 Shift .75; D4 }
Volume mf / / mp
RVolume 10
RTime 5
Begin Drum-Side
Tone SnareDrum1
Volume mp
Rvolume 10
Rtime 5
Sequence z {D34 Shift .75 } z {D13 Shift .75; D3 }
Begin Drum-PHH
Tone PedalHiHat
Sequence D24
Volume mp
Rvolume 10
Rtime 5
Begin Drum-OHH
Tone OpenHiHat
Sequence D1 z z z
Volume mp
Rvolume 10
Rtime 5
Begin Drum-Ride
Tone RideCymbal1
Sequence {D1234; D24 Shift .75}
Volume mp
Rvolume 10
Rtime 5
Begin Walk
Voice AcousticBass
Volume mf
Articulate 70
Accent 1 20 3 10
Octave 3
Sequence W1234 W1234+ / W1234
Begin Chord-Guitar
Voice JazzGuitar
Volume mp
Voicing Mode=Optimal
Articulate 40
Octave 5
Rtime 5
Rvolume 5
Sequence C1 Sync23 C1 Sync33
Begin Chord-Piano
Voice Piano2
Volume mf
Voicing Mode=Optimal
Articulate 40
Octave 5
Rvolume 10
Rtime 5
Sequence C24 Sync34 C2 Sync33
DefGroove ModernJazz ModernJazz with just a piano and guitar.
Begin Arpeggio
Voice $ArpeggioVoice
Octave 5
Range 1
Volume mf
Rvolume 5
Rtime 3
Rskip 5
Articulate 80
Sequence {3 8 90; 3.75 8 90; 4.75 8 90 } z z z
Begin Bass-Trp
Voice $ArpeggioVoice
Octave 5
Volume mf
Rvolume 5
Rtime 3
Rskip 5
Articulate 70
Sequence z z {3 8 3 100; 3.5 8 5 80; 3.75 32 3 80; \
4 8 5 100; 4.75 16 3 90 } z
DefGroove ModernJazz1 Adds a muted trumpet on alternate bars.
////////// Sustained versions
Groove ModernJazz
Begin Chord-sus
Voice VoiceOohs
Sequence { 1 1 90 0 50 0 * 4 } { 1 1 50 0 90 0 * 4 }
SeqRnd On
Voicing Mode=Optimal
Rvolume 10
Articulate 100
Unify On
Volume p
Octave 6
Chord-Piano Sequence z Sync34 z Sync33
DefGroove ModernJazzSus ModernJazz with added sustained violins.
Groove ModernJazz1
Chord-Sus Groove ModernJazzSus
DefGroove ModernJazz1Sus The full-meal-deal.
///////// slower trumpets for faster tempo
Groove ModernJazz1
Begin Arpeggio
Rskip 10
Sequence {3 4 90; 4.75 8 90 } z z z
Begin Bass-Trp
Rskip 20
Sequence z z {3 4 3 100; 4 8 3 100; 4.5 8 5 90 } z
DefGroove ModernJazz2 A slower version of alternate-bar trumpet for faster tempos.
Groove ModernJazz1Sus
Bass-Trp Groove ModernJazz2
DefGroove ModernJazz2Sus Slower alternate-bar trumpets with violins for faster tempos.
/// Fill
Groove ModernJazz
SeqSize 2
Drum-Kick Sequence D13
Drum-Side Sequence *
Drum-PHH Sequence D24 {1 0 120}
Drum-OHH Sequence D1 D1
Drum-Ride Sequence -
Walk Sequence W1234
Chord-Guitar Sequence C1 /
Chord-Piano Sequence C24
Begin Bass-Trp
Voice $ArpeggioVoice
Octave 5
Harmony OpenBelow
Volume mf
Rvolume 5
Rtime 3
Rskip 2
Articulate 80
Sequence {1 43 1 90; 1.6 43 1 90; 2 43 1 9; 3 4 3 100; 4 8 3 100; 4.5 8 5 90 } \
{1 4 1 80; 2 4 3 90; 3 4 5 100; 4 4 5 120}
DefGroove ModernJazzFill A 2 bar horn fill good for endings.
///////// Intro
Groove ModernJazz
Drum-Kick Sequence D1 z D1 D12
Drum-Side Sequence z {D34 Shift .75 } z D1
Drum-PHH Sequence D24 / / D2
Begin Drum-OHH
Sequence D1 z z D16
Volume mp ppp
Drum-Ride Sequence -
Walk Sequence W1234 / / {1 2 90}
Chord-Guitar Sequence C1 Sync23 C1 L1
Chord-Piano Sequence C24 Sync34 C2 C1
Begin Chord-Trp
Voice $ArpeggioVoice
Octave 5
Volume mf / / mp
Rvolume 5
Articulate 60
Sequence {C1 ; C3 Shift .5} / / C1
DefGroove ModernJazzIntro 4 bar introduction.
//////// Ending
Groove ModernJazz
SeqSize 2
Arpeggio Sequence -
Begin Bass-Trp
Voice $ArpeggioVoice
Octave 5
Volume mf
Articulate 70
Sequence {1 8 1 90 ; 1.5 8 1 90 ; 2 8 1 90 ; \
2.5 8 1 90 ; 3 8 5 90 ; 4 8 5 90 } B11
Chord-Guitar Sequence C1234 C13
Chord-Piano Sequence C24 C1
Drum-Kick Sequence D1
Drum-OHH Sequence {D34 Shift .75 } z
Drum-PHH Sequence D8 D13
Drum-Ride Sequence D8 D13
Drum-Side Sequence -
Walk Sequence W1234 W13
DefGroove ModernJazzEnd Nice, 2 bar, ending. First bar is full, \
second has hits on 1 and 3.